Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 171 Chapter 171

Wen Zheng had just experienced the transformation of the world when he heard noisy voices all around him, and except for the mother tongue he was most familiar with, most of them were in the languages ​​​​of other countries, which gave him a bad feeling.

"Brother Wen, the photos haven't been taken yet. We'll continue walking forward in five minutes."

The shouting sound reached Wen Zheng's ears, and it became clear from blur. Wen Zheng immediately realized that the words were calling him. He finally woke up, and the first thing that caught his eye was Tuantuan, who looked like he was only six years old, appearing in the camera.

It had been a long time since he'd seen Tuan Tuan look so young, and Wen Zheng's fatherly mentality came to the fore immediately. He didn't rush to observe the surrounding environment, but adjusted the camera in his hand to focus on Tuan Tuan and snap a few pictures.

Looking at the photos taken, he felt satisfied that his child was so beautiful. Then he raised the camera again and pointed at Tuantuan's location to take a few more pictures, when he saw Tuantuan running towards him.

Wen Zheng stopped taking pictures of Tuantuan. The environment shown in the photo was very similar to a place he had just visited in the real world, and he immediately remembered that this place corresponded to the location in the real world.

If I'm not mistaken, he is in China now. If the source of this disaster is really here, then he needs to leave this place quickly. Wen Zheng adjusted the camera again and observed the situation further away through the lens of the professional photographic equipment in his hand. When Wen Zheng found signs in the camera that he didn't want to see, his heart sank.

Now they need to leave not just this place, but the country quickly.


"Wen...Brother Wen!"

As soon as Wen pressed the shooting button, there were screams one after another around him, and someone shouted his name, with panic in his voice. Wen Zheng didn't feel any signs of danger around him. The only thing that might happen was Tuantuan. He quickly raised his head and looked in the direction where Tuantuan was just now.

The identity Tuantuan borrowed will be gone in this accident, but now that Tuantuan controls this body, it will no longer be the same. Wen Zheng watched as everyone around him stepped back in horror after seeing the knife. A boy next to Tuantuan, who was obviously a compatriot, stepped aside to avoid it.

Tuantuan, who was targeted, had no time to retreat, but used a twisting posture that was difficult for a child to avoid the incoming sharp blade.

The attacker failed once and tried to attack again with a wave of his wrist. But Wen Zheng would not give him another chance. He threw the camera in his hand and hit the attacker's wrist. The long-edged knife in his hand fell to the ground. .

The other party did not try to pick up the knife that fell to the ground, but directly stretched out his hand to grab it. Compared with a six-year-old child, the size of an adult was like a giant, which caused the people around him to scream in surprise. Finally, Someone came back to his senses and wanted to step forward to resist. However, Wen Zheng had already caught up at this time. After running a few steps, he jumped up on the spot, twisting his body in the air. The inertia caused by the subsequent rotation of his legs and the gravity of the fall severely lifted him on the attacker's body.

The attacker was kicked to the ground. Just as he struggled to get up, Wen Zheng, who was on the ground, grabbed his arm and twisted it hard. A scream came from the opponent's mouth, and he lost his fighting ability.

Foreigners wearing guard uniforms arrived at this time. After seeing the current scene, they needed to be reminded to know that the people on the ground should be arrested. The onlookers gave belated cheers to Wen Zheng's performance just now, and many people said it was amazing.

Wen Zheng handed the attacker to the guard and quickly walked over to hug Tuantuan who fell to the ground. He didn't even whisper a reminder, but Tuan Tuan, who had just acted similarly and was frightened, began to cry loudly after hiding in his father's arms.

It is estimated that only the father and son present knew that Tuantuan was completely in a state of thunder and no rain. Wen Zheng reached out and patted Tuantuan's back to comfort him, carefully not letting Tuantuan's face be exposed, so as not to let others see that the child was expressionless. Cry and howl.

The two of them were victims to begin with. Coupled with Wen Zheng's fighting prowess and the performance of the father and son, everyone around them stood on Wen Zheng's side, waiting for the guards to search the attackers for other dangerous items. At that time, the tattoo on the other person's body was exposed, which caused the foreigners to discuss again.

The voices of those discussions were loud, and Wen Zheng clearly translated it in his mind that the tattoo represented a group of extreme racists in this country. Wen Zheng's team, whose faces and skin colors were obviously different, had long been noticed by the opponent, and Tuantuan, a young child, became the first target of the opponent.

Wen Zheng's face turned dark. It was nothing to start with a child.

The onlookers were denouncing the attacker. The guards escorted the attacker to the car and asked Wen Zheng, the victim, to write a transcript. Wen Zheng shook his head to avoid the police's invitation, and picked up the camera that fell on the ground while hugging Tuantuan who began to sob softly.

He found the right angle when he threw it, and after finding the camera on his wrist, it fell on the grass without much damage.

Holding the child in one hand and the camera in the other, Wen Zheng expressed his rejection to the guards in a proficient foreign language: "It is too dangerous for me and the child. I will not go to the police station with you. I believe what happened just now Many people should have recorded it, and those videos are evidence. Next, I will entrust a lawyer to communicate with you. I want to take my child away from this place that scares him. "

When Wen Zheng spoke, his face was filled with fear. The child in his arms was still crying. The crowd of onlookers automatically made way. Even the guards could not stop them in this situation. They could only watch the father and son walk further and further away.

"Mr. Wen, please wait a moment." The familiar voice sounded. Wen Zheng turned around and saw a man wearing a little red hat and a small red flag running from behind. Only then did he realize that the original person was traveling with a child.

The one who ran over was the tour guide of the tour group. This accident can be said to be the first time in his career. Seeing the client leave after being in danger, he, as a tour guide, couldn't just watch it. He hurriedly chased after him but didn't know what to say.

"Help me contact a lawyer here through a travel agency, or give me the contact information directly. It doesn't matter if the price is a little high, but you must be able to handle the matter completely without disturbing me after obtaining my authorization."

"Okay, I'll contact you right away."

"Take the rest of the tour group and leave with me."

"Brother Wen, what did you say?" Wen Zheng didn't want the guards not far away to hear him. He knew the situation of the country corresponding to his world. If he really told the truth, he and Tuantuan might not be able to leave. He couldn't take this risk.

So Wen Zheng spoke in a low voice, and the guards didn't hear it, but the tour guide didn't hear it either.

"It's okay, you have my contact information, right? Always pay attention to the messages I send you." Wen Zheng stopped talking and left quickly with Tuantuan. After leaving this tourist attraction, he got in the car and asked the driver to rush to the nearest airport.

During the time when Wen Zheng walked out, he used his mobile phone to look up the current flight information. There were still tickets for the flights from the nearest airport to the domestic area, and he could make it in time. After Wen Zheng bought the ticket in the car, the lawyer that the tour guide helped to find also contacted him. Wen Zheng directly signed the electronic version of the entrustment agreement with his mobile phone and handed the matter over to the lawyer.

The guards who were escorting the attacker were still discussing Wen Zheng's situation in the car. No one realized that the danger was coming quietly.

Wen Zheng, who was sitting in the car, was hurrying to import the photos into his mobile phone and edit the information, and then found out the contact information of the embassy of the motherland in this country in this world. He called first and asked for the help of the embassy in a panicked tone of being attacked, asking them to read the email he sent.

In addition to the embassy, ​​domestic departments should not be forgotten. Wen Zheng sent the same content to them one by one, but it was too late to call. He just hoped that they could see the email earlier.

When they arrived at the airport, Wen Zheng took Tuan Tuan through security check and entered the plane. He responded to the embassy's suspicious inquiries, allowing them to check the authenticity of the photos and send people to the scene at any time to check whether it was what he said.

Until the last ten minutes before the plane took off, Wen Zheng sent the relevant news to the tour guide and asked them to leave the country early.

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