Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 268 Guns and cannons are powerful, do you think they are the same no matter who uses them...

What's more, when he used it, he used telekinesis to perform chain fire or even salvo fire. A single cannon was not powerful enough, and a salvo of eight cannons was enough. Google search reading

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If it's really not enough, then just switch to Leopard 2.

When playing volley fire, what you want is a massive attack with a large area of ​​destruction.

The energy density per unit area is enough.

So, will it be enough this time?

Eight rounds of shrapnel were fired one after another, and when they flew about one to two hundred meters away from the city wall, the internal delay fuse burned out and the detonator was ignited to detonate the internal charge.

Puff, puff, puff, there were several small explosions from the shells. The soft shell of the shrapnel was blown apart by a small amount of explosives, revealing the steel ball pellets densely packed inside.

Losing the constraints of the shell and coupled with the impact of the head-on airflow during high-speed flight, these projectiles quickly dispersed, turned into a rain, and fell straight towards the artillery on the city wall.

The sound of clanging, clanging, clanging, like hailstones chiseling a vat, is endless.

The Paladins with artillery initially wanted to rely on their shields and plate armor to resist the metal raindrops.

However, after carrying it for two times, they realized that if they continued to carry it, not to mention their armor would be destroyed by the metal raindrops, even their skin and flesh would be sieved.

As a last resort, they had to defend while retreating until they were out of the range covered by the metal rain.

It was easy for them to exit, but it was difficult for the artillery.

It is still unclear whether the cannon body has any hidden damage due to excessive impact.

However, those wooden frames, including the main steering gear mounted on the wooden frame, as well as most of the high and low machines mounted on the gun body, with only the positioning part connected to the wooden frame, were all directly smashed to pieces by the rain of steel balls.


Seeing the devastation on the city wall, especially the cannons that could barely be used, the adjutants of the Order were shocked and could only bite the bullet and ask Austin.

Austin's face is now even more ugly, his eyes are red, he is gnashing his teeth, and the red and white colors on his face alternately change, like some kind of signal light.

He still didn't know what to do, but Luger's next round of taunting had arrived.

"This is how the weapon of the Lost should be used."

"Do you think that everyone uses the so-called weapons of the lost in the same way?"

"Do you think there will be no war among the lost humans?"

"Even if the weapons are the same, the most important thing is the person using the weapon."

"You can't."

"You can't" was said in a calm and gentle tone, as if it was just a reading robot stating a monotonous matter without emotion.

However, in Austin's ears, it was more harsh and unbearable than all the provocations and taunts in the world.


Austin, with red eyes, threw away the shield in his hand for the first time, and drew out a two-handed sword from behind with his backhand. He was about to jump off the city wall, preparing to rely on his single combat skills to get back into the game.

"Sir, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing him like this, the deputy beside him quickly grabbed him and picked up the shield he threw on the ground.

"That person just wants to anger you, so don't be fooled."

"Yes, sir, it's just our first time using this kind of thing. We are definitely not as familiar with these weapons as he is."

"Look at his clever words and demeanor, does he dare to compete with you in sword and shield skills?"

"He's just a lost man. I'm afraid any apprentice soldier in the town could knock him down in two or three blows."

"But he doesn't compete with others with fists, feet, and swords to show how powerful he is."

"This is how he uses his strengths and avoids his weaknesses!"

"After I practice diligently and master the key points, wouldn't it be nice to fight him with all my strength?"

"Why should I fall for his evil deeds just to make him feel complacent?"

Ruger initially listened with interest.

After hearing this, he suddenly realized, could it be that the two deputies in Austin were not really persuading him, but were playing a double act with him?

He said these words one after another, obviously he had practiced them.

He rolled his eyes and sneered, "That's right, that's right, listen to your subordinates and go back and practice hard for two years before I provoke your Uncle Lu Ge again, uh, no, your Grandpa Lu Ge."

"Now, you'd better put down your weapons and raise your hands in surrender."

It stands to reason that this sentence is much more insulting than the previous sentence. With Austin's previous anger, he should have immediately been furious and attacked.

However, after these words were passed, instead of being angry, Austin straightened his armor, straightened his hair, and gradually regained his composure.

"Yeah, it's just a double act."

As soon as Luge saw his posture, he knew that his anger was probably fake, and he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

However, he did not wait for the other side to continue their rhetoric. He raised his hands and snapped his fingers again, and the eight Pak40s around him roared again.

These towed anti-tank guns were left by him in the logistics space to be used as "continuous cannons". Naturally, they would not be able to fire only one shell before having to go back and reload as before.

He later made many large and small automatic loading machines, as well as many industrial robots.

Even if he cannot use electronic chips, the technology he masters is enough for him to make an automatic loading device for use with towed artillery.

It is nothing more than a replica of the automatic loader derived from naval guns during World War II.

If it weren't for the fact that the magazine feeding method would reduce the accuracy of the artillery, he would even change these guns to magazine feeding.

After experiments, he determined that this kind of thing can be used on mortars and howitzers, but it is best not to use it on anti-tank guns, so he gave up this technology line.

In fact, this is easy to understand. Just like the world's high-precision medium and long-range sniper rifles are all single-shot bolt-action structures.

And large-caliber anti-material rifles such as M82 are made semi-automatic because they do not require high accuracy. Its long-range accuracy is simply not as good as those bolt-action snipers.

There is not much difference in the principles of guns and artillery in this regard.

Installing an automatic loader on a towed artillery is something that the normal world would not do.

Using towed artillery instead of self-propelled artillery is either for simplicity and reliability, or for light weight and small size to facilitate air transportation or other means of transportation.

But installing an automatic loader similar to that on a self-propelled artillery makes these two "advantages" no longer exist.

However, Ruger's side is different.

These guns are all in his logistics space. In other words, he can release them at will and take them back at will. Small size and light weight are meaningless to him.

Because of the logistics space, he didn't care about being simple, reliable and easy to repair.

Putting the damaged gun in the logistics space is equivalent to letting it recover automatically.

That's why Ruger dared to do this.

Even so, he couldn't break the limits of the laws of physics.

There were only six extra rounds of ammunition on the automatic loader.

No matter how much ammunition there was, the loader structure would be too big, so big that it would attract attention and be targeted by people.

And if the ammunition piled together was targeted by people, the consequences... can be imagined.

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