Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 67: Minerva, the Movie Queen

"So, only one person can do the task of baiting. Search and read on Google," Ruger said, slowly looking at Tia.

The female warrior was a little surprised and confused when she saw Tia also nodded and said:

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"Well, I'll be the bait, just right."

"Wait a minute? What's going on? Why?" The female warrior hurriedly stopped her.

"His bad idea is okay, let him use it as bait?"

Before Luger could answer, Tiya said first, "Because I have a nagging voice."

"It can help get the message across to you."

"Old Noisy?" The female warrior thought for a moment and then suddenly realized, "Oh, you mean your invisible pet?"

"But none of us can see it!"

"No," Tiya shook her head and pointed at Luge, "Brother Lu can see it."

"What, can he see it? Can he see your magic pet that no one can see?"

The female warrior was more surprised this time than ever before.

She looked at Luger as if she were looking at some alien creature.

Although technically she is the alien creature, well, at least the apprentice of the alien creature.

"Wait a moment!" After being confused for a while, the female warrior thought of something again:

"Since he can see your pet, let him be the bait. Can't you just let your pet out and accompany him?"

"The error tolerance rate is too low." Tia shook her head.

"We don't know what else is going to happen on the road."

"Besides, the distance and time that Lao Naochao can leave me is limited. Once it has to come back to me, won't the connection between us be broken?"

"But wouldn't it be the same if you were used as bait?"

The female warrior asked again.

"Not exactly the same."

"If I were to be the bait, Lao Nao Noo would come back to me and come out after resting, and try to find a way to contact you."

"But, can he find us?" the female warrior asked again.

"No problem." Tiya nodded and glanced at Luger.

"I wasn't sure before, but now, I believe it will definitely be able to contact Brother Lu."

Tia's confidence is not difficult to understand.

All because, during this adventure, she discovered a new ability of Lao Naochao.

Precisely because she knew that Lao Noisy had this ability, Tiya firmly believed that it would be most appropriate for her to complete Luger's decoy task herself.

That ability is to detect and even intercept radio signals.

Lao Nao Noisy can intercept the signal of Wei Mei’s flying mobile phone, and of course he can also intercept the radio signal sent by Ruger.

In this way, if an accident occurs and the two parties lose contact, Gao Naochao can still follow the radio sent by Luger and find it back.

The biggest risk is that if the chain is left off for too long, so that it cannot receive Luger's signal, or if it receives it but cannot reach it, then everything will be lost.

However, with the radius of this underground cave being 20 kilometers, unless it stretches the crotch too much, it won't cause that level of problems.


The female warrior continued to ask, but saw that the two of them had already turned around and started to prepare.

Just do it.

Since time was tight and they only thought of such a feasible method, the two of them immediately got busy.

Tia is trying to find some special alchemy potions, like the bread crumbs scattered in fairy tales, to provide Luger with more clues to pursue.

On Luger's side, he was making all kinds of explosives and protective armor: trying to fill Tia's small dimensional satchel with these things.

His idea was also simple. If the plan failed to keep up with the changes and the action went wrong, at least Tiya would have the ability to escape from that place on her own.

Seeing the two of them busy there but extremely harmonious, the surprised and confused female warrior slowly calmed down, and finally felt envious.

All joking aside, there was a hint of sincerity in what she teased Luger before.

But seeing the two of them now, she knew that that was impossible.

The tacit understanding between these two people has reached the point where even if they are busy each other, their style of painting is extremely harmonious.

An hour later, near another mysterious settlement, the three people who were ready nodded to each other and started the bait operation.

Luger didn't have to play this time.

It was too suspicious for a heavily armed chariot to be driven away by Sui Mei before it was seriously damaged.

What? Then let it run after being severely damaged?

Ruger couldn't bear it.

Their script was that the two female warriors went to attack Sui Mei together, but soon discovered that they had underestimated the enemy, so they quickly retreated.

As a result, an accident occurred during the escape. One of them was accidentally hit by a mysterious poison or other attack and fell to the ground.

Another person wanted to go over to save him, but was forced to leave by the besieging Juimei.

By the time she broke through the siege and rushed to her companion, the man who fell to the ground had been kidnapped by Gui Mei.

The script is very simple and the requirements for acting skills are not high.

The audience is not very picky, after all, they are all spooky.

However, Luger was still afraid of screwing up the performance.

Nothing else, the main thing is that this barbarian sister who needs to perform a performance that feels like she lacks strength is really too powerful.

But when the fight started, Luger realized that he had forgotten the famous saying, women all lie, and the more beautiful the woman, the more likely she is to lie.

Luger had played some third-generation games and had seen the female barbarians in them.

To be honest, based on Ruger's own preferences, he did think that the elder sister was more or less beautiful.

Well, beauty is a subjective feeling, and it is difficult to completely replace it with beauty.

But Minerva here is completely different.

This one gave Ruger the feeling that she was more like the Greek female mercenary Cassandra in a certain assassin game.

Although they look completely different.

Whether she is so beautiful that she can make fish sink to the bottom of the water, geese fall, and the moon hide in shame, this question may be debatable.

But saying that she is not beautiful at all is absolutely nonsense.

Speaking of which, Ruger has so many actresses who rely on their faces. They can't act but deceive the world that they can, and they have "cheated" the judges of various acting awards.

Ahem, fortunately, there is no so-called capital in the dark world.

In short, Minerva is very good at acting, and she acts quite well.

It reminds Ruger of when he was working part-time, he was obviously slacking off but acted very busy.

That kind of contagious striving, hard work, but without any achievements, is exactly the same as him.

With the way she acted, I'm afraid that hundreds of times the ghosts were dispersed by her, but in the end, they couldn't rush through the short distance of a few meters.

However, the ghosts didn't seem to expect that things would have such a chance to develop.

They clearly blocked the attack of the female warrior and trapped Tia in the encirclement, but they didn't dare to take Tia away directly.

After nearly half an hour of stalemate, a team of patrol bees flew over hurriedly and cast a string of poison needles at Tia.

Seeing her fall down, the ghosts threw out some kind of silk-like material to surround her, and finally took her away.

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