Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 70 The Orc that hits the pig

The half-beasts in the military camp were still playing and frolicking as their nature dictated, while 15 high-explosive grenades from the three-wheeled artillery had already flown out.

When the beast-headed man who first noticed something was wrong ran to the heavy weapons to prepare for a counterattack, 15 shells had evenly landed among the heavy firepower.

The sound of explosions continued, directly detonating the various ammunition piled next to the heavy firepower, which in turn triggered a chain explosion.

Yes, these beast-headed people dared to place the ammunition so close to the artillery, obviously they did not even have basic combat literacy.

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Gui Mei used these guys as the guards, which was really unlucky.

Ruger originally planned to use the rapid firepower of the mortar howitzer to knock out the opponent's heavy firepower, and then immediately rushed over with the female warrior.

But seeing that the combat literacy of these half-beasts was even lower than he thought, he naturally would not give up this advantage.

He turned back and refilled the artillery automatic loader with ammunition, and immediately fired several more rounds of artillery.

He used artillery to plow the military camp directly from the periphery.

The explosives loaded in the high-explosive shells of his 88mm mortar howitzer were no less than those of the 122mm howitzer.

Although mortars don't shoot far, they can hold a lot of explosives in the warhead.

The effect of the explosion is definitely no less than that of ordinary heavy artillery.

Because of this, in this battlefield where beyond-visual-range combat is not the main focus, Ruger finally chose this kind of artillery.

Ruger vented his firepower while taking advantage of it.

He was still wondering why the other commander made such a serious mistake.

Combatants in positions like the Guards cannot be kept at home.

They should be allowed to participate in front-line battles as much as possible to gain more combat experience.

Otherwise, no matter how good their capabilities are on paper, they are just a good-looking shell.

But think about the ghosts here. Not to mention the last 50 years, at least there have been no major battles in the last 20 years.

The problem of insufficient combat experience may not be that the other commander does not want to solve it, but it is just that a good cook cannot cook without rice.

Ruger's words are a bit unreasonable.

But he doesn't care about these.

He only knows that the points given by these guys are not few but not many.

On average, each one is about three or four points.

Combined with their really unsatisfactory strength, Ruger only feels that this dog-headed man can match the points of two fallen demons, which is simply a joke.

After happily plowing the camp with artillery in the outer circle, Ruger remembered that the female warrior was still waiting for the signal, and hurriedly shouted to her:

"Minerva, charge!"

As soon as the charge signal came out, the female warrior on the other side rushed out impatiently with two long swords.

She swung her weapon at the panicked beastmen and laughed:

"Hahaha! It's finally time for me to take action!"

"Get out of my way~~"

The female warrior had been holding back for a long time, and now she was like a tiger out of a cage, her desire to attack was simply too strong.

The guards over there were already dizzy from the bombardment of Ruger's artillery fire, and now seeing such a humanoid tank rushing out from nowhere, they were naturally even more panicked.

Although the weapons in their hands had the advantage of distance, they were not accurate at all.

Even if a few shots hit the female warrior sporadically with the advantage of numbers and firing, they were blocked by her thick armor plate.

Minerva found that the armor Ruger made for her was still useful against these weapons, and she was more eager to fight. She was like a god of war, rushing through the crowd of orcs as if she was in an empty space.



Although these orcs shouted in the language of the Lost, the emotional transmission was not hindered by the language barrier.

Seeing that their morale was low and they were defeated in one battle, the female warrior was not soft-hearted, but killed them more fiercely.

In her words, the battlefield does not believe in tears. Weakness can be understood, but cowardice is not worthy of sympathy.

Amid the various weird shouts of the beast-headed people, Ruger also rushed over in his chariot.

The rear-row artillery was not directly operated by anyone, but it was not completely lost.

After deciding on the strategy of using Xiao Tiya as bait, Ruger worked overtime to add a remote control launch device and an automatic loader to this mortar howitzer.

These relatively simple automatic devices are definitely not as efficient as well-trained personnel.

Not to mention compared with super gunners like Tiya, who are physically strong and have a high affinity with artillery.

But at least it can be used.

The effect is probably that the average firing rate has dropped from 2 seconds and 5 rounds to an average of 2 seconds and one round.

The automatic loader has a low fault tolerance rate, so it can only sacrifice speed to make its movements more accurate.

As for aiming, it is even more troublesome.

There were already a lot of equipment in Ruger's cockpit, and there was not enough space to add more electronic instruments.

In the end, he set several fixed positions on the remote control sight, so that the direction of the artillery aiming corresponded to several fixed positions directly in front of the vehicle.

For example, the closest fixed target position is a two-meter-high position 50 meters in front of the tank.

The farthest is the same position 1 kilometer in front.

In this way, even when driving the tank forward, Ruger can use the artillery in the back row to clear the way for himself.

Of course, what he used most easily were the two general-purpose machine guns on the front of the vehicle.

After having enough raw materials and points, he finally replaced the two M3 general-purpose machines that were somewhat outdated with the FNMAG with a better reputation.

At a distance of about 200 meters, the difference in the actual threat of the two general-purpose machines to the enemy is not particularly large.

But with the blessing of metaphysical belief, Ruger felt that whether it was accuracy, firepower or even reliability, it had immediately reached a higher level.

With humanoid tanks leading the way in front and machine guns and artillery bombarding behind, the beast-headed people who were originally wild beasts were attacked by two beasts of different styles at the same time, but turned into weak pheasants.

What lions, tigers, leopards, bears, jackals, they felt like a group of frightened rabbits.

They all ran away, and some even hit their heads against a tree in panic.

The so-called rabbit waiting by the tree.

The so-called pig hitting the tree, it hits the pig.

In comparison, it is the pig-headed ghosts whose prototypes are wild boars, relying on their thick skin and flesh, who act more methodically.

However, the firepower of the old-fashioned light weapons such as stg44 and K98 in the hands of these beastmen was really unable to penetrate the armor of the two unreasonable guys.

As for the firepower of the MP40, it was not enough to tickle the two.

During this period, there were also anti-tank recoilless guns such as Panzerfaust.

But the power of that thing was a little behind in the late World War II, and the principle of its armor-piercing shells was the Monroe effect that Ruger was most familiar with.

Ruger only needed to stick some minimum-level explosive reactive armor on the outside of the armor plate of the small tank to minimize the threat of weapons such as Panzerfaust.

In the end, those relatively elite beastmen warriors, no matter how they held their positions, only slowed down the advancement of the two men a little.

Since the first shot was fired, it took only a few minutes for Ruger's side to almost completely paralyze the defense of a large military camp.

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