The war game between the families has not happened for an unknown period of time.

This time it finally appeared in Orario again, attracting the attention of many people.

An emerging family and an established backbone family

, who will win this game?

Everyone is guessing.

The Hestia Familia, which is in the spotlight, has two powerful newcomers who have upgraded the fastest in history. It has been revealed that one has reached 1v3 and the other has reached 1v2. They are both advanced adventurers. There are even rumors that the swordsman Jun Suchen has the strength to compete with the most advanced adventurers. He recently participated in an expedition to the fifty-ninth floor with the Loki Familia and returned victoriously.

On the other side is the veteran Familia in Orario, a powerful Familia that can be regarded as the backbone of all Familia - the Apollo Familia. The number of members of its family far exceeds that of the Hestia family, and the number of 1v2 and 1v3 members in the family is several times that of the Hestia family. Its leader, Jacintos, is a veteran 1v3 level adventurer. After so many years, he should have the strength to be as good as the 1v4 junior level.

Comparing the two, whether it is the top strength or the overall strength of the entire family, the Hestia family is at an absolute disadvantage.

But this is a grand event comparable to a festival. Except for some people, no one cares about who is the final winner. They just want to enjoy the game.

The next day, people in the streets were talking about it.

At the Hestia Familia residence, everyone was sitting around the living room.

"Bell, how about you give yourself to that Apollo? Anyway, that guy looks better than girls, so you won't suffer any loss."Su Chen said jokingly.

Bell immediately got a depressed face,"Captain, please stop making fun of me."

Bell didn't expect this to happen.

God has pity. What he wanted was to have a beautiful encounter with a beautiful girl in Orario, not with a dead gay!

Bell felt that his life was dark.

"Su Chen, is it okay? Just start a war game like this?" Hestia asked with some concern. Although she believed in Su Chen's strength, after all, he was only one person, while Apollo had hundreds of people. It was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and there were too many ants. If you kill an elephant, some unexpected danger may occur.

"Well! It's just one sword!" Very relaxed, without any pressure,"If it doesn't work, then two swords!"

"My current strength is much stronger than before. Do you think a group of people like that can really pose a threat to me?"

"That's fine, but you have to be careful."Stiya let go of her worries a little.

"By the way, Bell Lily and Lily, after the war game starts, you should stay out of it and stay beside Hestia.

Long Nu nodded obediently.

"Lord Suchen, but Lily wants to fight alongside you!"

"Yes, Captain, I was the cause of this matter. How could I watch you fight alone?"

Well, it's good that you two have this intention, but it's really not necessary. Besides, we need you to protect Hestia and Su Li.

"This family war has attracted a lot of attention. I'm worried that someone will take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, so you two stay here to protect Hestia and Su Li. I feel relieved."Su Chen paused,"And I heard a piece of news from Ouranos. It seems that there is a family member who has evil thoughts towards Su Li."

"It’s not like you don’t have no mission at that time. The safety of Hestia and Su Li will be left to you, so that I can fight with peace of mind."

"I understand the leader, I will definitely protect Master Shangshen and Su Li."Bell said firmly.

Lily also nodded.

"When the time comes to dress up Su Li, it’s best to cover the jewel on her head with a scarf."

On the day of the war game, almost all the gods will show up to watch. It would be bad if they were recognized by those sharp-eyed gods.

"Is there a family member who wants to take action against Su Li?"Hestia was a little confused. Although Su Li's matter was not kept strictly confidential, not many people knew about it.

"It's the Ikeros family"

"It's him"


"There are rumors that he has been in contact with the dark side of the city, or he may have been from that side, but there is no evidence. Otherwise, he would have been punished by the gods' families long ago."

The dark side of the city can also be called the subversive force of the city.

Among the gods, there are gods who long for peace like Uranus. In contrast, there are naturally gods who hope for disaster. They want to subvert Orario. , opening the entrance to the dungeon, allowing the monsters that once ravaged the land to return to the ancient times. Some of these gods are eager for disaster, and some are just for pure fun.

They are really a group of evil gods!

"Maybe this family will make some moves during this period, but it's better to be careful."

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"Then, I will also go to the God Assembly." Hestia stood up and said

"I'll go with you too!" Su Chen said

"Eh? Su Chen, do you want to go too? Hestia had a troubled look on her face,"But I don't know if the God's Association can let you in."

After all, only gods can participate in the God's Association, and Su Chen is just an ordinary mortal in the eyes of the gods.

"Anyway, go and watch it. After all, I am also the protagonist of this war game. If you want to watch the game, you have to let me know how to play the game at the first time."

"Well, I believe those guys who love to join in the fun won’t refuse."

After giving some instructions, the two of them headed towards the Tower of Babel, where the gods had arrived one after another._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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