[Intelligence 1: This is the official public beta of the Infinite Doomsday game. There is no upper limit to the game version and the play time. Each version takes 7 days. Today is version 1.0, named: Zombie Crisis】

【Intelligence 2: Please don't make too much noise to avoid being attacked by zombies】

【Intelligence 3: Please pay attention to collecting supplies, ammunition, food, clean water, and medicine. These will be the key to your survival.】

【Intelligence 4: The weather is hot, please stay hydrated】

【Intelligence 5: Zombie activity is lower during the day, so it is your best time to hunt】

【Intelligence 6: The zombies' senses will be greatly enhanced at night, making them more dangerous, but the rewards will also be greater.】

【Intelligence 7: If you are bitten or scratched by a zombie, you will be infected and turned into a zombie】

【Intelligence 8: In this version, your greatest reliance is the 'gene gun' on your body’】

【Intelligence 9: Sometimes, solidarity is also a way of survival】

【Intelligence 10: New intelligence will be unlocked tomorrow】

【Intelligence 11: This intelligence is additional information】

【Dear beta testers: Thank you for your support and dedication. It is because of you that the Infinite Doomsday game can successfully enter the public beta stage. At this moment, the door to the public beta has been opened. May we work hand in hand and pursue the end of evolution together. 】

More than 5.3 billion players are panicking at this moment.

Because they don’t know what is happening in front of them.

They look at the panel in front of them, and then look at the guns in their hands.

In short, countless thoughts are flying.

Some can’t accept it, some are excited, some laugh heartily, and some cry in despair.....

At this time, in a bedroom that looked like a hotel suite,

Hong Ye opened his panel.

【Player: Red Night】

【Fantasy Rating: 10/10】

【Gene gun: 0/20 (0/100)】

【Talent: Power (S)】

【Exclusive phantom outfit: Bloody Night Sword (resonance: A), Dark Night Cloak (resonance: B), Multiple Gems (A), Holy Healing Bandage (resonance: B), Super Power Armor (resonance: B), Four-Star Crown (resonance: B), Double Pale Pattern Face (resonance: B), Space Demon Ring (resonance: B), Divine Wind Boots (resonance: B), War Maniac Cloak (resonance: B), Wings of Judgment (resonance: A), Belt of Life (resonance: B)】

【Equipment Phantom: Resurrection Cross (A)】


【Strength: A】

【Constitution: A】

【Agility: A+】

【Spirit: A+】


【Gene Gun (F)】

【Genetic ability: 100/100】

【Gene bank: No】

【Armory: Pistols】



【Equipment gene: None】

【Shooting type: Single shot】

【Ammo capacity: 7/7】

【Ammunition Recovery (Passive): Restores 1 bullet, Cooldown: 5 seconds, Cost: 5 Gene Energy】

【Ps: Genetic guns, a type of weapon that can acquire more forms and strengthen itself by adding special genes. 】

In Hong Ye's hand, accompanied by a burst of black particle fluctuations, a semi-automatic pistol with a black metallic texture appeared.

"Hmm? It feels so-so."

Beside me, the figure of Busujima Saeko appeared.

"Gun? Ye Jun, what are you going to do with it?"

Faced with Saeko Busujima's question,

Hong Ye explained a few words.

Saeko Busujima nodded after listening.

Unlike the illusion suit,

Hong Ye did not have that strange feeling similar to his own body.

Maybe it was because the illusion suit was spiritual.

Hong Ye played with it for a while.

Then he opened the panel.

【One-time special privilege】

【The zombie virus is not contagious.】


The conditions are too high!

【The zombie virus cannot infect humans.】


The conditions are too high!

【The zombie virus cannot infect players. 】


【Are you sure to add a new rule: Zombie virus cannot infect players? 】


【The rules have come into effect. Are you willing to publish your name in the next new intelligence?]


Then, a game reminder sounded again in the ears of all players

【Intelligence 12: A new rule has been added to the player Hong Ye's usage rights: the zombie virus cannot infect players. 】

After the prompt sounded.

Some were confused, some were surprised, some were happy, and some players who were bitten were even more grateful for surviving the disaster. He had done everything he could.

He would not be infected, and he had a gun in his hand. As long as he didn't commit suicide, his safety could still be guaranteed.


He pricked up his ears and listened to the surroundings.

All the nearby sounds appeared in his ears.

""The breathing is very heavy. Is this a common characteristic of zombies?"

Hong Ye walked towards the bedroom door.

Click - the sound of turning the handle was heard. As soon as the door was opened a crack, Hong Ye smelled the stench.


It seemed that the sound of a door opening was heard.

A rotten zombie suddenly jumped out from the side.

It sniffed around, as if to determine the location.

Hong Ye was observing the zombie in front of him.

The opponent's movements were very agile, even faster than normal people.


He raised his pistol.


The gunshot rang out.

The bullet hit the zombie's heart!

The zombie's body took a step back, but then it roared and rushed towards the direction of the gunshot!

A ruptured heart would not be fatal, which was similar to his impression.


He aimed at the head of the running zombie again.


The bullet penetrated the zombie's brow.

The zombie's body softened and fell directly at Hong Ye's feet.

【You killed a level 3 zombie, experience +14!】

"The experience is not bad."

Hong Ye put away the gun and was about to leave.

A ball of white light appeared in Hong Ye's eyes.


Hong Ye stopped and looked at the ball of light above the zombie's body.

Then, he stretched out his hand to grab the ball of light.

The moment Hong Ye touched it, the ball of light melted into the pistol in his hand.


【You have obtained the firearms gene: accuracy!】


Hong Ye looked at the prompt in front of him in surprise.

Then he opened the panel.

【Gene Gun (F)】

【Genetic energy: 95/100】

【Gene Bank: Precision (F)】

【Armory: Pistols】



【Equipment gene: None】

【Shooting type: Single shot】

【Ammo capacity: 7/7】

【Ammunition Recovery (Passive): Restore 1 bullet; Cooldown: 5 seconds; Consumption: 5 Gene Energy. 】

Hong Ye clicked on the equipment gene of the pistol.

Then he saw the [Accuracy] flash, and he could click on it when prompted.

【Do you want to consume 20 points of genetic energy limit equipment? (Can be cancelled at any time)


【Genetic energy: 75/80]


Hong Ye saw a black particle rising from the gun body in his hand.

The black particle lasted for less than one meter.

After it disappeared, a scope appeared on the gun body.

"I see."

Hong Ye had roughly understood what the newly launched [Gene Gun System] was like.

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