"It has really been upgraded! Hestia looked at Su Chen a little funny,"Did you think there would be something like 'power coming out'?"’......Did something like that happen?"

Hestia gently touched Su Chen's face with her hand, smiled and said,"I didn't expect Su Chen to have such a childish side!"

Wait, when did I say such a thing?......

Su Chen looked at Hestia speechlessly, you came up with these all by yourself, I didn't say anything yet......

"Upgrading is not a direct body modification, so there are no special changes."

"However, the sublimation of abilities is indeed genuine. It's just that you can't realize it. It turns into potential and is integrated into your body. How to say, it's like a hidden parameter. Once you fight against your opponent, you will find that your strength and speed will be greatly improved compared to before."

"Oh, Su Chen, your four development abilities have all been developed successfully."Hestia smiled. This is truly the first case in history. With multiple development abilities at the same time, Hestia can no longer estimate how high Su Chen can grow in the future.

But no matter what, Su Chen is a child of her family. The stronger he is, the more proud Hestia is.

All four development abilities have been activated and awakened. Hearing this news, Su Chen felt his heartbeat quicken.

It really worked!.....

Before, Su Chen was just lucky, hoping to awaken all four development abilities, but when he truly awakened, the feeling was indescribable, exciting and exciting.......

Su Chen suddenly wanted to run to the dungeon to kill monsters.

"No, why go there so late? Let’s go tomorrow!"

"Yes, leader"

""Yeah!" Lily nodded in agreement.

The three of them kept pulling Su Chen to stop him from going out.

They had no choice but to give up the idea of going to the dungeon tonight.......

"Hestia, let me tell you, why are you swaying around in your dress so late at night?"Su Chen was already planning to go to bed, but Hestia broke in and was still wearing the dress Su Chen gave him last time, dazzling in front of him.

"Woo——"Hestia puffed her cheeks and turned her head away as if embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, you look so beautiful in your dress, like a goddess."Su Chen said helplessly.

"I am a goddess!"Hestia turned her head and stared at Su Chen dissatisfied.

"I said, it seems that tomorrow night is the banquet of the gods. It doesn’t matter if you just dress casually today.?"

"I want to quickly wear the dress Su Chen gave me to attend a banquet!"

Su Chen expressed his understanding. Hestia had attended several banquets held by gods before, and Hestia had always worn ordinary clothes. As a goddess, , he was naturally ridiculed by other gods who said he was too poor to even buy a dress, and he was simply a poor god.

Among them was Hestia's enemy, the goddess Loki. She is looking forward to this banquet with great anticipation, preparing to impress the gods who have made fun of her in the past.

"It's a pity that I can't take Su Chen with me this time. Hestia said a little unhappy.

Some gods' banquets allow the main god to bring one or two dependent children, but this becomes like parents showing off their children.

Hestia has this idea because I want to take Su Chen to show off my power in front of those gods.

"Well, there are many banquets for the gods. At worst, we can just hold one ourselves in the future."Su Chen held Hestia's shoulders and pushed her towards the door,"Now, go back to sleep!"

"No!" Hestia dodged Su Chen's palm flexibly, and threw herself on Su Chen's bed, lying on it, like a child throwing a tantrum, constantly kicking her two white flowery legs, and the faint spring light passed into Su Chen's eyes.

"I can't sleep, Su Chen, let's chat!"

Just talking!

Su Chen felt angry......

My Goddess, if you continue to seduce me like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your title of virgin goddess tomorrow! Without hesitation

, Su Chen picked up Hestia from the bed and threw her out of the room like a chicken.


On the other side of Orario, on the top floor of the Tower of Babel, in the most gorgeous room, the beauty goddess Freya is sitting on the highest throne, with a slightly angry look on her face, but even if she is angry, she is still full of anger. With its charm, countless people are fascinated by it.

Next to Freya stood the ultimate weapon, the pigman Ota. He looked at Freya with respect and fascination in his eyes.

"I was a little careless."The anger on Freya's face has disappeared, replaced by the wisdom that a goddess should have. She straightened up and took out a book from the bookshelf beside her.

This was almost exactly the same as what Su Chen had read before. grimoire

"Otta, give this book to the little boy yourself, and remember not to scare him."As soon as Hestia said Bell, a slight blush appeared on that beautiful face.

"Yes, Lady Freya."

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