The specific manifestation of Ruger's consciousness becoming extremely tenacious is the significant change in his attributes.

[Attributes: Strength 14; Agility 13; Physical 19; Spirit 38; Intelligence 24; Perception 27]

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The three attributes of the body have not changed much, but compared with before leaving his body, it seems to have increased by one or two points.

It seems that saving the body after being tortured and destroyed seems to be a way to improve physical attributes.

I don't know if this is because of Sarah, the former Queen of Pain, as a close ally.

Compared with the three attributes of the body, the growth of the three attributes of consciousness is much more terrifying.

Intuitively, Ruger generally believes that one of his attributes is equivalent to five attributes when the player character is upgraded in the second generation of the original game.

In addition, his attributes are averaged at 5 points, and 5 times 5 is 25, which is almost exactly the initial attributes of the first-level character in the second generation game.

However, there is a big difference. Luger has six attributes, three physical attributes plus three consciousness attributes.

In the original game, there are only four attributes, which are his three physical attributes plus one spiritual attribute.

Therefore, the attribute level relationship between the two cannot be calculated with a ratio of 1:5.

But in general, if we force the conversion, he is now close to the 99-level full-level character attributes in the original game based on attribute points alone.

The Nephalem in the second-generation game timeline are still suppressed by the World Stone to limit their power.

Their strength is still far behind that of the real ancient Nephalem.

Even at the maximum level.

And the maximum level of 99 is probably the limit of the strength improvement of the Sanctuary World at that time.

Even the vast majority of monsters that ran here from hell would be suppressed to this level.

Referring to the third generation, it can be found that the ability of the ancient Nephalem, whether in terms of expression or killing ability, is indeed a qualitative leap from the second generation.

From this point of view, the second-generation full-level characters can only be regarded as the upper-middle class of all Nephalem, and their strength is similar to that of the later students in the ancient Nephalem, which seems normal.

The system's statement to Ruger, "including all the upper-middle class of all Nephalem in the ancient Nephalem", now seems to be quite accurate.

Improving strength is of course a good thing, but if the strength improves too quickly, it is hard for Ruger not to think too much.

After all, he is now almost equivalent to the second-generation full-level Nephalem.

But not long ago, his strength was probably comparable to the second-generation Nephalem of level 36+ to 40.

Well, only considering the attributes.

Just a set of consciousness out of the body adventure, after returning, can your strength change so much?

Even if the physical side is also suffering, it is only three or five points of attribute improvement, which is only three or five levels in conversion

The physical body itself is also suffering, so this side is actually growing.

But consciousness, the leap-like improvement of the three attributes of consciousness should not only be because your consciousness can exist without the body.

The combined effect of the system, Mephisto's evil spirit missiles, Tia's consciousness, and his own consciousness should be the direct cause of the ability leap.

The significant improvement of the three attributes of consciousness gave Ruger the biggest feeling that his perception was more acute, but at the same time, his ability to endure pain was also reduced a lot.

Why did he feel this way?

Because even if he kept injecting himself with three-color health potions, the magma around Tia was still burning him.

After all, his Iron Man armor was already broken and lost most of its protective power.

But can he repair the Iron Man armor now?

Sorry, I don't have the time.

Because, just as he was supported by dozens of injections of potions, his consciousness returned to his body and regained full control of his body, the magma around him that kept flashing orange light finally dimmed.

But, just as the magma cooled into magma rock, there was a sound of cracking stones, and a fiery red half-dragon figure jumped out of the magma rock directly.

That was exactly Tia's Diablo Red Dragon form.

Or rather, Tiabolo form.

She jumped out from the crack of the stone, first gave Ruger a sweet smile, then immediately turned around to look at the battlefield around her, found the figure of the hateful demon Mephisto, and rushed straight over.

As she rushed, her figure continued to expand.

When she rushed in front of Mephisto, her Tiabolo Red Dragon form had expanded to the same height as Lao Mo's demon phantom.

Following Tia's figure, Ruger realized that it had been a long time since he entered Tia's sea of ​​consciousness.

At that time, the situation on the field was that Sarah was holding a miniature version of the poisonous Andariel and running out. At the same time, the phantom of the goddess of joy behind Sarah absorbed the source of the painful demon king from Duan and transformed it into the power of joy.

On the other side, the demon phantom of the cunning demon Belial was firmly strangled by the bone tentacles of Mephisto, who was also absorbing the demon king's source from the former.

The physical carrier of Belial's phantom, the mysterious Iron Man Capricorn, was already in Mephisto's other hand, as if it would burst at any time.

In addition, Tia Lug was next to him.

This was the situation of all the combatants on the main battlefield on the fourth floor of the catacombs.

And now, Sarah's goddess of joy phantom has been fighting with Mephisto's hateful demon phantom.

The position is closer to Ruger than any of the two sides before.

Soon, Ruger saw what happened in between from the system that helped him maintain the vitality of his physical body.

It turned out that after Ruger's consciousness entered Tia's sea of ​​consciousness, Mephisto didn't want to give him a chance to turn the tables.

The guy crushed the strange iron man Capricorn casually and threw it aside like throwing a booger, but the bone tentacles still tied the Belial demon phantom tightly and pulled him off from behind Capricorn.

The demon phantom and the physical carrier were originally probably a relationship between the third-person perspective and the first-person perspective.

They are also connected and cannot be separated.

But once there is another demon phantom and defeats another phantom, the winner can forcibly separate the loser from its carrier and graft it onto his own carrier.

Just like a spider dealing with its prey that has been tied up and stuck to its web, it can be eaten at any time.

At this point, the loser has almost no chance to fight back.

Especially after his physical carrier was physically destroyed, he couldn't even escape.

As for competing with the winner for the dominance of the new carrier, it is something that may be deliberate in theory, but almost impossible in practice.

If he had the ability to defeat the winner, he would not have failed in the first place.


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