At that time, Ruger used various artillery arrays to bombard Toxic Andariel, forcing her to defend.

The battlefield situation at that time was exactly the same as it is now.

However, there is one thing that Ruger is indeed inferior to, that is, his firepower density is definitely not weaker than Mephisto, but the firepower intensity per unit area is much worse.

Otherwise, Tiyasara would not have kept the shield open, but did not take the opportunity to use a big move to turn the situation around.

When Ruger attacked Toxic Andariel, she used an integrated attack and defense shield plus a beam cannon to counterattack.

However, the gap between Ruger and Mephisto is not about personal ability, but whether Ruger is willing to spend money.

If he is willing to spend money, the artillery of those artillery arrays will be upgraded to the level of 120mm caliber 55 times the caliber Rheinmetall tank gun, even Toxic Andariel will not be able to do any defensive counterattack.

The only thing that these demons and devils are fortunate for is that Ruger does not have that much money.

So he will not use artillery arrays anymore.

But he is not absolutely poor, so he has such a cannon in his hand now.

A rifle-type tank cannon for the giant mecha warrior-like Andariel's body.

Standing dozens of meters behind Mephisto, Ruger sat on the throne of pain in Ju'an's chest, and his consciousness merged with Ju'an's consciousness.

Soon, he seemed to have a huge body of his own.

Andariel's complete body.

Holding the rifle-type tank cannon in his hand, recalling the test firing memory in the logistics space shooting range before, he slowly aimed the muzzle forward, but did not directly catch Mephisto.

These guys at the demon god level, if you take the initiative to search for him and attack him, they will sense it.

If Ruger takes the initiative to aim at Mephisto at this time, although Ju'an still has the effect of the magic shadow cloak on him, Mephisto over there will still immediately sense his presence.

But this self-protection sensing also has a flaw, that is, if the other party does not actively show hostility, it is difficult to sense it.

This is very similar to the airborne warning radar of a fighter.

As we all know, once a fighter is locked by an enemy fire control radar, the warning radar will detect the electromagnetic waves irradiated by the enemy radar and warn the pilot.

Whether it is the radar of a land-based anti-aircraft missile, the enemy fighter's search radar, or simply the radar on an active or semi-active guided anti-aircraft missile.

As long as their detection wave signal sweeps the fighter, the fighter warning radar will respond.

However, if the missile coming is a passive guidance type.

For example, there is no radar that actively emits electromagnetic waves, but an infrared guidance radar that senses the temperature of the fighter's engine tail flame.

If it is locked and followed by such a missile, the warning radar will not respond.

Of course, as the devil is one foot high, the road will be forced to be ten feet higher.

Infrared guided missiles are not afraid of warning radars, right? Then develop infrared warning devices.

These two infrareds have the same meaning, both of which are infrared rays radiated by the high temperature of the engine tail flame.

But it is not a strict targeted relationship.

Infrared guided missiles detect enemy infrared rays and track them.

The infrared warning device detects infrared signals in a certain area around.

If it finds an enemy infrared guided missile or something, it will warn the driver.

It is not a one-on-one targeting, but there is mutual technical reference, and the ecological niche is hostile.

If Ruger takes the initiative to aim at Mephisto, his hostility will be sensed by Mephisto.

This is similar to the function of recording warning radar.

If he approaches Mephisto, even if he has the effect of the magic cloak, Mephisto will sense it.

This perception is similar to the function of the infrared warning device.

It can even be said that the skill of the magic cloak has functions such as infrared invisibility in addition to optical invisibility.

It is precisely because of the magic cloak effect on Ruger-Juan that he can get close to Mephisto at a distance of dozens of meters without being discovered by that guy.

It feels like a stealth fighter.

But once he launches an attack, these effects will disappear immediately.

And when Mephisto also actively locks him, it is useless for him to use the magic cloak again.

So Ruger is now trying to use an attack that can bypass the two types of warning methods.


Anti-aircraft artillery barrage for fighters.

This kind of thing is not an attack that can be detected and prepared in advance by airborne warning radars or infrared warning devices.

Then we have to ask again, fighters cannot rely on those devices to detect anti-aircraft barrage in advance, but there are barrages in an airspace, so pilots have known it long ago and it is impossible to rush in again.

This is true under normal circumstances.

But, what if?

What if?

A fighter flew across the sky to perform a mission, flying at a low altitude of about one thousand meters.

And it happened that an anti-aircraft artillery battalion was stationed on the ground in this airspace today.

It happened that they were going to conduct their first live-fire shooting training today.

It happened that when the firepower was fired, the unlucky fighter flew over the airspace that was fired.

He didn't turn on the conventional radar, so he didn't know that there was an anti-aircraft battalion on the ground.

As a result, he ran headfirst into someone else's bullet screen, and all the warning devices were useless, and he was shot into a sieve.

Yes, yes, the probability of such a thing is too low, and the requirements are too many, it is impossible for it to actually happen.

However, Ruger used various means to simulate this kind of logic that is theoretically feasible but impossible to happen in reality due to too many conditions.

His simulation method is not complicated to say, in fact, it is the same as artillery attack.

The long-range over-the-horizon artillery did not open fire directly after seeing the enemy.

They just received the various elements of the artillery target position transmitted by the enemy reconnaissance unit and used these data to correct the muzzle.

For them, the target they aimed at was not the enemy or the enemy's tank, but that piece of ground.

A piece of land similar to 36 degrees north latitude and 108 degrees east longitude.

Ruger was the same. His target was the piece of air in front of him.

It's just that it's easy for something else to appear in the air he was aiming at.

For example, Mephisto's chest.

As for Ruger, he just pulled the trigger when the guy accidentally entered this area while moving back and forth.

Isn't this equivalent to Mephisto's clumsy plane accidentally crashing into someone else's acting barrage?

In this way, Mephisto's alarm will not be triggered.

Luger's method is still the lesson he learned from the two-on-one three-person battle.

If you want to sneak attack Sarah, a demon king-level existence, you have to rely on this unconventional method.


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