After leaving Loki Station, Su Chen thought about what to do.


I just came back and didn’t really want to go....... go home?

Hestia should be at home. After what I said last time, Hestia no longer has to work hard, but stays at home leisurely.

Hestia likes reading books very much, and the bookstore was the place where Hestia first met her. Before meeting Su Chen, when she was staying at Hephaestus's house, Hestia would go to the bookstore most of the time to read. Just because she had no money at the time, she could only read books in the bookstore.

Now that the family clan has been established, Hestia often buys books and reads them when Su Chen is around. It was only when Hestia was quiet and showed that noble and elegant temperament that Su Chen felt that she was a goddess. As soon as she puts down the book, Hestia becomes a little girl next door.

When I thought of Hestia Suchen, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

"It seems that there will be a gathering of gods recently......"

This kind of gathering, the Feast of the Gods, is held every once in a while. But who will host it and when it will be held are completely arbitrary. The organizer will send out a notice a few days before the banquet. If you want to go, you can go. It doesn't matter if you don't.

Hestia had attended this kind of party before, but it was entirely because she was poor. The food at the banquet was completely free, and it tasted good, so it naturally attracted her.

Hestia was literally penniless at the time, so she would not miss the opportunity to eat and drink for free.

But now, although Su Chen owes a large amount of money, he will still leave Hestia hundreds of thousands of pocket money to sell the things she likes. As a goddess who had nothing to do in the city, Hestia could no longer spend much money, and the most she spent was on books.

Hestia will definitely not be embarrassed like before when she attends the gods' banquet again. And Hestia is also looking forward to this banquet. Is this considered a revenge?......

It's just that Hestia doesn't seem to have a dress to attend the banquet. She usually wears ordinary dresses. Su Chen decided to pick out a dress to give to Hestia as a gift first.

Hestia's dresses are very easy to choose from, and she looks good in anything if she has good foundation......

After choosing the dress, Su Chen went home slowly.

The sun had already risen high in the sky, and the dazzling sunlight made it hard to open one's eyes. It was already noon when Su Chen got home. When he opened the door and entered the house, he saw Hestia and Loki sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at each other, while Ais was standing quietly beside Loki. When she saw Su Chen coming in, some fluctuations flashed in Ais's calm eyes.

"Suchen! Hestia immediately left Loki behind, jumped up from her seat happily, and then trotted to Su Chen's side,"Why are you back so early today?""

"I had something to deal with, but I didn't finish it so I came back first." Su Chen smiled and handed the bag to Hestia.

"Boy, you are so arrogant, you actually asked our baby Ace to come to you in person!"Loki, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up and gritted his teeth and said to Su Chen.

"What? It's obvious that you want to ask Su Chen for help, but you still look so arrogant. Go, Su Chen, ignore them!"Hestia immediately stopped and stood in front of Su Chen like an old hen guarding her young, and started to confront Loki.

"ha! Little Man, do you want to quarrel?"

Da da da.

The two stepped on the ground and quickly came together, standing opposite each other, glaring at each other with their eyes wide open, ready to tear each other up.

Seeing this familiar scene, Su Chen patted his forehead. Every time the two of them When they meet, they will start to tear up unconsciously. No matter what the reason, it will become like this after just saying a few words. Is this an expression of friendship between the two?

Aisi walked to Su Chen's side and pulled his hand. Shi Xiu tilted his head and asked softly:"Don't you need to worry about it?"

Su Chen was startled, and then he remembered that when they first met, the two goddesses started fighting in public. Then Su Chen and Ais couldn't stand it anymore, and they came to their heads respectively.

After a moment, she stopped......

This girl is very interesting!

Shaking his head, Su Chen said,"Don't worry, let's go outside!"


Abandoning the two goddesses who were staring at each other in the hall, Su Chen and Aisi found a place under the shade of a tree.

"By the way, what do you want to ask me?"Su Chen asked.

Aisi's pretty face immediately became a little nervous, and then she turned her gaze to Su Chen's back, watching closely without saying a word.

Seeing Aisi not answering, Su Chen was helpless, girl, you are so What on earth do you want to do,"There is something behind me?""

Aisi shook her head, but immediately nodded again.

Well, is there anything? Su Chen turned around and took a look.

Aisi's eyes immediately followed, and then stayed on Su Chen's back, When Su Chen turned around, his eyes turned to the back.

"Well, just tell me what you want to ask. If I can help, I will definitely help!"

After hearing this, Ai Si's nervous face relaxed a little, and then she mustered up her courage and said this:

"Ability value!"

"Ability value? Do you want to see my ability value?"Su Chen asked doubtfully.

Aisi nodded, a little expectant and a little uneasy.

Su Chen was amused. Is this girl stupid or stupid? Abilities are generally the secrets of the Familia, and some Familia even don't know the secrets of their members. The level will not be reported to the union. This is to hide the strength of the Familia and protect the members of the Familia. After all, the Orario Familia has never lived in peace with each other. The Familia who have been expelled from Orario or even disbanded have been since ancient times. Many.

Even if one of the adventurers in the clan has a very rare skill and is known to other clans, then some clans will come back to snatch him, and some will even attack him directly before he has grown up..So the adventurers in each clan���Strength values are generally kept secret and will not be easily revealed to others.

"Why, is it not possible?" Seeing Su Chen's expression, Ai Si tilted her head, blinked her eyes, and said a little disappointedly.

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