Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 806: XXX-level situation

"This kind of killing really has a sense of sight of a big villain!"

Su Chen looked at the reincarnation screaming below and sighed.

But for the understanding of the reincarnation space, he also probably knew what the reincarnation space and the main **** alliance above him were.

Based on the souls that imprison the creatures, continue to squeeze and exploit the creatures and let them fight for themselves!

Moreover, the space of reincarnation strengthens itself by swallowing the world. This way... said that the reincarnation is pitiful. Are the creatures destroyed by the space of reincarnation not?

What's more, the soul's instinctive desire for freedom, which he felt when he first contacted the reincarnation.

Some reincarnations and reincarnation walkers know that they are dealing with the reincarnation space, not only without hatred, but with longing and anticipating eyes.

So destroy the space of reincarnation and liberate the soul and body of these reincarnations.

Perhaps this is the purpose of the exchange group.

In fact, sometimes he thinks again, what is the purpose of the exchange group?

But looking at the enemies of the exchange group, the world's loopholes are patched, so that the world can run better and become better.

He felt that even if the exchange group was created by a powerful person, this powerful person is also a powerful person with a world in mind.

After all, their way of fighting is to eliminate the evil and welcome the light. Doesn't this mean anything?

"I hope that in the next life, your luck will be better, and don't let the reincarnation space organization get caught."

While talking, Su Chen controlled the burning Samadhi real fire and karma fire, and cleaned up all the matter where he saw it.

Around, the dragon formed by flames flew and roared, constantly advancing towards the core area of ​​the reincarnation space.

Not far away, the phoenix woven by the blazing karmic fire soars and spreads its wings.

Heads of birds and beasts formed by terrifying flames-intertwined galloping around Su Chen, under Su Chen's control, destroying everything around him.

The area of ​​reincarnation space is really big.

With such a large area, Su Chen couldn't help but wonder, how many worlds would it take to develop such a large area?

But his actions are going to be fast too. As a subordinate force of the main **** alliance, the reincarnation space will never ignore such a change in the event of such a change.

Strive to completely eliminate the space of reincarnation before the arrival of the strong of the main **** alliance, and then retreat perfectly.


At the same moment, the core area of ​​the reincarnation space, in the reincarnation temple.





A series of rapid voices kept ringing in the temple. Although the bells were icy, anyone could hear the anxiety and irritability from the bells.

The space of reincarnation is knocked on the door like this, and the opponent is aggressive, like a broken bamboo, how can the will of the reincarnation space not be in a hurry?

If it is an ordinary cultivator, the reincarnation space will has long integrated the power of the reincarnation space to suppress it.

But it clearly felt that the enemy who came this time was very strong.

At the very least, it is not what it can suppress.

Therefore, there is only one way before it, to report to the Lord God Alliance with the highest authority, and let the powerhouse of the Lord God Alliance come to deal with this matter.

Just after the front foot alliance review team left, this happened on the back foot.

I don't know who came, how dare to be so arrogant not to give face to the Lord God Alliance?

"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

"The reincarnation space was invaded by the enemy!"

"The reincarnation space is invaded by the enemy!!"

"Lord God Alliance please emergency rescue!"

"Lord God Alliance please emergency rescue!"

"It is estimated that after half an hour, the space of reincarnation will be completely destroyed."

"Level of affairs: XXX level!"

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