Hong Ye looked at the emotional Gao Zhulong

"Unfortunately, your spirit told me otherwise."

Light emerged from behind him.


Gao Zhulong screamed in despair.

But in an instant, his body turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"Sure enough, has it been transformed into something like a ghost?"

Thinking of this,

Hong Ye opened the [Chat Channel].

Then he realized the seriousness of the matter.

"So that's how it is. All the dead players have been resurrected and can still communicate in the chat channel."

This is really a bit surprising.

Does this performance represent....The game still recognizes their identities as players!? In this case, players might be divided into two categories, one is human players, and the other is weird players.

And continue to deduce.

What will happen between two different types of players?

In this kind of game, Hong Ye doesn't think that the other party will be in a friendly mode of pleasant cooperation.

Coupled with the current version name: Ungrateful Ghosts.

I'm afraid that things will develop in the worst direction.


There are two choices in front of him.

The first is to just watch and let it develop. After all, he estimates that even if all human players die, he will be fine.

The second is to kill all the weird players before things get to the worst situation!

Logically speaking.

Hong Ye should choose the first one without hesitation.

After all, Hong Ye is not a saint.

However, although his experience before participating in this game was quite good, it was not to the extent that he would lose his humanity.

This can be seen from the fact that he had previously taken great efforts to save some people who had nothing to do with him.

What to do?

Hong Ye thought for a while.

【Chat Channel]

Hong Ye: All the resurrected people, gather in front of my cabin. I'll give you one hour.

Hong Ye: If anyone hasn't arrived yet, I'll kill him myself.

Li Yang: Okay, boss! I'll be there soon, boss!

Ren Congxue: Wow....Where is the boss' cabin? It's so cold outside.

Li Yang: It's okay, I found some fireworks, you just follow the fireworks when the time comes!

Zhao Hong: Boss Hongye, although, why do you make me feel that I will die whether I go or not?

Li Yang: Oh, Lao Zhao, don't struggle, you may not die if you go, but you will definitely die if you don't go!

Li Yang: I believe in Boss Hongye, no more words, we are on the way


Hong Ye's figure flew quickly.

In just a few minutes, he flew to the place where he had seen the ice castle before. After searching carefully for a few times and finding nothing, he gave up the search and flew back to his cabin.

As far as he could see, there were already many players waiting in his cabin.

""Boss, you're here!"

Li Yang rushed forward first and greeted Hong Ye with a smile.

Hong Ye looked at Li Yang.

The image of Li Yang's frozen body was still very clear, so Hong Ye was very curious about how they were resurrected.

"Do you remember what happened before?"

Li Yang touched his head,"It seems that I was deceived by that fake person. He disguised himself as you, Boss Hongye, and attacked me."

At this point, Li Yang gritted his teeth,"Md, that thing can actually change into your appearance, Boss, he really deserves to die!"

Then, Li Yang asked again:"Boss, is that guy still alive?"

"Dead, I killed him."

Hong Ye simply replied

"Oh, that's good."

Li Yang laughed dryly a few times

"Don’t you have any missions after you are resurrected?"

"Mission? No, I feel like it's the same as before, listening to intelligence, searching for supplies, and you can also chat, the panel and so on haven't changed much"

"And my cabin is fine."

"It's such a cold day....I didn't wear much, but I didn't feel cold."


Hong Ye looked at the players around him.

Qian Han, Liu Jinjuan, Zhao Hong, Zhao Xinlai, Ren Congxue....

In addition,

Tang Qi, Xu Wei, Xu Liguo and others also came.

It seems that they also want to know how Hong Ye will deal with these people.

"I won't say any more nonsense. There is still more than half an hour left. Wait a little longer."

Hong Ye looked at the time and said.


How to deal with these people, Hong Ye actually has a plan.


【[Boundary Law] was prepared for this moment.

After all, it is the ability to form a world of its own.

He can completely pull all these people into his own demon world and let them serve as his own strength.

Although they may not be strong, there is no problem in clearing a small piece of land for them to live.

Their current state is very strange.

They have the nature of ghosts, but their spirits are very similar to humans, and they are also recognized as players by the game.

So Hong Ye thinks that this is the best way to deal with it.

After all.

If he doesn't do it again.

The number of players who can survive may not be many.

Thinking of this.

Hong Ye looked at the people around him again.

Then he asked Xu Liguo and others:"Where is Zhang Feng? You all come here, but he doesn't come?"

Tang Qi replied:"Brother Zhang has not appeared since he showed up before, and I was curious too."

Hearing this.

Hong Ye looked at the [Chat Channel].

After searching inside, it is true that Zhang Feng has not shown up since the beginning.

""Nothing will go wrong, right?"

Li Yang said with some uneasiness.

Hong Ye did not speak, but scanned the surrounding players.

Perhaps someone had already started.

But Hong Ye was not in a hurry.

He would act when the time was up.

Time passed quickly.

An hour had passed since Hong Ye spoke in the [Chat Channel]. However, the number of strange players who appeared in front of Hong Ye was less than 30.

The players here also seemed to realize something. Their faces were a little strange. Hong Ye did not say much nonsense.

"Your existence is not a good thing for normal players now."

After saying this, the hearts of the players around him suddenly sank.

The crowd was a little panicked, and the weird players looked at each other, as if they were afraid.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

After saying this, the surroundings immediately became quiet.

"According to the version name, the ghosts are still there, and it is very likely related to you."

"But just in the early morning of this morning, in the welfare world, I gained the ability to solve this problem."

Hong Ye snapped his fingers.


The whole world changed instantly!

The sky brightened.

All the players near Hongye's cabin instantly arrived in a modern city.

However, there was nothing here, and no one existed.

"You can live here in the future."

Some players couldn't help but frown and said:

"Do you want to put us under house arrest here?"

"That's right."

Hong Ye didn't argue, but admitted it directly.

After all, the players in front of him only had this one choice.

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