Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 107 Chapter 107 (1/2)

In the real world, after Wen Zheng entered the dream, within just one day, all the people who knew about the dream connection experiment learned about the accident that occurred during the experiment.

They were almost prepared for the failure of this experiment, but they still held a little hope in their hearts and couldn't help but pay attention to the news coming from the laboratory.

The other five people whose tests showed abnormal fluctuations after the experimental examination were transferred to the laboratory where Wen Zheng was located, and the seven sleepers were monitored at the same time.

Director Jiang and the other responsible experimenters stayed in the laboratory at all times. Only when they were extremely exhausted would they let someone take over their work and sleep for a few hours.

There is no precedent for a dream involving seven people connected, and researchers can only make inferences and analyzes based on previous experiences.

On the second day after Wen Zheng fell into a deep sleep, within two seconds of the rapid siren sounding, a sleeper's brain waves disappeared and he was declared dead a few minutes later.

There was silence in the entire laboratory, with only the sound of the machine running. The researchers stood up from their positions and collectively bowed deeply to the dead sleeper.

The body was temporarily transported to other rooms for storage. The laboratory, which was originally crowded because of the five extra beds, felt too empty now.

Before the researchers could cheer up, the familiar alarm sounded again, and the second sleeper was declared dead.

Several researchers who were less able to withstand stress couldn't bear it, and their emotions gradually collapsed, and tears flowed down at some point.

They entered the institute hoping to find a way to save mankind. But after entering here, the experiment has not made progress, and every time it has to face the death of volunteers.

Repeated failures even made them doubt whether this experiment had the possibility of success, and whether all their efforts these days had been in vain.

"Okay, let's see what we are like now. There are still five sleepers that we need to take care of. All means have been used, and it's not the last minute yet."

Director Jiang spoke to everyone present in a deep voice, and then directed their actions. He was so busy that he had no time to feel too sentimental.

Not long after being busy, a familiar voice sounded again, causing all the researchers who heard it to tense up and stop what they were doing to look in the direction of the sound.

What sounded this time was Jian Yanjun's monitor.

Director Jiang stretched out his legs and walked towards the detector for both of them. Due to excessive nervousness, he even accidentally shared his hands and feet, but no one in the whole room noticed.

Didi didi...

The siren this time was different from the previous two. The sound was not so urgent, and even slowed down as time went by, eventually falling to a special range.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, but no matter how many times they closed their eyes and opened them, they still had that data in front of them.

This value, which is within a special range, would only appear before the sleeper is about to wake up in many previous tests.

Has the success they have longed for finally arrived?

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes passed slowly, but neither Wenzheng nor Jian Yanjun showed any signs of waking up.

"Director?" Everyone looked at Director Jiang who was the calmest, but Director Jiang also shook his head silently.

"The connection of multiple people's dreams will inevitably lead to unpredictable situations. We can only confirm that this data change is a good omen."

At least, this change made all the researchers refresh themselves and wait for new changes.

In the dream world, Wen Zheng did not explore the rest of the area at will, so he did not know that two sleepers had died from the nightmare. He was looking up at the movement in the distance.

Before the rain had time to fall from the clouds, the wild lightning flashes ignited the forest below, billowing smoke rose from the contact point, and a fire appeared that was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

The bark and leaves of the trees, which served as excellent fuel, fell victim to the growth of the fire, and a gust of wind slowly blew up.

The ignited leaves burn quickly, and before they are completely burned, they stagger and fall from the branches. When they fall to the ground and encounter piled up dead branches and leaves, the sparks will ignite another fire before they are extinguished. .


Wen Zheng roared in a low voice, his expression more serious than ever before.

Manpower is completely vulnerable compared to the disasters caused by nature. Even Wen Zheng can only avoid rather than conquer such extremely dangerous natural disasters.

"Is this another person's dream?" Jian Yanjun quickly guessed the current situation.

Every sleeping person will face nightmares. This forest fire will never appear inexplicably. The source can be imagined.

Recalling his confused state before Wen Zheng's arrival, he immediately determined that without outside help, this person would probably die in the fire in this dream.

"Can we control the heavy rain in the dream and extinguish the fire while it's still small?" Jian Yanjun had been indoctrinated by Wen Zheng into a little theory of dream control before, and he decisively proposed it in order to put it into practice.

Wen Zheng shook his head in silence: "The dream where the fire is located does not belong to us. Our influence is limited. Now we must let the owner of this dream guide us."

"Let's go check the situation first."

The direction where the fire ignited was exactly the exit designated by Wen Zheng for Jian Yanjun. When he entered the dreamland, Wen Zheng was vaguely aware of the location of the other people who were pulled in. He didn't dare to check it later, but he had some impressions.

After two days of continuous travel, the distance was not far, and the area on the road was still Jian Yanjun's dream.

He used the method taught by Wen Zheng, and combined with the psychological suggestion methods he had learned before, he tried to make small changes to his dream while walking.

At first, he didn't feel anything, but later the road under his feet became flatter and turned into a downhill road. The speed of traveling increased a lot, and Jian Yanjun was sure that it really worked.

It was a bit magical.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to save people, Jian Yanjun really wanted to continue trying various methods to change dreams.

But as the distance kept getting closer, the idea of ​​changing dreams was hindered. Not only was it more brain-intensive than before, but there was also a clear feeling of coming to someone else's territory.

He was panting while holding on to the tree next to him. He could feel the obvious increase in heat nearby before he got close enough.

The place where the flames burned was near the foot of the mountain, not far from the exit they were looking for. The trees were obviously not as dense and crowded as on the mountain. Even so, the fire had spread to a large area on the way they came.

The lightning did not continue to strike, and the thick clouds finally let down some raindrops, but that little rain could not put out the flames at all.

"What should we do now?" It's okay to let Jian Yanjun do other things, but when it comes to dreams, Wen Zheng's image is more reliable, so he can't help but seek help.

"First, split up to find the owner of the dream, and be careful, I still need to take you back." Wen Zheng made another instruction after making the arrangements.

The two of them acted separately, not daring to go deep into the flames, and could only search around the flames. It's a pity that Wen Zheng didn't know who was accidentally pulled into the dream, otherwise calling out the name would increase the probability a lot.

The flames kept jumping in the eyes, and the smoke that kept coming out floated into the eyes. It didn't take long for the eyes to turn red, both because of the fire and the smoke.

In this environment, it was very difficult to find someone.

But Wen Zheng didn't absorb so much nightmare power in vain. Even if he couldn't use it at will, it was still possible to explore the flow of energy.

He didn't believe that the nightmare that controlled this dream would not be anxious after the two people who got rid of the nightmare came.

The nightmare is not a very smart existence.

The distribution of energy was shown in Wen Zheng's eyes. Sure enough, the raging fire was first transformed by a nightmare, so the most ferocious position of the flame was the location of the coveted dream owner.

Judging from the fire in that place, if you don't hurry to save people, you really won't be able to come down.

Wen Zheng gritted his teeth and sped up. The wet clothes on the way were dried by the flames, and he caught a glimpse of a figure.

No, the fire is too big.

Anyway, it has come to this point. Wen Zheng thought about the current situation. The energy in his body surged and directly formed a set of firefighters' clothes on the surface of his body.

This forest fire has been burning for so long. It is normal for firefighters to put out the fire. It should not cause resistance from the dream owner.

Once the fire suit was put on, the weight increased a lot, but the safety was immediately increased. Wen Zheng didn't delay for half a second. After his body got familiar with the current equipment, he rushed into the fire with a clear goal.

The owner of this dream was also a man. He was trapped by the flames and dying. He only retained a little consciousness. He cleaned the ground and tried his best to avoid the attack of the thick smoke.

"Hold on, I'll take you out right away." The first sentence Wen Zheng said when he came to the other party was to arouse his will to survive and make him believe that there was still a chance to survive.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling. The man who was sinking his consciousness into the deep darkness frowned and struggled. He used the remaining strength and raised his head with great effort to look at Wen Zheng.

The billowing smoke caused by the wildfire affected the visibility around. Even if the eyes were opened due to the strong stimulation, they could not see clearly, but the man still vaguely saw the brightly colored clothes on Wen Zheng.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and the man coughed twice, asking in a hoarse voice: "You...are you a firefighter?"

Wen Zheng took the other party's reaction into account, and even suddenly there was a heavy firefighting instrument behind him. This was not his illusion, and the one who could do this should be the owner of the dream.

All kinds of speculations came to his mind, but no matter what speculation, Wen Zheng could be sure that the man in front of him had a relatively good understanding and trust of firefighters.

It seems that he made the right choice again this time.

"Don't talk for now, wait for me to take you out, your family must be waiting for you to go back." Wen Zheng carried the man on his back, comforted him, and rushed out with faster steps.

The food that was finally about to be eaten suddenly wanted to escape in front of him. How could the nightmare that had been waiting for a long time agree? It directly bypassed the power of the dream owner and increased the fire and rushed towards them.

The raging fire jumping with the wind, like a giant beast that can destroy everything, closely pursued the target it had set its sights on, destroying everything on its journey.

But it was not that easy.

The man on Wen Zheng's back didn't realize he was in a dream. He just subconsciously didn't want the firefighters who came to rescue him to die. There was a sudden intensification of the rainstorm and the change of direction of the strong wind to resist the nightmare attack from behind.

The nightmare was defeated in the frontal resistance, so he increased his strength and secretly attacked from the side.

There was a sudden sound of splashing, and a thick column of water poured on the flames that quietly surged on the side of Wen Zheng. As soon as this piece of fire was extinguished, the water column immediately moved to another position to extinguish another piece of fire.

"Leave all the flames on the road to us, you just need to keep running forward." Jian Yanjun shouted at the top of his lungs.

Wen Zheng looked up with difficulty following the voice. At some point, Jian Yanjun had also transformed into a firefighter's outfit. There was another person behind him, and there was also a fire truck parked behind him that came in handy at this time.

If you have doubts but now is not the time to think, it’s important to run out first.

With help from others, the road ahead became much easier. Even if he was carrying someone on his back, Wen Zheng's speed could not be slowed down.

After leaving the area where the flames were the most intense, Wen Zheng continued to carry the person directly to the fire truck, and then slowly put the person down.

"Ahem, are we out?" The man, whose body was blackened by smoke, coughed and asked weakly.

"We're out. I'll take you home in a little while." Wen Zheng answered in the affirmative simply, seizing the opportunity to hint, "You have a good rest here first. We will definitely work hard to put out this fire. If this rain The bigger the drop, the faster it will be.”

Various illogical things often occur in dreams, and thinking is also affected.

When this man saw Wen Zheng's clothes, two other firefighters, and the fire truck, his inertia of thinking would make him think that more firefighters were working to put out the fire. At the same time, the chaos caused by the dream made him ignore all the loopholes.

Combining the facts that came to mind with Wen Zheng's words, the man only hoped that these firefighters who risked death to put out the flames could survive safely and return home just like his brother before.

Even if the dream owner does not realize that he is in a dream, his strong beliefs will affect the dream world.

The suddenly extra firefighters couldn't see their faces clearly, and they just surrounded the area where the fire spread and put out the fire silently. The rain in the sky turned into a heavy downpour. From Wen Zheng's point of view, it was not much different from the heavy rain experienced in the flood world.

The power of one person may not be able to compete with the nightmare, but Wen Zheng no longer conceals it. Jian Yanjun and the extra person also tried to change the dream. Because their goals were the same as the dream owner, they did not encounter much resistance.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the blazing flames gradually became weaker and weaker, and finally were completely extinguished under the impact of heavy rain and water jets.

The dying man finally showed a relieved smile, leaned against the car behind him, and slowly closed his eyes.

The nightmare that transformed into flames failed, but it was not seriously injured. After spending a little energy, it tried to escape.

But before leaving the dream world, he was caught by the energy sent by Wen Zheng. The energy was grabbed crazily and finally completely absorbed and dissipated.

Wen Zheng divided his mind between two things. On the one hand, he controlled energy to capture Nightmare, and on the other hand, he faced Jian Yanjun and the newly emerged characters.

I didn't have time to pay attention just now, but now I realize that this is a heroic woman.

Being able to come to another sleeper's dream area, presumably she solved the nightmare by herself, realized that she was in a dream, and even took the initiative to run over after seeing the fire here. After meeting Jian Yanjun, she quickly accepted the dream of multiple people. Connected facts, or simply seeing a fire and starting to help.

The woman named Huo Ran introduced herself, and the situation was not far from what Wen Zheng had guessed.

However, when talking about the nightmare he faced, Huo Ran simply said: "I just tried to overcome this nightmare, and luckily I succeeded."

"This is not luck, it's your own strength." Jian Yanjun said, the emotion on his face was similar to Wen Zheng's, both showing his admiration for Huo Ran.

Huo Ran smiled freely, but glanced at Wen Zheng one more time, always feeling that Wen Zheng was a more hidden person.

But no matter what, successfully extinguishing this wildfire and rescuing one person will always make people feel better.

After learning from Wen Zheng's mouth the cause of multiple people's dreams being connected, Huo Ran looked into the distance and turned around to ask Wen Zheng: "I felt like there was a breath disappearing over there before... I don't know how many people's dreams are connected in total. ”

The flames extinguish and the sky gradually becomes brighter, leaving only the black remains after the flames burn, which will slowly blend into the soil and become fertilizer that provides nutrients for new life.

"Well..." The man who had passed out in the dream was about to wake up.

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