After all, only fifty years have passed since the destruction of the Lost World. Google Search Reading

Although the orcs had to transform themselves into beast-like mimicry, the older elders still remembered the original human form of the Lost.

In addition, Mr. Max had passed by here before, and they recognized the chariot, so they shouted "hero" to Luger and others.

The situation on the orc side was roughly the same.

It was just that the oldest elder was actually only in his early thirties.

A lot of knowledge was passed down from the original elders, and it was difficult to delve into the details.

For example, why did they choose the overly abnormal path of beast transformation and strengthening instead of other methods?

Luger didn't want to delve into this.

After all, it was the end of the world, and it was normal to use whatever was available.

If they could continue to live and reproduce, even if all living parts except the reproductive organs were replaced with machines, they could still do it.

So naturally, Luger regarded those mechanical beasts as this kind of thing.

But soon the orc elder shook his head and said that those mechanical beasts had nothing to do with humans and were born to destroy humans.

They were real beasts whose only purpose was to destroy the world.

That's why they were called world-destroying beasts.

Ruger was quite noncommittal at first.

Only when he dismantled the remains of dozens of mechanical beasts inside and out and restored their design drawings, he had to nod and agree with the orc elder's statement.

Although these mechanical beasts were not perfect in structure, they had simulated wild beasts in nature to the greatest extent.

They simulated their predation, their actions, and their self-repair.

In addition to their reproductive ability, they continued to have all the abilities of wild beasts in nature.

Their energy source is mainly solar energy, but they can use the chemical energy of food obtained from eating as a catalyst or enhancer to greatly improve energy utilization and maintain their ability to move at night and under cloudy days.

In this way, they can become all-weather killing machines.

However, their core chips were destroyed by the magic radiation spread by the giant Andariel, and Ruger could not determine that the command in their chips was as simple as searching and killing human survivors.

However, according to the orc elders, the more eastward you go, the more mechanical behemoths you will encounter.

Ruger has plenty of opportunities to study.

Especially since he already has the complete design drawings of these mechanical behemoths, and the mechanical bodies that are almost undamaged except for the chips, he now has no idea how many ways to hunt these guys.

For example, create your own mechanical behemoth that obeys your orders.

Or simply build yourself a mechanical behemoth-style outer armor.

After driving a mobile suit, it shouldn't be difficult to drive a mechanical Tyrannosaurus.

At that time, whether it is to confront the mechanical behemoths head-on or simply sneak into their team to find their nest, it's up to Ruger.

This is almost a done deal, so there is no need to rush now.

On the contrary, there are some things on the orc side that Ruger is very interested in.

First, it is the technical equipment they use to strengthen their offspring in animal form.

Ruger guessed that this thing should be similar to the insect-type strange equipment in his hand.

But some details should be different.

It's just right to learn from it.

Second, the orc elder said that their village has some information left by the "hero" who passed by decades ago.

The hero said that these things are for people who will pass by here in the future.

Instruct the orc village to preserve them well.

Ruger felt that this was probably a backup plan arranged by his cheap father-in-law.

It is information left for Tia and Andariel.

Since such a thing exists, Ruger must go and see it.

Although the orcs have been transformed into beasts, their hands are still dexterous.

Even if they dig out a home for themselves in the rugged valley, they still maintain human hobbies, which are spacious, warm, dry and comfortable.

Generally speaking, it is very similar to the Chinese cave dwellings that Ruger is familiar with.

Although the geological conditions are completely different, the methods used to dig holes are also completely different.

The valley cave of the orcs is very much like a paradise.

In addition to daily household furnishings and daily necessities, there are also remnants of the lost people's technological creations.

For example, various gunpowder guns and weapons.

For example, a tablet with a solar charger.

The so-called "hero"'s information to the later ones is in this tablet called "God's Handwriting" by the orcs.

The content is indeed the video data left by Mr. Max and Leah.

The first sentence of the opening is to let the later ones who are lucky enough to come here come here if they meet people looking for the couple.

Then, it is the information about the surrounding monsters, animals and plants, and water sources and mineral veins collected by the couple decades ago.

It seems that it is just to give some experience guidance to other adventurers who strayed into this place.

But Ruger is sure that what they left behind is far more than that.

Then, he told the orc elders directly that he and others were here to find these two "heroes".

"So, it turns out that the Lord God is here to find heroes? I'm sorry."

The orc elder knelt down deeply again, turned around and took out a square box and handed it to Ruger.

"This, this is the handwritten letter from the gods that the hero ordered, which can only be given to the heroes who are looking for them."

"This handwritten letter cannot be viewed by anyone other than the selected."

Can't view it?

Opening the device casually, Ruger nodded at the login page where he had to enter the user password, thinking:

Only the selected can view it?

The selected ones, what the heck!

Isn't it just a power-on password?

Let me go around...

Go around...

Okay, my father-in-law is pretty good, he actually set a hardware password...

Can't get around it.

Alas, if the old chatterbox is still here, let him get in directly, and any password will be useless.

Well, wait, the so-called shadow creature of the old chatterbox is not actually an electronic life form like the real ghost, but a phantom of the demon god.

In this case, as long as Tia separates the demon god's consciousness, the so-called soul out of the body, wouldn't it be able to achieve the same effect?

If you want to do it, just do it. Ruger quickly pulled Tia behind him and asked her to try it.

However, Tia took the tablet and had no intention of "leaving her soul". She just clicked a few times on the password input interface, and a message appeared.

Surprisingly, it was a password prompt message.

The prompt was also very simple, asking for the nickname of their daughter.


Ask Tia a question, the content of the question is: What is Tia's nickname...

What is this?

Is it a free point question?


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