Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 232: The little girl retreats to advance


The little girl retreated to advance!

Seeing this, Ruger smiled bitterly again, knowing that no matter how reluctant he was, he had to build one or two to deal with it.

There was no way. Tia's words not only showed that she was working non-stop to help Ruger, but also expressed her current busy situation.

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Others are so busy for themselves, who would dare to say that I am bored and want to go out for a walk?

Just do it, anyway, the technology is ready.

Put the chassis in the raw material pool into the bunker car shop, and then follow the idea of ​​the previous magic modification of the No. 5 tank, the small leopard, to convert the medium tank of the No. 4 tank into a tracked assault gun.

New tank, it's done.

Of course, Ruger will not build a turretless assault gun like the real No. 4 assault gun.

His plan is more like replacing the chassis of a modern wheeled assault gun with a tracked one.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a modern light tank.

The tonnage of modern light tanks is similar to that of medium tanks in World War II, which can be regarded as a witness to the development of the times.

Modern assault guns have basically been replaced with wheels, mainly for rapid response and rapid deployment.

But the reason why wheels are fast is that they rely on the developed road transportation network of modern countries.

However, given the road conditions in the dark world, except for the brick-paved main road from the Blood Wasteland to the monastery used by Ruger's current transport convoy, those muddy roads are simply not suitable for wheels.

Even this brick-paved road, because of its disrepair, has a low load-bearing capacity, so Ruger dare not let medium and heavy trucks with a load of ten tons or more go on it.

Tracked ones are still more suitable for modern conditions.

Then why not just use infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers to modify it?

Because these two types of vehicles are used for infantry.

Armored personnel carriers are equivalent to buses that are specially used to carry fully armed soldiers.

It can provide a certain degree of support and quickly transport infantry to the battlefield.

But it is essentially a passenger car. It is enough to transport people, but it is absolutely not suitable for going to the battlefield.

Infantry fighting vehicles are better. They can shuttle infantry on the battlefield, put down infantry when needed, and quickly load infantry back when they are in a fast maneuver.

Equipped with a small-caliber machine gun, it can provide certain anti-infantry and anti-armor support.

In addition to being able to "carry passengers", modern infantry fighting vehicles are really close to the ecological niche of infantry support vehicles such as the StuG IV during World War II.

However, Ruger's human guards do not need infantry fighting vehicles.

To be precise, the individual combat capabilities of human guards are not enough to serve as qualified light infantry on the battlefield of the dark world.

To be a good light infantry, at least you have to be as strong as the Rogges.

It's not that Ruger is self-deprecating. These boys at home have been trained in shooting and are indeed good at being gunners, but they are still a bit far from real warriors.

Tia's description of them is more appropriate:

Their current combat capability can only be regarded as a group of combat engineers.

Well, this is the worst time that combat engineers have been criticized.

Ruger's men are good at digging trenches and arranging firepower points, but they have never learned minesweeping and clearing because it is useless. As for building pontoon bridges and operating cranes, they have never heard of it.

At most, they have learned blasting skills such as bombs from Tia recently.

If they are provided with sufficient protection, they should be much more efficient than Sarah's Rogues in blowing up the gate of the Blind Eye Monastery in Taymo Highlands.

They can barely be regarded as combat engineer recruits.

If they are given infantry fighting vehicles, two infantry fighting vehicles can put everyone down.

But the combat effectiveness is not much different from having none.

So Ruger still agrees with Tia's idea, which is to convert them into armored soldiers.

Only three people are needed for a tracked assault gun.

There are sixteen full-time human guards, and it is just right to build five assault guns.

The extra person can just help Ruger or Tia.

At the same time, this opportunity is used to let the remaining thirteen people engaged in daily production learn to drive. If the shelter can't be defended one day, everyone can still break through the siege by forming an armored convoy.

As for the name, Ruger decided to call the new car the Little Bear Assault Gun|Chariot, similar to the Grizzli Assault Gun, which also uses the chassis of the Panzer IV tank but is equipped with a 150mm howitzer.

After all, what he is going to install on the turret this time is not a short 88 gun, but a 75mm 48-caliber tank gun.

Yes, it is the main gun after the modification of the Panzer IV G.

The shells are also mainly grenades, supplemented by armor-piercing shells.

There is no problem bullying the monsters on the ground.

It is not inferior to the nightmare-level monsters.

However, it is almost impossible to break through the outer armor of Ruger's core tank.

The armor-piercing shell of that gun penetrates about 100mm at a distance of 1000 meters, which poses a very low threat to Ruger himself.

But if Ruger uses it himself, he can also achieve a higher penetration.

Just change the bullets.

However, he will not let others use the rod-piercing bullets used by these rifled guns.

He has done this more than once or twice to modify the World War II chassis to the level of the end of the Cold War.

So not long after the start of work, he made the main body of five Bear assault guns.

For engines, transmissions, turrets, steering motors, etc., you need to try the finished products to find the most cost-effective combination.

After that, you need to solve the volume and position problems according to the actual layout, which also requires time.

The time spent on this part cannot be replaced by the acceleration characteristics of the logistics space itself, and you can only work hard to grind it.

He thought that he would spend time on this in the next one or two days, but he didn't expect that an accident would happen again.

This time, the accident was that the number of people in the transport convoy returning from the Rogue front was wrong.

However, it was not less, but more.

When leaving, Rogue had a total of six people including the driver and the gunner.

But when they came back, a total of ten people got off the three cars.

Among the four extra people, three were the three machine gunners who accompanied Minerva to the front line in the modified Ferdinand.

And the last one was not the barbarian female warrior Minerva, but the Rogue commander, Blood Crow Sarah, who had just left Rogue not long ago.

"What's going on?"

As soon as he saw the expressions of the few people, Ruger knew that something was wrong. He didn't say hello and asked Sarah directly, "Could it be that Minerva was in trouble?"

As he said that, Ruger frowned and looked at the three people.

Ruger was usually easy to talk to, but if someone violated military regulations and laws, he would be more frightening than Tia.

Seeing him looking at him at this time, the three machine gunners who were "ordered to pick up girls" and went to the front line immediately stood up straight, not daring to breathe.

"Yeah." Sarah also didn't want to waste words, and said directly, "Don't look at them, it has nothing to do with them."

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