Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 484 New Enemy, New Planใ€‘

Luger originally wanted to chat with that Rasmada, but looking at Jalia's behavior, it seemed that that person didn't want to talk to him yet.

In this case, Luger would not lower his status and insist on chatting with him.

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What's more, there is actually a lot of key information in Caliya's seemingly venting words.

For example, Rasma's personality should be eccentric and gloomy, and difficult to communicate with.

So Calia would also express dissatisfaction with his unclear words.

But his temperament shouldn't be too bad.

Otherwise, even if Caliya is dissatisfied, she would not dare to show it casually.

As a result, the image of an old father who was dull but cared for his children in his own way was sketched in Luger's mind.

Looking at himself from the perspective of such a man, Luger seemed to be able to vaguely understand the reason why he was not in a hurry to communicate with him face to face.


Uncertain, not new, remains to be seen.

Oh, okay.

Luger nodded silently.

I think this is called the legendary love to ignore, right?

Or is it a warning to competitors?

No matter which one, Ruger's impression of this ancient Nephalem was reduced by one.

When everyone had seen enough of the outside world, which seemed to have been plowed away by giants, Ruger's African fox was the first to lead the team on the road, driven by Anya.

Target, East.

According to the information gathered by Ruger, this area should be at the junction of the zoo's home and the home of his southwest neighbor and cousin.

Continue walking due east and you should soon be able to see a mountain range to the south.

There should be the famous Alps.

The reason why I say it should be is because Luger is not sure whether this is definitely the place he guessed.

In fact, after walking eastward for a long time, we passed the boundary of the original misty forest and entered the real surface of the Lost Planet. There were still no so-called mountains in sight to the south.

However, this does not prove that Ruger was wrong.

Because after leaving the misty forest, the surrounding trees are still dense.

It's just that the color tone has changed from gray and dark to brighter and greener.

In fact, except for the fact that no one was sure that the three Seraph Legions that had gone straight here were no longer outside, nothing else could be determined for the time being.

And even this certainty needs to be discounted.

Because, from time to time, there will be a few meteors flashing in the sky.

It was obviously daytime, but the light of those shooting stars was still clear.

They are not meteors at all, but patrol sentries of the Angel Legion.

Judging from the density of these guys' presence, this patrol seems to have become routine.

Probably because of this, their search intensity was not very high, and they did not find the Ruger convoy in the jungle on the ground at all.

Of course, perhaps for the commander of the Angel Legion, he never thought that Ruger would lead a small team out alone.

Or, those patrol sentries are just like unmanned reconnaissance aircraft or even reconnaissance satellites, only passing by, only recording, but not taking action.

Ruger was indifferent to this.

After all, when he took the sanctuary world back into the logistics space system, it wasn't because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to defeat those angel legions.

Mephisto has already been defeated, why should he be afraid of angel cannon fodder?

The reason why he did that was just as Sarah said, he didn't want other people in Rogge Town or Charming Dungeon to get hurt.

Now that they are all doing whatever they need to do in the logistics space, Luger is not afraid of the Angel Legion suddenly leaving.

When the time comes, Tia transforms into the Tiabolo Red Dragon, and Luge rides on the Andariel Mecha Warrior. There are only three angel legions. Even if the three archangels lead the team together, the two of them can still compete.

In this way, Luger didn't bother to deliberately avoid it, and just continued walking eastward in a dignified manner.

As a result, no angel came out to intercept him along the way.

However, it is not without enemies.

In fact, as soon as you leave the original misty forest area and enter the bright green forest area, various monsters start to come out and kill people from time to time.

Oh, give me the animal head.

The shapes of these monsters are not too complicated. They are lynxes, wild wolves, leopards and black bears that were originally common in the mountain forests.

However, not only do their physical indicators far exceed those of the original version, but their body shape has also been greatly improved.

Bobcats are like tigers, and wild wolves are like brown bears.

When it comes to leopards and black bears, the former is bigger than a hippopotamus, and the latter is as big as an elephant.

There are still sharp claws, teeth, hair, etc. The details are quite different from the original version.

Normal animals hunt in order to eat, and eat in order to survive, so their claws and teeth are sufficient, and their hair is mainly a protective color that adapts to the surrounding environment.

But these monsters seem to attack just for fun, or perhaps attacking is the value of their existence.

Therefore, the claws and teeth are inexplicably strengthened, sharp and thick, but are heavy and cumbersome for predatory actions, and are simply killing tools.

As for the hair, itโ€™s as scary as it gets.

For example, the leopard is also called a golden leopard in China. As the name suggests, the pattern on its fur is very similar to Chinese coins.

But here, the pattern on the hippopotamus-sized leopard with giant teeth and sharp claws changed from money to weird skull-like things.

There is no doubt that these things are definitely biochemically modified beasts.

Judging from the underlying technology, it should be very similar to the insect-type Charm that Ruger has already acquired.

But when it comes to the final form and fighting methods, the difference is extremely obvious.

It feels like the same iron ingot is extracted from the same ore and made into steel, but some people make it into a ring-headed dragon bird, while others make it into a full-moon scimitar.

While fighting these monsters, Luger finally saw the mountains on the south side.

This is indeed the north side of the Alps.

Then, as long as you continue eastward, pass through Austria-Hungary, turn southeast along the southern side of the Carpathian Mountains between Poland and Slovakia, and enter the Black Sea along the Danube River, you will reach Odessa Oblast in Ruthenia.

From there, continue eastward along the northern shore of the Black Sea, passing through the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea, and Central Asia, and then you can enter the Western China Region.

Just go "home" and have a look.

This is the first goal Ruger set for himself on this trip.

"Go home" and see.

However, given that in general apocalyptic worlds, China often does not exist, or deliberately ignores China's existence, it is hard to say what it will look like now.

However, as long as there is no Chinese power there, Luge does not want to leave that land to anyone.

Even if this world of the lost is just an alien version of Earth.

I won't give up even an inch of my homeland.

However, just by looking at this list of familiar and unfamiliar place names, you can tell that it may take a month or two at the fastest to get there.

Of course, if you switch to flying, the speed will be much faster.

So in addition to the long-term goal, Ruger also has a short-term goal, to find a place like an airport or air force base to recycle aircraft, preferably military fighter jets, and give himself another way of transportation.

Then his short-term goal is ready to come out.


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