Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 147 Rebuilding the Shelter

Five days after the "Guillotine War".

The ruins of the former "Second Shelter".

The ordinary human pioneers who came here with Tia are busy sorting out the few remaining supplies here.

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This place used to be a supermarket in the Lost World, and there are some shops such as hardware stores around it.

In the impact of the fragments of the Dark World, this place was fortunately preserved in its entirety.

After the impact of the fragments, it seems that because it is too far away from the sewer, the ghosts that expanded their territory underground did not extend their tentacles here.

So, here formed a rare natural shelter with neither ghosts nor monsters attacking.

There is even enough food and a lot of tools inside.

Although most ordinary humans have forgotten their history, the relevant records are not a secret to the Nephalem.

That is, a considerable number of the humans in Rogue Town are descendants of the survivors of this second shelter and other shelters that are very similar to it.

There are not just one or two such lucky lost relics.

Even if we ignore the proportion and only talk about the absolute number, it is still a considerable number.

Like what?

It is like after a catastrophic earthquake, in the epicenter city, the main structure is still intact and has not collapsed completely.

There will naturally be more survivors in such buildings.

However, with the battle between humans and monsters in the future, most of the relics in bad locations disappeared in the war.

And now this second shelter is the last lucky shelter recorded in Rogue Town.

Theoretically, there should be other lucky shelters that have not been discovered.

So even if a Ruger of unknown origin suddenly appears, those Nephalem will only regard him as a lucky person who has just escaped from such relics.

As for the time gap and plane crossing, these elements can only be thought of by people of Akara's level.

After all, they are too far away from ordinary Nephalem.

This second shelter was recently captured by the Paladin Cult using tricks to attract monsters.

This place, which originally had no magic power, was also contaminated with a lot of hellish magic.

If you want to make this place a place that is not occupied by monsters again, you have to find a way to remove all the magic-attracting potions that Anya secretly placed before.

Then find a way to clean up the remaining fine magic.

This kind of work originally required Tia, an alchemist, to check every inch of the land.

But now, a certain culprit has also come here with them, so it is natural that the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it.

"I protest, you are abusing prisoners of war!"

"I am a high-level lightning and ice dual-cultivation wizard, why do you let me do what these mud-legged laborers do?"

A certain culprit howled in dissatisfaction.

"Shut up, work hard, or you will have no food tonight!"

The supervisor Minerva retorted fiercely.

"After all, you buried all these yourself."

"You didn't find it troublesome when you buried them yourself, but now you find it troublesome when you clean them up?"

"That's different. That's, that's for..."

The witch was halfway through her sentence, and she couldn't say the rest "for Lord Austin".

After walking around the edge of death, although her nature is hard to change and she is still arrogant and mean in her bones, she has not completely changed.

At least, her obsession with someone is not as strong as before.

"Hehe, so, you have to pay for the sins you have committed yourself."

"Hurry up, if you can't finish it before the sun sets, you won't have time to eat when the demon tide comes tonight."

"By then, you can only pick up the broken arms and limbs of a hard-haired mouse on the battlefield, suck some blood and eat some raw meat to fill your stomach."

"You haven't eaten raw mouse meat, have you, Master Mage?"

"That thing is not just unpalatable, it's fishy, ​​smelly, smelly and hard."

"I guarantee you'll never forget the taste once you eat it."

Minerva's vivid description was so contagious that the witch over there couldn't help but retching just by listening to it.

Fortunately, after being scared like this, she worked harder.

Not far from the digging duo, Ruger was leading those ordinary humans to set up machine gun array fire points at the entrance and exit of the shelter.

He didn't want to give these humans who hadn't been trained much, such as artillery, for the time being, but he had as many light weapons as he wanted below the general machine gun.

Weapons of this level basically pose no threat to Tia and Minerva.

Don't be hostile to others, but be on guard against them.

Although he was considered a Lost Human by the Nephalem, it didn't mean that he really regarded these ordinary humans as his compatriots.

Among them, he trusted those who had fought hard in this shelter and had to flee back to Rogue Town under the siege of monsters.

These people naturally became the first leaders of this new shelter.

But he was not so relieved about the other spectators of the guillotine battle.

Some of these people may have been awakened by the reality thrown in their faces, and suddenly realized that they wanted to make a name for themselves.

But it is not ruled out that some people are undercovers sent by people with ulterior motives.

Luger didn't want these people to easily master overly powerful weapons.

His standard is that weapons that use full-caliber rifle bullets and ammunition with lower muzzle energy can be provided to the so-called human resistance army.

Weapons with higher kinetic energy will not be provided for the time being.

In other words, not only are artillery weapons not allowed, but heavy machine guns will not be released.

Moreover, even if he releases them, he does not intend to let everyone get modern assault rifles.

What "AK47s for everyone" (a stalk from "C\u0026C General"), that is absolutely impossible.

The most he distributed were still light weapons from the World War II era.

For example, the MP40 submachine gun, and the Mauser Kar98K rifle.

Well, as I said before, if something is easily obtained, it will not be cherished by people.

These old guns are no problem against low-level monsters, and with the firepower array arranged by Ruger himself, it is enough to defend the shelter.

Isn't there a saying that in the decades after the end of World War II, heavy weapons on land, sea and air have developed rapidly, but light weapons on land have progressed at a snail's pace.

What I mean is that from the "demand side", the kinetic energy, velocity, trajectory and even damage effect of the bullets fired by these guns have not changed much.

But in fact, that is because the better "demand" on the "demand side" has given way to heavy weapons.

To accurately hit a human-shaped target a few kilometers away, why bother to build a super sniper rifle that is difficult for ordinary soldiers to control? Wouldn't it be better to let the artillery do it?

So in fact, compared with the light weapons of World War II, the "demand side" of modern light weapons has not changed much, but the "supply side" is quite different.

The so-called "supply side" refers to the ability of people who use guns to control guns.

For example, gun controllability, ergonomics, and even ammunition logistics supply and carrying methods.

Let the human resistance army use these weapons first to feel the smoke and shock of the old weapons of World War II (relatively backward gunpowder formula and ergonomics).

Then slowly replace them with modern guns with less smell, better feel, and smaller supply weight.

You can also harvest more favorability and loyalty, so why not do it.

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