Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 244 Is it important? Very important.

Then, is it important that she exposed her identity?

Does it mean that she can't escape after revealing that she is Sarah?

Don't say it, this is the problem.

If she were an ordinary Rogue, it would be normal for her to escape at this time.

But if she were Sarah, her escape would be very suspicious.

A dignified Rogue commander couldn't even deal with four little Nephalems who were less than level 5, and she had to flee in panic. There must be a trick.

After the people of the Paladin Cult carefully questioned these people, they would most likely find that it was the ability of the Smiling Man that was at work, and then Sarah's secret might be exposed.

Then why not start killing?

If she was someone like Ruger, maybe she could try this.

But the problem is that she is still the Rogue commander, and her power is based on the recognition and compliance of the Rogue Town Law.

Once she violates the Rogue Town Law without sufficient reason, the foundation of her power will collapse first.

In short, she doesn't have a reasonable enough reason to kill these Paladins now.

Once she killed them, the Paladin Order could use this to legitimately deprive her of her leadership of the Rogue troops.

Unless she was confident that she could lead the Rogues to rebel together, she would definitely suffer a loss.

If she was given some more time to lead the Rogues to recapture the Cathedral of the Blind Eye Sisters, or even just besiege it, she believed that most of the Rogues would stand firmly on her side.

But now, the time is not ripe.

What to do?

Another dilemma.

She was hesitant to make up her mind, but when she looked up, she saw that the five people had turned from the north wall to the east wall and would be able to rush over in no time.

Seeing this situation, she no longer had many choices.

If she wanted to get out safely without exposing her identity, she had only one way to go:

Use the power of that person!

So a moment later, the signal gun sounded, and a red flash rose into the sky.

"What is that?"

The paladins looked at the red light in the sky in doubt.

"It's a Lost One weapon!"

"She's sending a signal to someone else!"

The Skeleton Undead was an expert, and immediately shouted out the source of the flare.

"Quick, get rid of her as soon as possible!" The team leader immediately shouted to the people around him, and then shouted to the five people in the rear team who ran along the wall from the north, "You, send one person back to pass the message!"

"I asked the guards at the north gate to pass it when I came here!"

The Royal Sister Mage, who was obviously a think tank among the five people, replied.

"Very good." The words of the Royal Sister Mage obviously made the team leader very satisfied, and even the speed of attacking increased by two points.

Soon, the four people at the city gate and the five people on the north wall surrounded Sarah.

The three paladins in the four-man team had more than enough defense and less attack, but the Skeleton Undead, combined with the charm of the Smiling Paladin, made it impossible for Sarah to seize any opportunity to escape.

The five-man team had the remaining two paladins in the eight-man team, and three servant mages.

In addition to the Royal Sister Mage who is a dual practitioner of lightning and fire, there is also a pure fire mage and a wolf-calling druid.

Obviously, the biggest threat to Sarah from the five-man team is the Royal Sister Mage's electric magic with paralysis effect, as well as the ghost wolves and wild wolf packs summoned by the druids.

The druids who specialize in summoning wolf packs, although the wolf cubs they create have low attack and defense power, they are extremely fast and can cooperate with their masters and teammates.

Their effects are infinitely close to the hand bones created by the white-bone undead.

They can't kill people, but they can disgust people to death.

Sarah is disgusted enough now.

She was already embarrassed by the charm and the white-bone hand, but there were actually two control mages over there, which really left no way for Rogge to survive.

Among the four servant mages in this eight-man Paladin team, only one is a pure output, and the remaining three are all control mages, and they all tend to control the agility system.

This is the enemy Rogge least wants to encounter.

Combined with the direction they left the city, Sarah felt that their target this time was most likely Rogue.

That's right.

If everything was normal, there should really be one or two Rogues who went out for patrol two days ago and have not returned to the town yet.

This eight-man team is probably going to deal with them.

Even Sarah herself was almost unable to resist. If ordinary Rogue patrols met them, they would really have no way out.

"Her breath is disordered, hurry up, work harder, take her down!"

The captain of the Paladin team immediately caught Sarah's panic, and decisively called on his men to use their ultimate moves and give her a round of strong attacks.

In just a moment, Sarah felt that her positions that could move in all directions were blocked by the opponent.

No matter where she hid, she would be plunged into the fishing net woven by the opponent.

But if she didn't hide, the shield formation of five, no four Paladins would knock her out on the spot.

"Why is that guy so slow?"

At the critical moment, Sarah didn't think about anything else, she just complained that someone was too incompetent.

At the same time, she changed her left hand holding the bow, ready to replace the wooden longbow with her magic spear at any time.

Let's fight!

Since no choice is good, we can only choose the one that is not the worst.

Whether it is exposing her identity or having her power taken back by Rogue Town, it is not as bad as exposing her secret.

In the end, she can only transform into Iron Man and start killing!

Thinking of this, Sarah's eyes flashed red, and the Iron Man tattoo on her arm also flickered.



Just as she was about to transform, a high-explosive grenade came whistling from afar and exploded directly in the enemy formation.

In just a moment, the Fire Mage and Wolf Caller were blown away by the high-explosive fragments, and their lives were unknown.

The wolf pack of at least ten also dissipated in an instant.

Only two wild wolves and a ghost wolf were left, whimpering and staggering from the charred ground, moving towards their master.

"What's going on?"

The paladins quickly remembered what this familiar thing was, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Oh no, it's that thing!"

"It's the Lost Devil!"

"Quick, don't worry about that Rogue! Build a defensive formation!"

"Otherwise everyone will die!"

The rich experience of the paladin captain saved them again.

Don't underestimate this high-explosive grenade. It's just a 75X495mm shell fired by Ruger's Bear assault gun three kilometers away, but there is something else in it.

It is said that such a small shell has limited charge, not only is the effective killing range not large, but the anti-infantry effect is also average.

It can hit the core area of ​​the five-man group accurately with one shot, but it can kill two mages in an instant, which is simply a miracle.

However, in fact, things are not that simple.

Ruger's high-explosive grenade not only optimizes the warhead and increases the amount of explosives, which directly increases the explosion energy by 50%+, but also adds a bunch of tungsten alloy bead fragments in addition to the prefabricated fragments.

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