Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 153 Secret: The Rise of the Paladin Order

The weapons issue is over, and the problem with the underground pipeline has been solved. Google search reading

However, everyone still arranged for Lao Que to check regularly, to prevent the ghost from coming in at any time.

In short, with the completion of the construction of the shelter, things here are gradually getting on track.

Ruger's mission to save the human resistance army on the verge of destruction is also completed.

The 2,000 points are finally in hand.

During the construction of the shelter, Ruger also discovered a strange thing, that is, there are only 6 women among the less than 30 humans.

Two of them are not even adults, and there is an old woman who looks over 50 years old.

He didn't care at first, because when he was in Rogue Town before, he found that there were not many women among the human spectators.

And there are two reasonable explanations for this phenomenon that he already knows.

The first explanation is Rogue.

Rogue Town is named after Rogue, and until now, the Rogue troops are the mainstay of resisting monsters.

This is because the power system of the Rogue sequence is the most complete.

From ordinary humans to novices, to ordinary soldiers, to elite soldiers and even fully awakened Amazon warriors, all the training techniques of all stages have been passed down.

This means that even if someone is not talented and cannot fully awaken to a Nephalem, as long as they are willing to work hard, they can use the training techniques of the Rogue to become a qualified warrior stronger than ordinary people.

However, the inheritance of the power of the Rogue is only applicable to women.

There are more women among the Nephalem or quasi-Nephalem, and relatively speaking, there will naturally be fewer women among ordinary people.

On the other hand, the new order that the Paladins have always wanted to establish also requires that the offspring born by humans are as many as possible Nephalem.

Those women who are too poorly talented to become Rogues can only say that it is difficult for Nephalem to be born in their blood.

But they still have fertility.

If they are allowed to marry ordinary men, they will only give birth to more ordinary humans who cannot awaken.

Therefore, a long time ago, the Paladin Cult forcibly assigned these ordinary women of childbearing age who could not awaken to Rogues to Nephalem for various reasons.

Although they were given various high-sounding names, in reality, the actual status of these women assigned to the Nephalem was so low that they could not even be called concubines.

They were what Anya had said when she cursed Tia before, pure reproductive tools.

Ordinarily, this behavior of not treating people as human beings should have caused strong opposition from the Rogue.

Most of them were indeed opposed to it openly or secretly, but the Paladins were too talkative.

What they meant was that those ordinary men who could not awaken as Nephalem at least had some strength and could do some hard labor.

In exchange for their protection and blessing at the cost of Nephalem's life.

But those women could obviously become Rogues to join the battle and obtain the right to marry freely, but they gave up this opportunity for various reasons.

As mentioned before, unless they were Lost Humans, as long as they had a little potential of Nephalem, as long as they were willing to work hard, they could at least become the lowest-level Rogue warriors who only mastered one or two skills.

This is the key to the Paladin Cult shutting up most of the Rogues, that is, those people know that they can fight for those rights if they work hard, but they give up voluntarily because they are afraid of hardship. They do not deserve the sympathy of the Rogues.

The result is that these ordinary human women are of no benefit to Rogue Town except for their fertility.

If they do not give birth to offspring for everyone, they will have no place in the system of Rogue Town.

The Paladin Cult did not continue to use tough and iron-blooded rhetoric, but changed the subject:

Instead of watching them gradually being eliminated by time and reality, it is better to leave them a way out.

That is, accept the plan given to them by the Paladin Cult, let them contribute their fertility, make a contribution to Rogue Town, and therefore enjoy the blessing of Rogue Town openly.

The Paladin Cult is still very skillful.

They did not force it at first, but gave such a choice.

That is, those ordinary women of childbearing age who have no skills, have not awakened Nephalem, or even have not become Rogues can choose to become a "fertility partner" of a Nephalem.

In this way, not only can they obtain the right to live in the central living area of ​​​​Rogue Town, but they can also enjoy the highest food rations among the civilian class.

If the child successfully awakens as a Nephalem, her treatment will be even better.

Because it is a free choice, there are not many people who oppose it at first.

But gradually everyone found that instead of suffering to become a Rogue, more people prefer to comfortably give birth to children for others.

When the Rogue side found that their new soldiers were getting fewer and fewer, while the Paladin Cult had more and more soldiers, the Paladin Cult had become a force that could determine the survival of Rogue Town.

These things were slowly learned by Ruger from Tia and Minerva's friends when he was in Rogue Town.

When he just put those words together, he was also amazed by the Paladin Cult's generosity and unrestrained ideas.

This set of silent substitution seems simple, but the initial batch of start-up funds alone is a big problem.

However, after completing their own work, the group of paladins at that time kept going outside Rogue Town to explore and excavate ruins and collect living resources.

During the process, they not only obtained a large amount of food for the Lost, but also increased the population of the Lost for Rogue Town.

After being rescued by the bright and beautiful Paladins, most of the women among the Lost were directly transformed into their "reproductive partners" on the spot.

It can be said that they really relied on high-intensity combat to exchange for countless offspring.

Even Ruger could not confirm whether this generation of Paladins had planned it long ago, or just had a momentary distraction, but their actions were greater than their thoughts, laying a biased foundation for the later generations.

In other words, Ruger was sure that the current Paladin Cult was simply bad, but he was not sure whether the first generation was bad or stupid.

Anyway, with the "success" of this path, they naturally embarked on the path of Nephalem supremacy.

Because the path of the Paladin Cult implies a rule: only those who awaken to Nephalem can be considered qualified citizens of Rogue Town and are qualified to live here.

In addition, although they objectively let more women survive, the life and death of ordinary human men seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Ordinary women were forced to have children by the Paladin Order, and ordinary men could only have offspring by marrying with rogues or even female nephalems.

But childbearing itself is a great loss to the female body.

Even if rogues and nephalems are in good physical condition, and even don't take confinement, and return to the front line the next day after giving birth, their strength will still be affected objectively.

Rogues are okay, after all, they are from the Amazon branch, and their original lifestyle is similar to this.

But nephalems will only subconsciously avoid marrying with ordinary humans.

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