A huge tentacle stretched out from the ground, carrying a huge force and striking hard at Lefiya's abdomen.

Without any defensive equipment, if the elf's slender body is hit, it will undoubtedly be fatal.

Lefiya was shocked by Senhan's murderous intention. The attack was too sudden and she had no time to react. She was already a little sluggish.

If you don’t want to die, I don’t want it. Move, move quickly! Lefiya shouted in her heart.

The next moment, a figure appeared in her heart, always so bright and dazzling, always coming to save her in critical moments. This time, will the person he longs for come back to save him?

His vision had begun to become blurry, blocked by the monster's figure.

Are you about to die? Lefiya lamented in her heart.

At this moment, an arm stretched out from behind Lefiya, picked up her slender waist and pushed back several meters.

At the critical moment, Su Chen started teleportation and rescued the elf girl who was about to die.

"Little brother!"Tiona cried out in surprise.

Her sister Tione also breathed a sigh of relief. The situation just now was really too dangerous. They didn't even react. They didn't expect that this monster would suddenly turn around and attack Lefiya. Lefiya was about to die at the hands of the monster, but she didn't expect anyone to be able to save her. Tione looked at Su Chen with gratitude.

The ground shook like an earthquake.


The surrounding floor was lifted up, the ground cracked, a yellow-green body protruded from the ground, and three bud-like things bloomed together. Like the previous monsters, heads like piranha surrounded the two people.

Four The monster twisted and leaned down, trying to swallow Suchen and Lefiya.

"The space is broken!"

A few words were whispered from Su Chen's mouth. The next moment, the space was shattered like a mirror. Four monsters exuding a fierce aura shattered and were swallowed by nothingness.

Several colorful magic stones fell on the ground..After a few seconds of silence.


A piercing scream resounded through the sky,"Let me go!"

Lefiya was hugged by Su Chen around her waist, her face was red with embarrassment, her hands and feet were swinging wildly, and her body was constantly twisting and trying to break away from Su Chen's arms.

"oh!"Su Chen responded, and then let go.

Paji, his body and the ground hugged each other, with his face facing the ground........

The scene fell into a dead silence.

The two Amazon sisters covered their mouths and looked at Suchen and Lefiya with wide eyes.

"I am going to kill you!"A few seconds later, Lefiya, who was lying on the ground, exploded and jumped up from the ground with a whoosh. She was so ashamed and angry that she waved her fists in a fierce manner, as if she was going to die with Su Chen.

"Yeah yeah......"Lefiya buried her head and moved her fists, trying to hit Su Chen, but even though the hateful face was so close, her fists couldn't reach it.

Su Chen smiled helplessly and held the elf girl's head with one hand, blocking the girl's fist from moving any further.

Lefiya ignored it, pressed her head against Su Chen's palm, continued to wave her fist, and moved forward with all her strength.

The Amazon sisters on the side laughed. This scene was so interesting. Lefia has always been a good girl in the family, and I have never seen her acting violently.......

Looking at the girl in front of him, a sentence suddenly blurted out from Su Chen's mouth,"Hey, you can't hit me!"

That's so mean.......

Lefiya stopped, exuding a dangerous aura, her eyes blazing with fire as she glared at Su Chen.

"Make a wish in the name of Wei Xian!"

Wait, what are you doing, releasing magic? Su Chen looked at the elf girl with interest

"Ancestors of the forest, noble compatriots, answer my voice and come to the grassland!"、

"Wait, Lefiya, stop it!"The Amazon sisters shouted anxiously.

As if not hearing the voices of the two sisters, Lefia continued to chant the magic spell.

"The bond of connection, the promise of feasting, let’s dance in the circle!"

As the magic mantra was chanted, at the same time, a golden magic circle appeared in front of Lefiya, gradually changing from gold to rich emerald green.

"Come on, Fairy Circle!"The magic mantra continues to be chanted, and more and more power is accumulated in the magic circle, and it is about to burst out.

"What are you doing?"A clear and pleasant voice came from behind Su Chen.

Lefiya's magic chant stopped abruptly, and the huge magic circle disappeared, and the whole person became a little at a loss.

Su Chen turned around and reflected What caught his eye was a girl with blond hair.

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