Most of the surface of the Lost Planet is occupied by mechanical behemoths.

The original cities, original factories, and original military camps were all demolished by the mechanical behemoths and turned into manufacturing factories to maintain their military power.

The airport, which was originally the zoo's cousin and neighbor to the southeast, was naturally not spared.

In fact, Luger walked all the way to the Black Sea without even seeing half a damaged wing.

On the contrary, in the amphibious manufacturing factory in Odessa, Ruger saw the wreckage of a missile cruiser that had been dismantled in half.

This is a quite large cruiser, with a full load displacement of at least 10,000 tons.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂

Although it was severely corroded by rust, the hull number 121 on the hull can still be distinguished.

According to the information records in the amphibious manufacturing factory, this thing is a special raw material salvaged by the underwater giant from the sea east of Odessa.

In addition to the good strength of the hull itself, there are quite a lot of unused missiles, artillery shells and other ammunition on it.

Unfortunately, a considerable part of the ammunition seemed to have been exploded by some external attack, causing extensive damage to the hull.

Information records also believe that this is probably the direct reason why it sank to the bottom of the sea.

After obtaining this information, Luger quickly confirmed the most likely original appearance of the ship by comparing it with his own world data in the system computer.

Arranged in the Black Sea, with hull number 121, this 10,000-ton missile cruiser has a strong former Soviet style.

Well, actually the first three features are there, the last one is not needed at all.

A 10,000-ton Black Sea ship can only be in the former Soviet style.

No one else would deploy such a large ship in a place similar to an inland sea.

This 121 ship, from the hull number to the hull structure, as well as the armed configuration, all conforms to the characteristics of the first ship of the Slava class.

Slava, slava, is also the most likely etymology of slav.

Equivalent to glory in English.

Glory, glory.

Presumably, the former Soviet Union defined such a giant ship as the Slava class, which was a homonymous pun on the glory of its own nation.

It is a pity that this Slava-class first ship finally sank at the door of Slav's home. It is really pitiful and makes people feel infinite emotion.

Ruger is most familiar with ground armed forces, followed by Army aviation, followed by ground attack aircraft, and finally air superiority aircraft.

As for the ships, he was only a little familiar with submarines because of the shark U-shaped submarines of the water-type Tegamans and the submarine that players in Los Santos could buy.

Then there are the speedboats in Los Santos.

He was really unfamiliar with other ships.

Speaking of which, the submarine was named Killer Whale, but it was based on the former Soviet Union's Delta III strategic nuclear submarine.

I really have a little extra connection with this place.

However, it was still difficult for him to understand how this 10,000-ton ship sank right in front of his home.


Being attacked?

Or is it like in Los Santos, sold to the highest bidder?

Otherwise, who could sneak attack the former Soviet Union's own large ship here in the Black Sea?

Is it the Husky’s counterpart among dogs?

Forget it, do you want to start the 13th Russo-Turkish War?

Nato entered the Black Sea with nothing to do?

Have an offshore naval battle guarding someone else's doorstep?


Could it be that there is a mole in Qian Su?

It is really hard for Luger to imagine how a 10,000-ton battleship could sink into the Bohai Bay if it were China.

How is that possible?

Don't worry about things you don't understand.

It doesn’t make any sense anyway.

On the contrary, the heavy anti-ship missile wreckage on the ship not only unlocked the same type of missile for Luger, but also provided him with some rare special parts that were not easy to buy or make.

Scramjets, parts used.

As mentioned before, the items sold in Luger's logistics space store are either available to players in the original Los Santos game (ol version), or they have been collected by him, or they are system initial products.

As for large missiles, he really only has the missiles on the game version of the killer whale submarine that he made based on the Delta 3 strategic nuclear submarine.

But the problem is that the missiles originally on the Delta 3 submarine were intercontinental ballistic missiles, the type equipped with nuclear warheads.

After all, they are strategic-level nuclear submarines.

However, the missiles on the killer whale submarine in the Los Santos game are far inferior to the heavy intercontinental ballistic missiles in terms of model and battlefield performance.

At most, it looks like a conventional cruise missile, such as a Tomahawk.

Subsonic conventional cruise missiles and the like are of much less value to Ruger.

In contrast, the heavy anti-ship missiles on this 121 ship opened Ruger's eyes and amazed him.

He had never deliberately studied long-range missiles before, and had never paid attention to such things.

Only now did he discover that these heavy-duty anti-ship missiles actually used a main ramjet engine, supplemented by a rocket booster power structure.

This immediately opened up Luger's thinking.

Although he has been able to build a supersonic fighter, no matter what kind of performance it is, it is only at the level of an ordinary third-generation aircraft.

It's already unsafe for this thing to wander around in Luger's own world, let alone on this planet of the Lost.

Supersonic mechanical birds and the like don't matter. Even if they attack Luger with air-to-air missiles, he at least still has time to react.

Based on the combat power shown by the Seraphim before, if these guys really stack up their gains, they really have the ability to fight a supersonic air battle with others.

Or cold weapon close combat supplemented by magic long-range combat.

Being attacked by a team of birdmen, Ruger is really afraid that he will capsize in the ditch and his plane will be destroyed and he will die.

Now, with the powerful ideas of this pile of heavy anti-ship missiles, he has another plan to travel quickly.

A very safe plan, not afraid of birdmen picking on him.

That is, to install more and more special booster mechanisms on his giant Andariel and Tia's giant wings in the form of a red dragon.

This is the ramjet engine plus rocket booster mechanism used by this anti-ship missile.

Tia Polo cruising at supersonic speed and Andariel with armor 18 meters high, just ask if you are afraid.

This is not something that should appear in the world of the living.

Ramjet engine is a supersonic jet engine that uses air as a combustion aid (oxidizer).

In order for the engine to provide the body with power to maintain supersonic speed, the oxygen entering the engine must be sufficient.

Friends who are familiar with family cars must have heard of turbocharging.

The so-called turbocharging is to pressurize the air inhaled by the engine by a turbine, increase the air density, and then increase the oxygen content per unit volume to achieve the effect of increasing the engine power.

The turbofan engine (turbofan) and turbojet engine (turbojet) in the aircraft all use the same principle, using the turbine to pressurize the air and increase the power.


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