What to do?

Ruger's brain was working at high speed. Google search reading

Should I continue to exchange points for 88 guns and confront her head-on?


That's too inefficient.

Now that every second counts, it is impossible to make a real gun from scratch with raw materials. I can only buy finished products directly from the store.

In that case, the points consumed are not tens or hundreds of points made by making it myself with raw materials, but thousands or even tens of thousands of points.

Even if Ruger has made a lot of points recently, it has only accumulated about 200,000 points so far.

In total, it can only make 12 88 guns again.

In this way, there is no way to break the situation at all, and the points will be used up in two or three times.

Then, change to a cheaper pak40?

Will it be enough to try a 75mm fin-stabilized armor-piercing discarding sabot shell?

Not impossible.

At least it is much better than using 88 guns.

After all, apfsds is essentially a sub-caliber discarding sabot shell.

This means that the size of its core rod does not necessarily correspond strictly to the size of the gun itself.

Ruger can use pak40 to shoot an APFSDS that is exactly the same in weight, size and initial velocity as the 88 gun.

It is nothing more than using the same size of rod core, and lengthening the 75mm gun shell of pak40 to fill more propellant.

This method can produce the same shell power, but the cost is half lower.

The cost of the original World War II artillery is 12,000 marks for pak40 and 22,000 marks for 88 gun.

For Ruger, although there are new changes in the price of artillery, the changes are synchronized and the proportions are still the same.

However, this is still not enough for Ruger.

Since you have to spend points directly, let's make it more worthwhile.

Then, how about going directly to 120mm smoothbore gun?

Sorry, that thing is too expensive, Ruger can't afford it...

The old World War II gun can be bought with a few thousand points, but that gun, just one gun, requires 70,000 points.

What a joke, not to mention that Ruger's situation is not that critical now, even if it is, he will not spend so much money to buy a thing that can be disassembled from a finished tank at any time!

Not to mention, if this kind of gun is made by himself with raw materials, he can make it with a maximum of one thousand points.

70,000 points.

Why not just rob?


Because this is faster than robbing, right...

At this time, Ruger deeply understood the sentence: "Retribution is a bitch"...

If I had known this would happen, I really shouldn't have criticized Ruger so harshly before.

Especially now that they are basically a family, think about it again, why bother.

As a result, he got retribution.

Rheinmetall's 55-caliber 120mm smoothbore tank gun was rejected.

In fact, it is equivalent to all advanced tank guns in the middle and late Cold War being rejected.

Of course, Ruger actually does not have many types.

The weapons that can be directly purchased in his store, apart from the ones he has already touched and used, are only the original sources of his logistics space, which are available in Grand Theft Auto 5 and OL.

There are tanks in Grand Theft Auto OL, but the main battle tank called Rhino is basically a modified Leopard 2A4.

So the tank gun that Ruger can buy directly in the store is still the 120mm smoothbore gun of the Rheinmetall series.

In addition, there is the main gun of the Gladius invisible tank.

But the real prototype of that tank is the PL-01 experimental tank of the country next door to the east of the Zoo family, which has high ambitions and thin lives and will disappear from the world map if it is not careful.

And that main gun is still the 120mm smoothbore gun of Rheinmetall.

But compared with the 44-caliber gun of the Rhino, which is the same as the Leopard 2A4, the Gladius uses a 55-caliber version of the Leopard 2A6.

It can be seen how popular the tank gun of the Zoo family is in a certain period of time.

Well, apart from the original weapons of the Great Car Thief-Los Santos, and the weapons that Ruger got from the 21st Century Mountain Special Operations Battalion of the Zoo, he could only focus on various weapons in the late World War II.

That is, the weapons seized from the underground arsenal, mainly tank destroyers and assault guns.

Not to mention, after this sorting, he really found one.

The Jagdtiger heavy tank destroyer, the same model as the legendary Type 8 tank Maus, with a 128mm caliber and a 55-caliber pak44 anti-tank gun.

From the size alone, this thing is even larger than the 55-caliber 120mm smoothbore gun with 70,000 points.

Of course, the performance gap between the two guns is still quite obvious.

After all, there is a difference of half a century.

But after a little calculation, Ruger gave up on this thing again.

Because its price is of course much cheaper than 70,000 points, but if you buy the finished product directly, it will cost about 20,000.

But its performance is much higher than that of the 71-caliber 88mm gun, but it is still only capable of being used in the late World War II.

Bullying certain local armored units of that era was a great killing move.

But against Andariel here...

It can only be said that the role played by this gun is not necessarily higher than that of two long 88 guns.

If you spend a lot of money and still can only fight a tug-of-war, then Luger's two bad money is too bad.

What should we do?

This gun is the largest and most powerful anti-tank gun in the zoo during World War II.

If it doesn't work, what other options does Luger have?

Don't mention it, there really is one.

Anti-tank guns have reached the ceiling, right?

It doesn't matter, you can still look at other guns.

Oh, it's not the Gustav railway gun.

That kind of monster with a caliber of 800mm, a total length of 43 meters, and a total weight of 1,330 tons, let alone Luger, he can't put it in the logistics space even if he has it.

Even if he put it, he can't take it out.

Even if he took it out, he can't fire it.

Even if he can fire, how stupid Andariel must be to be aimed at such a gun that is taller, bigger, and more accurate than her?

It has no practical value at all.

Luger was looking for goods in the raw material pool and saw another relatively smaller artillery.

The size is not much larger than the long 88 gun.

The 17cm caliber version of the k18 cannon howitzer.

But in fact, the caliber is 173mm.

The pzgr73 armor-piercing shell used by this guy weighs 71kg and has a muzzle velocity of 880m/s.

It can penetrate a 255mm steel plate tilted at 30° at a distance of 1000 meters.

Relatively speaking, the armor-piercing projectile pzgr39/43 armor-piercing projectile (apcbc-he, 104 kg, has a higher initial velocity of 1000 m/s.

It can penetrate a 30° inclined, 165 mm thick rolled homogeneous armor plate at a distance of 1000 m.

If a 73 kg pzgr40/43 tungsten core armor-piercing projectile (apcr) is fired, the initial velocity can reach 1130 m/s, which can penetrate a 30° inclined, 193 mm thick rolled homogeneous armor plate at the same distance.

As for the 128 mm caliber 55 times caliber pak44 anti-tank gun of the Jagdtiger above, firing a 283 kg armor-piercing projectile, it can penetrate 230 mm thick steel armor at a shooting distance of 1000 m, and 170 mm at a distance of 3000 m.

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