“Boom” A low sound, although the ground shook, Phantom Ji fell to the ground, her heart beat hard, and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

While observing the images transmitted by the T-1000s, Xie Feng looked at the surrounding instrument display and explained: “It’s a moonquake.” ”

Phantom Ji touched-touched the sexy-sensual buttocks, or heard the name for the first time, and said, “Moon Quake? ”

Xie Feng explained: “If there is an earthquake on the earth, of course there is a moonquake on the moon. Such moonquakes occur much less frequently than earthquakes, about 1,000 per year. The energy released by moonquakes is also much smaller than that of earthquakes, and the largest moonquake magnitude is only equivalent to 2~3 magnitude of earthquakes, so, baby, don’t worry. We are safe. ”

Phantom Ji felt that it was not particularly good, and suggested: “Okay, I have finished watching the moon, we better leave here, it is very desolate and there is nothing.” ”

“Ahaha~~~” Xie Feng put his arm around her, put a sip of incense on her face, and said, “Don’t worry, when the detection is over, we will leave.” ”

He said to Skynet: “Continue to release robots and increase area search…”

Skynet reported: “I received a strange electromagnetic wave. ”

“Electromagnetic waves? Can it be deciphered? ”

“I don’t know, I’ll try it.”

“Bang, bang” There was a gunshot in the picture, Phantom Ji heard the sound, her body trembled, and asked: “What situation?” ”

Xie Feng asked, “What’s going on inside?” ”

Skynet reported: “Through the data on the scanner, it can be seen that one group of people is chasing another group of people. ”

Phantom Ji wondered, “Isn’t there no survivor?” ”

Skynet replied: “It may be a fish that slipped through the net.” ”

Xie Feng ordered, “Go and see, what happened?” “The T-1000 headed towards the source of the sound, and on the way encountered a lot of blood, a crater full of explosions, and fragmented debris. Any of these is enough proof that battles have taken place here.

Skynet pieced together characteristics that did not belong to humans through the ready-made wreckage, and reported: “Master, after scanning, it seems that some humans here seem to have mutated. ”

Xie Feng watched the data compiled by Skynet, bone spurs grew on his palms, and two small hands grew on his stomach, asking, “Is it poisoning or?” Demonize? ”

Skynet said: “I don’t know, we need on-site samples, blood analysis.” ”

“Master, I found survivors.” 001 came the voice. Xie Feng saw through the monitor that a variant wearing a Nazi military uniform appeared in front of him, his upper jaw and chin were very open, piercing countless fangs, which seemed to have a strong bite force. There were many long bone spurs on the palms, the stomach was blown open, and two small hands appeared, how this costume is a bit like a sickle monster.

Seeing such an ugly thing, Mirage was uglier than some of their monsters, and cried out in a lost voice: “What is this? ”


The sickle monster apparently also spotted 001, roared at his body, and pounced. The long sickle bone pierced 001’s body. The guy was obviously very proud, and his mouth made a terrifying sound of ‘defiance’.

However, 001 he is not a human, it is a T-1000, and 001’s palm transforms into a long knife, and it cuts off the limbs of the scythe monster in two strokes. The scythe monster let out a ‘woo-woo’ roar, his eyes were full of fear, and he didn’t seem to believe that his prey was so strong. Where did he understand the power of the T-1000.

“001 to end him.”

001 executed the order and cut off the head of the scythe monster. The head ‘gurgled’ and rolled, seemingly unwilling.

Xie Feng’s mind immediately heard an icy voice: kill the mutant to gain 1 survival point.

Lean, only 1 survival point, the main god is too picky. Just when he criticized. The cold voice of the Lord God came again: save at least 10 survivors of the Nazi base. Less than 10 people will be deducted as 1 person with 1000 survival points. Completing the mission rewards +1000 survival points for the C side story.

The watch then shows the number of survivors in the current base: 30/1000

Dingtone, 29/1000

Lean, the number is falling rapidly, Nima, the damned Lord God, knows that you are a guy with a black belly and can’t hear a little bad word.

Xie Feng’s face turned a little blue, and a green tendon on his forehead rose out, and several tendons from the sun nest were connected to his face, all twitching there.

“Skynet, release all the terminators, kill all those monsters, and save the humans in the base.”

“Obey, master.”

Skynet unleashed some more Terminators and headed towards the Nazi base. There are 1,000 people in this base, and except for a few survivors, all the others have turned into mutants. Well, for the sake of survival points, fight.

Seeing Xie Feng’s personality change greatly, Phantom Ji was a little crazy, and went up to comfort: “What’s wrong, Brother Cheng?” ”

“Don’t worry, I just detected that there are still humans alive here, but they are being hunted down by some monsters, so they are more indignant. Don’t worry, soon it will be clear. ”

Terminators are robots, and they don’t have the word horror in their database. They are soulless reapers. They listened to Xie Feng’s orders and attacked the base on a large scale. Finish off the monsters inside.

The gregards rushed towards the Terminator, but their heads were cut off. Press the mutants and face the army of terminators helplessly.

One of the mutants spat at the Terminator. Nima couldn’t even spit, but when she saw the ground creaking, she knew it was acidic. Xie Feng was happy for a while, daring to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong? Look at Lao Tzu and don’t torture you.

Kindness? It seems that this sentence was said for the second time, and when he said it for the first time, Xie Feng remembered the unbearable past, hugged the phantom Ji in his arms tightly, and his hand began to touch her body disobediently.

The Phantom Ji shouted again and again, “Don’t be like this, someone is grace…”

Skynet said very sensibly: “Sorry, I am a machine, no one’s feelings.” After saying that, he went to command the Terminators to fight.

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