Is a monster worth only 1 point powerful?

This question really cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. Google search reading

The dark zombies on the ground and the fallen demons holding swords and shields are only worth 1 point.

Even if you say it is powerful, it is not the enemy of Ruger One-Head.

It may not be awesome, but it would have the power of life if faced by ordinary people.

Think about it this way, how can these ultrasonic bats in the sewer be worth 1 point?

Their trump card, ultrasonic attack, cannot even affect Nephalems like Tia in the slightest.

It’s no wonder Lao Nao Noisy said that Tia’s parents probably didn’t encounter these things back then.

They attacked, but the old couple didn't feel anything, but that doesn't mean they didn't encounter them.

Luger even doubted that these guys were capable of killing an ordinary person?

All right,

With their huge bodies and sharp claws, they might be able to attack ordinary people who are dizzy by ultrasound.

But unfortunately, they are not facing ordinary people, but Ruger.

These guys may have fast attack speed, but compared to the monsters on the ground, their defense is extremely poor.

Not one of them needed a second round of buckshot from the Ruger, and they couldn't even eat a full round.

No, he only fired three magazines and 18 rounds of buckshot, but he gained more than 40 points.

That is to say, on average, he can kill two half-fat bats with one deer bullet.

Still, most of the bats flew back deep into the pipes after feasting on the amoeba.

As soon as the surviving amoebas realized that they were no longer paralyzed by the bat's sound waves, they left the two of them behind and fled.

In this way, Tia will no longer waste incendiary bombs to maintain the sea of ​​​​fire.

So Luger basically played seven in and seven out in the half-burning flames, concentrating on bullying the big bat who hadn't escaped yet.

"Hey, it's just charming, but that's all~"

He was enjoying the fight here, but Xiaotiya was somewhat bored.

She still prefers setting fires and throwing bombs, and has little interest in shooting bats with a gun.

After wandering around boredly for two times, she simply walked over to a relatively complete bat corpse, took out a short knife and started dissecting it.

Soon, she took out the blood-covered organ and put it aside. She also found some iron sheets in her satchel.

After jingling for a while, it actually made something like a tin lantern.

"What are you talking about?"

Luger, who had defeated all the enemies, looked over and asked curiously.

Xiaotiya just smiled and didn't answer. She held a lantern and walked towards the water area.

"Hey, be careful, the water is deep over there, and there might be that disgusting monster ambushing you just now!"

Just as Luger finished shouting the warning, he saw the water in front of Tiya causing splashes.

He looked over and saw that several green slimes had turned into bamboo shoots and "grew" out of the water.

That look was exactly the same as when he was targeted by the bat before.

"Hmm, that lantern of yours is a sonic gun?"

After understanding this, Luger immediately followed suit, picking at the fallen bat carcasses, and soon came up with a new gadget.

Different from Tia's lantern, his is a classic pump-action shotgun, similar to the Mossberg 590.

A true sonic "gun".

"Ha, that's interesting!"

Holding the freshly made sonic gun, Luger pointed it into the water in front of him little by little.

As he shined the muzzle of his gun, scattered green "bamboo shoots" emerged from under the water.

He was taken away again by the double-barreled shotgun in his other hand.

Seeing him, she looked over and had a great time playing. She made a lot of progress in the blink of an eye. Tia quickly reminded her,

"Brother Lu, be careful!"

"That thing will wear out quickly if you use it for a long time."

Lu Ge nodded immediately after hearing this, and his speed also slowed down.

This so-called sonic gun sounds fantastic, as if it is some kind of magic weapon.

But in fact, the main body is the vocal organ of the fat bat. It is a proper biological weapon and belongs to the science fiction side.

The biggest difference between science fiction weapons and fantasy weapons is that, as mentioned before, they are greatly constrained by energy conservation.

To put it simply, this sonic gun also consumes energy and does not have unlimited ammunition.

Its energy is the energy supply organ in the bat that is connected behind the vocal organ - the digestive organ.

That is, its gastrointestinal tract.

After the amoeba swallowed by it is digested, the sonic gun is equivalent to emptying the magazine.

As for asking if the amoeba can be caught and stuffed into the remaining organs to be used as ammunition?

How should I put it, although the organs on this strange bat can still retain certain functions after the mother dies.

It's as if this thing itself is a manufactured biological weapon.

But Ruger doesn’t intend to really go down this technical line.

Instead of feeding the dead organs, he chose to collect a few more complete bat carcasses and keep them for reuse on the road.

In short, the slime amoeba, which was extremely disgusting but could not be emptied due to excessive water accumulation, was no longer a problem.

In this way, the forward speed of the two people also increased.

Continuing deeper along the pipe, the space inside actually becomes more and more open.

During this period, although some places were narrowed from time to time due to landslides, the overall space was steadily expanding.

It seemed that the part the two entered was just a tributary of the sewer network.

Now, what they entered was the main area.

Interestingly, as the walls around the pipeline were damaged more and more, creatures began to appear on the exposed soil.

The most common one was a kind of fluorescent bacteria that emitted a faint light.

These lights looked very weak individually, but when they gathered together, they actually lit up a large area.

As the two took back their lighting devices, the previous sonic gun materials gradually ran out.

After the energy of the last set of gastrointestinal organs was exhausted, the two suddenly discovered that new ghosts had appeared again.

It seems that the ghosts suppressed by ultrasound are not just amoebas.

The first one to jump out was also a kind of insect, yellow and green strips.

I don’t know if the color is similar to amoeba, and this thing is also similar to that kind of colloid in texture.

Facing this kind of monster, the two did not need to discuss.

Xiao Tia threw a pottery jar filled with napalm and smashed it on the ground,

while Ruger took out a double-barreled shotgun and fired a dragon breath bullet at that side.

A flame of burning magnesium powder like the breath of a dragon swept past, immediately igniting the gasoline fuel scattered nearby and even on the insects.

In an instant, a new sea of ​​fire took away another wave of insects.

[Kill the poisonous leech/paralyze the leech, get 1 point]

Those insects are not one kind, but two kinds.

It's another weak chicken insect worth only one point, it seems that I can breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Ruger felt more and more that something was wrong.

At this point, it is still said that the world of the lost may be a doomsday similar to radiation/wasteland/biochemistry/survival,

Even Ruger himself does not believe it.

Just look at these groups of flying in the sky, running underground and swimming in the water. It's like they escaped from the same biochemical arsenal,

biological weapons.

Well, it seems that the zombies in the Resident Evil are also biological weapons.

But the biochemical side should specialize in the direction of bacteria and viruses, and mutations based on this.

And what Ruger saw in front of him was biological transformation with a relatively clearer goal.

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