Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 230 Sarah's Progress

The structure of the monastery of the Blind Sisters is similar to that of the monasteries in the Lost World. It is a set of buildings and courtyards headed by the core church.

Just like the temples or Taoist temples in China, after entering the courtyard gate, you first go to the corridor.

Then from the corridor, you can go to various buildings and rooms in the courtyard.

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Of course, the core of the courtyard is the main hall where the statues are enshrined.

For the monastery here, the core is the cathedral of the rogues.

After passing through the Taymo Highlands and arriving at the gate of the monastery, Sarah did not stop at all, and immediately used two tank guns to bombard the thick wooden door of the courtyard.

She did not stop after completely blasting the gate open, and continued to destroy the walls on both sides of the wooden door.

She stopped bombarding until a large gap was blasted there for enough vehicles to enter at the same time, and then she stopped supplying and repairing on the spot.

At the same time, waiting for the magic power in the gate of the monastery to dissipate.

Although the monastery itself is a large courtyard, and the area outside the buildings inside the courtyard is also open-air, this part is not as thin in magic as the wild.

On the contrary, because the main cathedral is controlled by the Queen of Pain Andariel and built into a monster nest, the concentration of magic here is far higher than anywhere else in the area.

Even the open-air area inside the monastery can breed nightmare-level monsters.

Of course, listening to the narration of MP5 sister and HK21 sister, the monsters generated there are not all nightmare-level, most of them can only be regarded as quasi-nightmare level.

But even so, Sarah still took the principle of anticipating the enemy and taking a steady and steady approach, pushing the monastery buildings all the way, and knocking down the gate wall, inner and outer corridors, and even other buildings before continuing to move forward.

When the battle continued to the night of that day, almost all the outer buildings of the monastery were blown away by her.

At the same time, the counterattack force of the monsters emerging from the buildings was gradually weakening.

This made several old rogues who had felt a little sad about their ancestral property being blown up agree with Sarah's approach.

After all, they also understood that in such an era, the rogues would have a chance to survive only if the problem of monsters was solved first.

If one day all the rogues and even humans were killed by monsters, just preserving the integrity of the rogue monastery would only continue to serve as a nest for monsters, what use would it have?

However, with the war at this point, it was actually difficult for Sarah to continue to push forward.

She even took the initiative to withdraw the troops from the front line when night was about to fall.

She went all the way back to the gate and dug trenches there to build fortifications to deal with the counterattack of monsters at night.

The reason for this was that she had a great time fighting in this battle, but her ammunition was almost exhausted.

It was also for this reason that she sent Isa and Liz here so early.

A military off-road vehicle without even armor had no effect on the current front-line war.

Sarah sent two people here, the main purpose is to buy more ammunition.

Especially the shells for tank guns, all types and models are needed.

Of course, since it is a purchase, the two sisters Rogge did not come empty-handed.

They also brought a lot of magic gems obtained from killing monsters in the past two days.

"So, you want to buy arms?" Ruger asked as he looked at the two people who were about to take out the magic gems.

"Yes." HK21 sister Liz nodded.

"Then let me ask, you are not going to use two G250s to pull the arms back, right?" Ruger asked again.

"It should be okay, right?" MP5 sister seemed to understand his concerns and explained, "We tried it before, and the car can carry more than a ton of supplies and still run fast."

"No, it can carry a ton, but it can only carry about 40 rounds of tank shells." Ruger said helplessly.

"We can't just pile up the shells randomly and let you bump along the road. At least we need to add boxes."

"Including the packaging, the two of you can only bring back 80 shells."

"I guess Sarah has to buy extra ammunition. I'm afraid that the more than 300 shells I brought to her yesterday have almost been used up?"

"It's far from enough for you two to transport them in one car."

"Then, what should we do?" MP5 sister looked confused.

"Or, I simply organize a convoy and send a team to help you escort?" Ruger asked.

"Of course that's great!" HK21 sister agreed immediately.

When Ruger heard her impatient look, he knew that this was Sarah's plan and he was tricked by the two little guys.

"Hey, Isa, you acted confused well just now. Who did you learn this bad from?"

As he said, he looked at MP5 sister and glanced at HK21 sister Liz.

Apparently, he had found the source of Isa's bad behavior.

After laughing and scolding the girl, Ruger called the soldiers over to select the members of the convoy.

During the arrangement, he suddenly turned around and asked the two Rugers curiously, "By the way, among the four of you, aren't Cindy and Bella the drivers? Aren't you two the gunners? Why did Sarah let you two be the drivers this time?"

The two looked at each other helplessly and said, "Lady Sarah said that it's hard to find a good driver in Ruger now, but everyone is a good gunner."

"So, we need to focus on training our driving skills and strive to become good drivers..."

"Ha, that's it." Luger said with a smile, "Okay, it's hard to find a driver here. Since you both have to drive the whole journey, I will arrange a gunman for you."

Finally, six people were separated from Ruger to form an armored transport convoy with a transport capacity of 10 tons, preparing to accompany the two of them back to the Ruger front line.

This batch of supplies, including the goods and transportation fees, consumed dozens of at least three-level ordinary magic gems that the two Rogges brought this time.

Before leaving, both of their faces were a little blue.

There was no way, I was really frightened by the cost of this arms business and my heart was pounding and I couldn't slow down.

However, seeing the two of them about to leave, Luger rolled his eyes and smiled at the two of them again.

"You, what are you doing? No, don't make a mistake!"

Luger didn't bother to pay attention to the two people playing tricks there, and continued to ask at his own pace, "Hey, you two, do you want to try something good?"

"No, don't!"

The two of them immediately hugged their chests to protect themselves, took a big step back, and stayed away from Luger.

When Luger saw this posture, he felt that he couldn't get away with it any more, so he simply pulled out two big guns from the weapon rack next to him.

It was the Dakoujing automatic rifle that he had planned to go to the front line for actual combat testing.

A handful is more than one meter long, with a regular layout;

A handful is less than one meter long and has no support structure.

The former uses an 18-round magazine;

The latter uses a 12-round magazine.

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