However, as Tiya moved the muzzle to aim at the enemy, the problem of the main battle tank's turret being too large was exposed again.

Whenever its movement angle slightly exceeds 20 degrees, at least one Rog on the vehicle will be pushed off the vehicle by the offset turret.

After several times, Roger and others were all kicked out of the car.

But if they were asked to jump up again, they would look at each other and shake their heads.

At this moment, Sarah, who had been following outside the car with her Tegaman armor, simply shouted to Ruger:

"You guys go ahead and take care of those things in the distance."

"Leave the remaining soldiers to us!"

When Luger thought that this was also a solution, he immediately nodded in agreement, stepped on the accelerator and directly accelerated the tank to its maximum speed, rushing towards the three big guys in the back row.

As his speed increased to the fastest, the light cars that had just rushed over had no time to turn around, and were soon left behind him.

After a while, the only ones who could run to him and stop him were some slower dark monsters that were slowly grinding behind him.

And these guys don't have heavy anti-tank firepower at their hands, and those guns are weak when hitting any part of the outer armor.

Soon, Ruger could even see three self-propelled howitzers hiding at the end of the playground not far away from the cockpit observation port.

At this time, they had all put away their cannons and turned around, preparing to run out of the playground.

In fact, their artillery is not theoretically incapable of anti-tank capabilities.

It's just that their design and use is for long-range fire support.

There is a saying that if these self-propelled howitzers can see the tanks rushing forward on the battlefield, it means that their war has been lost.

Of course, this is just to explain their combat logic.

If these vehicles were placed in the hands of the country during World War II, they would definitely be equipped with anti-tank ammunition.

What kind of design uses a 20-kilometer self-propelled artillery? If an enemy tank rushes into front of you, you will lose. You must fight to the last soldier.

This kind of thing boils down to just one sentence.

The concept of modern warfare is different from the concept of World War II warfare.

But Ruger now also has a word.

The way we fight in the apocalypse now is also different from the concept of modern warfare itself.

He didn't mean to look down on the opponent's self-propelled howitzer and turn around and run away without trying to hit it.

He just despised them.

When the enemies have run away, of course he will work harder to chase them.

However, just a hundred or two hundred meters away from the self-propelled howitzers that were about to escape, Lao Naochao, who had always been the pioneer scout, suddenly jumped into his augmented reality glasses again.

"Be careful. There is a mine 60 meters ahead. Turn left to avoid it."

"There's another one in 50 meters, turn right!"

It turned out that when Lao Naochao was exploring the road ahead, he discovered that anti-tank mines were placed on the ground.

"Okay, so you're waiting for me here!"

Luger finally understood that if the other person ran away without fighting, he was holding back and using anti-tank mines to hurt him.

"These guys are so bad!"

That's what he said, but Luger's radiant and glorious face looked more like he was enjoying this kind of battle against his opponent.

"It's so boring to abuse food unilaterally, this is the excitement!"

However, before Luger could say these words, he heard a bang and a shell hit directly not far in front of his car.

If he hadn't slowed down a bit in order to avoid the anti-tank mines, the fin-stabilized discarding sabot round would have penetrated the outer armor and killed him to the core.

"What's going on? Tank guns? The enemy still has tanks?"

It's one thing to use tanks to bully self-propelled artillery, but it's another thing to fight against other tanks.

Although those self-propelled howitzers have a larger caliber, the ammunition prepared is most likely high-explosive grenades.

The actual damage to tanks on a distanced battlefield is basically negligible.

But tank guns are different.

If the shot just now had hit, at least half of Luger's body would have been interrupted.


Luge hurriedly yelled and asked Shadow Lynx to investigate the situation.

From the direction of the shot just now, he could determine the general location of the opponent's tank.

This information does not need to be explored by Lao Naochao.

But he was afraid there would be other tanks around.

If that's the case, then this enemy is too terrifying.

That is equivalent to saying that the other party left three self-propelled howitzers here just for fishing.

Not only were anti-tank mines placed on its attack route, but other tanks were also placed around it.

In other words, the fish the opponent wants to catch by setting up this trap is the tank.

That is to say, the opponent has even calculated that he and others can grab the tank or that he and others will drive the tank to attack.

This is simply incredible.

It’s so frightening!

But soon, the information brought by Lao Naochao dispelled his idea of ​​scaring himself.

There was only one tank around.

However, just as Luger was relieved, he heard Lao Naocha add:

"But I can't get into that tank and eat it."

"It's like the Metal Tyrannosaurus or the Paladin camp."

What? This last tank happened to restrain Lao Naochao's secret infiltration ability?

Ruger's heart that had just been relieved was lifted again.

But he soon shook his head and said to Lao Gua Zao:

"You go and take care of the three self-propelled artillery first, and leave this to us."


Lao Gua Zao also obeyed and turned around and flew away immediately.

Ruger exhaled lightly, turned his head to the communicator in the car body and said to the two people in the back row:

"I guess that tank is the enemy's trump card."

"We have to deal with this thing."

"Tank showdown? I like it!" Tia was the first to cheer.

Then she immediately turned to Anya and said:

"Quick, prepare an armor-piercing one, the one with a pointed thin rod on the top of the head."

"Then, where is the shell in the tank gun now?" Anya asked.

"Do you need me to take it out?"

"No, just shoot it out."

Tia said and was about to turn the muzzle to send a round back to the other side.

Don't worry, seeing her posture, Ruger hurriedly stopped her, then turned the steering wheel sharply and kept the speed to swing through a 90-degree arc to turn the front of the car in the direction where the tank gun had fired before.

"Since the decisive battle has already begun, I don't want to use the side armor to withstand the shells from the opposite side."

Ruger curled his lips.


He just turned around and another shell was fired.

Then naturally it failed to hit.

However, the interval between the two shells of the opponent surprised Ruger.

Because the tank gun of his current tank has a regular firing rate of about six or seven shells per minute

It is about one shell in less than 10 seconds

But the interval between the two sets of the opponent just now was even only six or seven seconds.

In other words, it can reach a firing rate of 10 rounds per minute!

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