
Xu Wei suddenly appeared outside the apartment.

He quickly picked up the equipment stone and then quickly returned to the apartment.

"That’s right, it’s equipment stones. Oh my god, so many! ?"

"Brother Zhang, if I were to press these equipment stones....No, I don’t need all of them. Eight of them will allow me to reach level 10!"

Xu Wei couldn’t help but said

"Use it, don't make a fuss about it."

Zhang Feng reminded him.

He is also level 9 now, but he doesn't need to upgrade.

Because he knows that even if he reaches level 10, his combat power will not increase much.

Xu Wei looked at the types of equipment stones.

"Should we classify them first? The turrets should be put in the front."

Xu Wei said.

He used up the equipment stones one by one.

Eight equipment stones were put down.

Now there are 4 level 1 turrets, 3 level 1 energy storage devices, 2 repair stations, and 1 electric circle.

"Brother Zhang, I'm at the maximum level, you come?"

Xu Wei handed him five equipment stones.

"That's fine."

Zhang Feng picked up the equipment stone and followed the game's instructions to choose a placement.....


At this time,

Hong Ye was still in the woods.

He had searched the surrounding area of several kilometers.

Next, if he wanted to get something, he would have to go further.

Hong Ye did not stop.

He walked forward along a path he found in the woods.

"What is this?"

On the way,

Hong Ye sensed a disgusting smell.

He left the path and came to a tree.

He found that there were many white solidified substances on it.

Hong Ye carefully distinguished them.


Hong Ye seemed to have the impression that there was a guy related to wax.

Then, he returned along the path he had taken before.

With the many equipment stones he had provided, the players' safety was not a problem. What he had to do now was to continue to collect some supplies outside the apartment.

Then he would go back and see if there were any blind guys who dared to go to the apartment.

If there were, he would kill them with fire and lightning.

If not, he would just switch to the permanent freezing package.

Hong Ye would not give them a chance to resist.

For Hong Ye, these were actually quite easy.

Hong Ye followed the path he had found and came to a small lake.

He looked into the water.

Well, the water was very clear, but there was no life.

The only problem was that....Dead bodies.

The lake was full of dead bodies.

They were white and swollen, densely packed, upside down, with only feet in shoes floating on the lake.

Hong Ye paused.

Then he stepped directly into the lake.

Covered with frost.

Hong Ye walked to the center of the lake step by step.

In the area he walked through.

The ice layer was slowly extending downwards.

Looking at the ice surface under his feet.

Hong Ye seemed to see a pale human face emerging from under the ice, glaring at him, and then diving underwater again.

Hong Ye's expression remained unchanged.


He was filled with chills, and the temperature around him continued to drop!

The entire lake was about to be frozen by Hong Ye!

Hong Ye looked at the shadows surging under him.

It seemed that he wanted to struggle.

But unfortunately.

The entire lake was frozen by him. He wanted to emerge from it, but the other party obviously couldn't do it.

Bursts of muffled sounds emerged.

But then.

The sound disappeared.

【You killed a ???, and received a reward: Apartment experience +1000!】

"Died already?"

If he died just by being frozen, then he must be quite fragile.

Hong Ye stood up and walked towards the lake.

Behind him, the cold air spread, and the small lake was completely frozen.

Hong Ye kept walking in one direction until he encountered a phenomenon similar to a ghost wall.

He paused, then turned back.

It seemed that the whole apartment was surrounded by trees.

A trace of ghost fire appeared behind Hong Ye.

He turned his head.

【Mind DevouringⅡ】

The ghost fire was swallowed by him in an instant!

""It's OK, the increase is just so-so."

Sensing that this digestion would only result in an F-level improvement, Hong Ye didn't care much. He returned the same way.

Hong Ye just strolled lightly in the woods.

Every time he walked a certain distance,....

"Tap tap tap...."

A sound of footsteps appeared from behind Hong Ye.

Hong Ye did not move.

He continued to walk.

Following the footsteps, there was another sound of breathing.

Hong Ye still did not move.

Then, a sad and beautiful woman's chanting came from behind.

"Well, three, ready to harvest."

Frost appeared in front of Hong Ye.

The next second!


The sound of freezing was heard.

The surrounding forest of dozens of meters was instantly turned into a piece of frost.

Three prompts followed.

All of them were 1000 apartment experience.

After solving them,

Hong Ye continued to return along the same route.

Not long after, a sound of knocking wooden fish appeared.

Not long after, a sound of singing opera appeared.....


In the nightmare apartment, the situation here is not good.

Someone is wondering

"What happened?"

On the ground, two players fell unconscious.

"Is there any way to wake him up?"

Zhang Feng asked a player holding a jade pendant.

"There's nothing we can do, they just seem to have fallen asleep."

The player was also puzzled, as there was no sign that the two had fainted.

"Didn't they say that as long as the door was intact, the apartment was absolutely safe? What was going on?"

"Calm down, the gate is intact, that's right, if the rules are correct...."

Xu Wei seemed to have thought of something

"Where did they faint?"

In response to Xu Wei's question, a player said:"3rd floor, room 4"

"Let's go and have a look!"

Xu Wei immediately led Tang Qi and the others upstairs!

Behind him, several players looked at each other.

"Do you want to go out?"

Zhang Feng asked.

In response, the players looked at each other and shook their heads.

They had heard before that after Hong Ye went out, a man who looked exactly like him wanted to enter the apartment.

The key point was that the other party seemed to have some of the boss's abilities.

They didn't dare to go out and die.

Looking at the players' choices, Zhang Feng was not surprised.

After all, even he felt uneasy about going out after experiencing Hong Ye's incident.

But can Hong Ye really collect enough supplies by himself?

Zhang Feng was not sure.

But he had no choice. He was just a gatekeeper. He could only watch the door and wait for Hong Ye to come back.

Just as he was thinking about this, a figure walked over in the distance.

"What is that?"

There was fog outside, and the line of sight was only thirty meters.

So he had to wait for the other party to get closer before he could see him clearly.

But the moment he saw the other party, his scalp went numb!

A huge figure in a clown costume, holding a chainsaw and wearing red leather clothes came over!

"Something is coming! Get ready to attack!"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, the players nearby ran to the turret.

"Never mind, just attack!"

The energy is now fully consumed, so Zhang Feng yelled.

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