Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 289 People have long suspected

"Akara. Google to read" Sarah sighed.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

"As a senior nun of the Blind Eye, she is no stranger to the breath of hell."

"However, perhaps out of the protection of her daughter, the protection of her granddaughter, or perhaps for other reasons, she did not announce this matter to the public."

"But I still remember the look of shock and confusion in her eyes as she looked at that scene."

"She must know."

"That old woman is just a mortal, but her ability is not bad. She can even detect my gaze and glance at me intentionally or unintentionally."

"If I hadn't seen that I was at a curious age, I would have suspected me a long time ago."

What am I afraid of...

Hearing this, Luge recalled the words of Akara conveyed by Luoge's bodyguard before, telling him to be careful about Sarah, and now he was on the right track again.

He looked at Sarah who was still sighing, shook his head silently, and said to himself that people have suspected you for a long time, but they just held it in for a lifetime and didn't say anything.

"She sensed the devil's aura, but didn't mention it to anyone else. However, there were also the eyes and ears of the cult who were present at the time, and they also noticed her reaction."

"Perhaps Belial knew from that day that using this incident, along with some other means, he could coerce her into submission and have to cooperate with the evil cult."

"In short, with these help, Belial gradually discovered more secrets in this area."

"For example, Andariel's secret."

"Oh?" When Luge heard this, he subconsciously thought that Sarah's secret had been discovered. Could it be that Akara betrayed her when she was controlled by Belial?

But when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong.

If Belial had discovered that Sarah was Andariel, wouldn’t he have taken action against Sarah long ago?

Will you wait until now?

Even a few days ago, the Holy Knight Order suddenly went to its own territory to ambush Sarah. The main purpose was to target the Rogge troops in the monastery, not Sarah herself.

What on earth is going on?

Seeing Ruger looking at her in confusion, Sarah shrugged and said, "We, Max and I, made a mistake."

"We all subconsciously thought that Andariel would cease to exist after I was reincarnated."

"However, the demon body that I left in the catacombs of the cathedral actually gave birth to another consciousness after me."

"If I have to say it, I am just a human being with the memory of Andariel in my previous life. She is the real Demon King of Pain."

"However, this new Pain Demon King is not very intelligent and his skills are extremely limited. He only relies on brute force."

"It's far worse than what I was in my heyday."

Yes, yes.

Luge nodded while listening, thinking that of course it was right no matter what she said.

Who can say no?

"Then Belial discovered Andariel and began to have ideas about her."

"If he kills Andariel, he can absorb the power belonging to the Demon King of Pain."

"It's nothing if his strength rises again. I'm just afraid that after gaining my power, he can follow the clues to find me, or even Max, and..."

With that said, Sarah turned to look at Luger and said solemnly, "This is the ultimate purpose of telling you these things. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Kill Andariel for me."

"Help me get back Andariel's power."

Indeed it is.

When he heard her say that Andalil appeared again in Andalil's body, Luge understood why she would lead Luoge to counterattack the monastery cathedral so radically.

He even used magic gems to buy arms from Luger without blinking an eye.

He understood better why the Holy Knight Order saw her advance so quickly, and not only did they not help, but instead restricted her in various ways, and finally even went out to chase and intercept her in person.

It turns out that the big boss at the end of the first act is a large treasure chest, whether it is Sarah or Belial.

They are robbing the treasure!

Regarding Sarah's invitation to help, Luger of course had only one word: "Okay!"

But there was one thing that surprised him.

If it had been in the past, the system would have prompted the task to be triggered at the same time Sarah asked for his help.

However, this time, there was no movement at all.

Is it possible that because Luger's points balance is too high, the system thinks that he does not need the assistance of the task module and cancels this function?

Although he does not need to make money from tasks anymore, no matter how small a fly's legs are, they are still meat.

Anyway, I have to help out when I need to, wouldn't it be nice to make some extra money?

However, although he was a little resentful about the changes in the system, Luger still patted his chest to Sarah and continued, "How about going now?"


Sarah was immediately amused by his overly aggressive showmanship and burst into laughter.

"Don't be busy. There are some things that I haven't explained to you clearly yet. There's no point in going now."

She calmed down, waved her hand to Luger and said:

"Leave aside the question of whether I can beat the new Andariel. If I want to get the power of the Pain Demon King in her, I can't just kill her."

"That guy Belial can do this because he is originally the Demon King of Hell and can directly absorb the power of the Demon King from the same source, but I can't."

"Or, I don't want to do it."

"If I take this path, I will become Andariel, the Queen of Pain again."

"It's still the devil of hell. It's very likely that it will become a door to leave. I still can't be free."

"In that case, my previous reincarnation will be in vain."


There is such a thing...

Just listening to Sarah's description, Ruger knew that the problem was troublesome.

That's right, Belial went to kill the new Andariel, which should be similar to the original three generations of Diablo absorbing the souls of other devils sealed in the black soul stone, and can directly absorb the opponent's power.

This kind of power is not a relatively simple energy such as electrical energy, thermal energy or magic power.

Probably, it is still something like the divine godhead in other magic worlds next door.

The moral concept is deified (personified), which sounds very troublesome.

"This, what should I do?" Ruger asked half thinking and half curiously.

"Well, this is the key to why I want to ask you for help." Sarah nodded.

"Max was not idle during his travels. He verified the method to solve this problem and achieved initial success."

"After he came back, he also taught me the method in detail."

"Oh, it's really hard for him."

Tsk tsk, Ruger couldn't help shaking his head in his heart when he heard it, thinking that this guy, just said that others went out to travel and he was jealous, and now he is so nostalgic.

Really, is he arrogant?

How can I not see it?

Sarah didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, and continued to explain:

"Although I haven't tried it completely, I think this method is very feasible."

"So, this time, I hope you can help me try it."

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