Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 332: Tied to the Strings

If she cares about the old man's feelings, then Sarah had better not do anything like demolishing the cathedral. Google search reading

But if the cathedral is not demolished, Sarah will have to organize an elite team to go deep into the monster's lair and deal with the physical body of Andariel, who is "far more powerful than the Bloody Countess of the Tower of Forgotten."

The Bloody Countess in the underground labyrinth of the Forgotten Tower is already a nightmare-level leader monster in Luger's opinion. Sarah evaluates Andariel's physical body as far more powerful than this thing. So what level does it get?

Isn't it a direct analogy to the hell level in the original game?

The bloody countess at the nightmare level corresponds to about level 45 in the original game.

Sarah, who was judged by Luger to be at least level 50+ at the time, was able to defeat this level 45 BOSS, which was reasonable.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

But hell-level Andariel? That's the level 75 boss at the end of the level...

If there were a dozen Nephalem who were almost level 50+ like Sarah to help her, it wouldn't be completely impossible to fight.

But the problem is that not many of the other Nephalem can reach 45 in terms of combat power.

As for the Rogges, 30+ is considered elite.

If it weren't for the fact that Rogge and the others had recently made several arms deals with him, and the actual combat power could no longer be measured simply by physical ability, Sarah really wouldn't have the confidence to fight Andariel.

But things are different now.

Akara is gone.

Almost all Roggs in Rogge town have been taken under Sarah's command.

The Akara guards who most likely had different opinions also left Rogge Town on their own initiative, and their whereabouts are unknown.

In this case, Sarah can choose to use a more reliable and feasible method:

Demolish the Cathedral of the Blind Sisters.

Not only was the cathedral demolished, but the catacombs beneath it were also demolished.

By connecting the underground world with the above-ground world, the rich magic power in the underground will naturally spread to the surface.

As the underground magic concentration decreases, the levels of monsters there will also decrease simultaneously.

Just like what Sarah and Luger did at the Tower of Forgotten.

When it comes to the ability to demolish buildings, Tia, an alchemist master who loves explosions, is the well-deserved number one.

In the past, she relied on her own alchemy to make explosives, and the raw materials, time and energy were a big problem.

But now, with Luger providing materials and even finished products, Tiya just bombs, and the efficiency is immediately sky-high.

This is the biggest reason why Sarah chooses to attack Andariel's lair now.

When Ruger arrived at Sarah's command camp, Tia was already driving the Boxer Dog AGM light 155mm self-propelled artillery and was eager to try it.

Sure enough, after Luger briefly discussed the specific coordination matters with Sarah, Tia was already eagerly urging the Luger tank soldiers to clear the way for her.

Fortunately, she at least didn't forget that she was an artilleryman and a DPS, and she needed tanks to help her take damage.

This time the tank is really a tank.

Of course, Tia was not the only one who was eager to try the final battle. Rogge, who knew the news in advance, was also excited.

Seeing this scene, Sarah lamented that it was indeed right not to inform everyone of the plan for the decisive battle.

Even if everyone who is notified is reliable, the strangeness they show will be noticed by someone who is interested, and then the information about Sarah's "big move in the near future" will be exposed to Rogge Town and the Order.

Seeing that all the actual participants had arrived, Sarah did not say anything due to confidentiality issues, jumped on her Leopard 2A4 first, and was the first to rush out of the camp.

There are three goals in the first phase of the decisive battle:

Dismantle, dismantle, dismantle.

The first step was to clear the space by demolishing the few remaining buildings around the cathedral.

The second step is to demolish the cathedral and annihilate all the monsters on the entire monastery ground.

The third step is to clear away the remains of the monastery ruins, blast open the floor, and expose the catacombs to the ground layer by layer.

This task sounds troublesome enough, but in reality it may take several days.

There are not many buildings connected to the outer and inner cloisters of the cathedral, but if you want to blast the cathedral remotely, you must first get rid of these obstacles that hinder the trajectory.

Sarah had originally fought here before, but a series of problems arose, such as Minerva being abducted by spies of the Order and returned to Rogge Town, so this part also came to a standstill.

Now that Luger and Tiya are on site to help, this goal should not be difficult to achieve.

It was the tank troops that opened the way ahead, attracting the nightmare-level monsters that ran out of various buildings.

Under the attack of tank guns, even nightmare-level elite monsters cannot last long.

The tanks on the field include Sarah and Ruger's two Leopard 2A4s, a modified Little Leopard, and five "Maxiong" medium tanks (Plank 4 Tank Horse + 4th Assault Gun Grizzly Bear).

The Panzer IV is simple and cheap to make. As long as there is enough time, Ruger can guarantee that at least one tank will be built every day.

Because Anya was dragged by her twin sister Li Min to conduct helicopter reconnaissance, Luge had to be the gunner by himself this time.

As for the driver, he just randomly grabbed a human guard who was still on Rogge's front line.

The eight tanks are matched with high and low levels, and there is no problem in dealing with the elite level monsters on the front line.

Accompanying the tanks were Rogge's ENOK armored patrol vehicles.

Basically, they are used as infantry fighting vehicles.

The MG3 on their roofs, which originally fired 62 NATO standard full-power rifle bullets, has been modified by Ruger into an M2A1 "Laoganma" heavy machine gun.

This is the latest model developed on the basis of the 72HB heavy machine gun after adding the function of quick-detachable barrels and adding flash suppressors.

Yes, there is no major change.

The most important thing is that the function of quick-detachable barrels has been added, which greatly enhances its continuous combat capability.

Sarah does not have a real infantry fighting vehicle. If you use M2 to fight those nightmare-level monsters that do not need tank guns to deal with, you need to maintain a certain shooting frequency.

So Ruger had to give them this latest model with the best endurance.

On the two ENOKs, there is also a quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun trailer, which is the kind that Ruger used to fight Big Dog helicopters in an emergency before.

It's just one more.

Compared with the 7MM heavy machine gun, these two anti-aircraft trailers are more like the firepower that a real infantry fighting vehicle should have.

However, the elite Rogues who were advancing with the ENOKs all had their guns replaced by the Lugers with the large-caliber automatic rifles derived from the Barrett anti-material rifles that also used 7MM caliber heavy machine gun bullets.

If it weren't for the limited firing rate and the fact that Lao Gan Ma was too heavy, light armored vehicles like ENOK wouldn't need to be deployed at all, and the Rogues would just carry a set of M2s.

But no, that thing can't be used by one person.

Even if there were gun racks, it wouldn't be suitable for the Rogues' style of moving around and relying on mobility to make up for the lack of defense.

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