"Electronic life form? Well, yes, it should be regarded as an energy body." Luge thought about it and agreed.

"In the outside world, there are two most common charisma. One is the automatic metal behemoth controlled by the real charisma." Sarah explained.

"According to Max, a real Sui Mei can even control dozens of automatic metal beasts at most."

"It relies on electricity or other means to remotely control the long positions with one end as the core."

"Oh, radio remote control." Ruger said.

"That's right, you lost ones have strange abilities." Sarah sighed with emotion.

"But he said that this type of evil spirit is suppressed very well in this special area and is not a cause for concern."

"Well, magic radiation will cause radio and electronic equipment to be ineffective. It is almost catching up with Mie particles." Luger also sighed with emotion.

"What rice grains?" Sarah asked curiously.

"Um, no, it's nothing. You continue." Lu Ge thought to himself that this matter cannot be explained in a sentence or two. Is it possible that I have to show you the animation of UC Century or something?

"You lost people have so many weird things." Sarah shook her head helplessly, but did not dwell too much on it and continued:

"There is another common type of magic, which is biochemically modified biological weapons."

"Those in the Charming Cave are typical biochemical transformation weapons."

"This eerie command structure is very similar to the structure of social insects such as bee colonies and ant colonies."

"The individual's intelligence is not very high, and he completely obeys the orders from the higher level of the command chain, and even takes the initiative to die, which is contrary to the instinct of life."

"When I went to the Charming Cave, I actually wanted to rely on the method Max gave me to kill the Charming Queen and become their new queen."

"This..." Luger didn't know what to say.

Actually I want to ask, is this kind of thing possible?

However, now that things have happened, Sarah has succeeded, and even the system has recognized her control of the charisma through the alliance module. There is no need to ask anymore.

People have already done it.

Oh, wait!

I first asked what the purpose of these was?

Isn't it just asking why only seven of the twelve Tegaman are on her list?

7/12, it’s obvious that she doesn’t have very good control over the charm.

"...Then, can you control all the evil spirits?" Ruger asked again, "Are there any, for example, distance restrictions or something?"

What he wanted to ask was actually what was the principle of controlling the charisma.

But after thinking about it, it’s not good to ask about something like this that concerns other people’s core secrets.

What's more, Sarah herself may not be able to explain clearly.

"For ordinary Sui Mei, as long as they are not left alone, there is basically no problem." Sarah said, "The chain of command of Sui Mei is also a multi-level one-to-many pyramid structure."

"My orders are sent to subordinate commanders, and these commanders are then ordered to be sent to the next level, until each charlatan."

"I can also leapfrog the hierarchy at any time and give orders to the lower levels."

"But in this case, they will become my direct subordinates and break away from their original chain of command position."

"So I won't do it unless I have to."

"But," Sarah sighed, "the lower the level of the Charming, the lower their intelligence, and the more they obey orders."

"But the subordinate commander who is directly responsible to me has much higher intelligence."

"It's those Tegaman just now."

"Their original races are not the same. Some were originally biochemically modified warriors of the Charming, and some became the Charming after being captured and biochemically modified."

"The prototype of the latter can be a demon, a demonized animal, a Nephalem human, or a lost one."

"Among them are Rogge and Fallen Rogge."

"Finally, they were all implanted into the Tejaman system by Radam trees."

"It's okay that they were originally Charming Biochemical Transformation Warriors. They are just the superposition of two systems. They are the most obedient type. No matter who is their king, they are obedient enough."

"But it's more troublesome if the prototypes are in other forms. They still retain more or less their original memories and abilities, so they are inevitably affected by the original ones."

"The mysterious energy body controlled them before. Because they were all transformed under that guy, they were quite obedient at that time."

"But after you killed that guy and I inherited the top position in the chain of command, they became less obedient."

"But most of it is fine."

"Those who were originally demons, demonized animals, and corrupted Rogs, as long as I use some Andariel methods, they will naturally be obedient."

"Originally, I belonged to Rogge. When I saw that Queen Charming was also a Rogge, she quickly became loyal to me."

"But the remaining prototypes are those of Nephalem or Lost humans, so that's a problem."

"The final result is that of the twelve sub-commanders, I can only effectively control half, that is, six."

"In addition, there are two others who obey my orders, but their effects are always compromised."

"The other four are trying their best to evade my orders."

"Although due to their cunning nature, they cannot directly disobey my orders, they can hide here and there so that my orders cannot be conveyed to them."

"In this way, they don't have to contradict me directly, but they don't have to obey my orders against their will."

"As for me, I don't have time to pull them out one by one and force them into the corner to deal with them. I can subdue them directly. I can only let them hide first."

"However, I still took back their subordinate ghosts' command rights and distributed them to other commanders."

"So that's it." Ruger thought to himself, this is right.

No wonder there are only seven Iron Man ghosts under Sarah's ghost sequence in the system ally module.

Oh, Sarah herself said that she can control 6+2=8?

The system said it was 7, and Sarah thought it was 8. That's right, most likely the one Sarah thought was just obeying her orders on the surface, but actually just acting.

I don't know if this "actor" is one of the six obedient people or one of the two troublemakers.

Thinking of this, Ruger felt even more regretful that he didn't get more information from e52 at the beginning.

Although that guy was eaten by Lao Guzao, its memory area was protected, and a considerable part of the information was not obtained by Lao Guzao.

Otherwise, if there were detailed information about the twelve Iron Man ghosts, Ruger could also help Sarah analyze it, and it is even possible to catch the remaining four.

"So, in fact, most of the ghosts are under your control," Luger thought, "only four Iron Man commanders are on the run?"

"Yes." Sarah nodded. "But this is enough."

"After all, I went to the cave because the situation was too bad. There was really no other way, so I had to try my best."

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