Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 302: commend

Chapter 302 Commendation

“Oh, I see you’ve been through a lot recently,” Ma Lu said.

"My mother always said that I am a love brain, so I always meet strange people." The skeleton female high school student said, "But... if you go into love with caution, you won't be able to enjoy the sweetest part of it. Partially."

 “The sweetest part?”

“It trust someone unconditionally, to love someone wholeheartedly, and to give all of yourself, including the future, to that person.

"The process is like walking a tightrope while blindfolded. Even though you know you are walking into an abyss, you will still take the next step without hesitation. I think it is this blindness, this obsession at all costs, that is the sweetest thing in love. part.

“In order to protest to my mother, I also changed my WeChat name to Love Brain. I want to prove to her and the world that Love Brain is the ultimate answer to love!”

“Oh, oh, what a youthful speech! But female high school students must have such courage,” Ma Lu raised the wine bottle in her hand, “I wish you will be single as soon as possible!”

 “Thank you, boss, and I wish you can earn more money and star coins.” Love Brain also said.

 About half an hour later, the effects of the sour berry caramel pudding finally wore off, and the lonely handsome man could speak normally.

So Ma Lu called the police.

 The police arrived quickly. The security in City B has always been good, with few homicides, not to mention the murders involving several people. The police attached great importance to it and arrived at the scene in only 5 minutes after receiving the call.

In addition to the lonely handsome man, Ma Lu, Lao Wang and Love Nao were also brought to the police station to make notes.

Although Lao Wang was a gangster and his love brain was only a skeleton, under the influence of a beaver, the police officer in charge of the transcript still completed the transcript dutifully.

Afterwards, the police searched the lonely handsome man's secret cabin and found about twenty hearts soaked in formalin. Most of them were from animals, but three of them belonged to humans. The police then verified the deceased's heart. identity…

Ma Lu read the follow-up news in the newspaper. As a serial murder case, this incident caused quite a stir in City B and even the country. People were discussing it for many days afterwards.

Even the diners who come to the Universe Infinity Canteen are talking about this.

I don’t know where it came from, saying that the murderer was very cunning and well-hidden. He was discovered because of the owner of a restaurant and a female high school student.

As a result, someone had a sudden idea and turned his attention to Ma Lu aside, and said to his companions who came to eat together, "Hey, do you think the restaurant owner could be Mr. Ma?"

 “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

As soon as his words came out, he was immediately denied by several companions, "Mr. Ma is busy cutting our leeks in the restaurant every day, how can he have time to fight with gangsters!"

“That’s right,” someone said, nodding at the brand new es8 signature version outside the door, “Well, look, it’s all equipped with a luxury car, so it looks like you’re definitely making a lot of money.”

 Some unscrupulous bosses even choose gold for the sake of showing off, which shines in the sun, and the reflection almost blinds the people sitting around eating.

 “Well, I hope that the kind boss was not injured, and any pain will be transferred to the profiteers.”

“That won’t work,” someone immediately retorted, “If the profiteers really get sick, we won’t have anything to eat either.”

“Oh, how did this society become like this?” Some people lamented, “We can’t let the heroes down. As long as we can find the boss who is brave enough to do justice, I am willing to give up being a profiteer for the time being and go to his shop to eat for half a year, every day!”

 “How much will it cost?”

"It shouldn't be much money. I heard that they were caught very late at night. Usually the only restaurants open at this time are small restaurants. It's not easy for them."

“Well, then count me in.” Someone else soon echoed. Although their voices were not loud, the profiteer Malu still heard them, but he was too lazy to pay attention to them.

He was taking pictures of the new car he just picked up today with his mobile phone while serving food.

 Already have a car, the next step is to buy a larger house with a parking space. However, he is not yet qualified to buy a house, and house prices are also falling, so he can find a way to rent one first.

In addition, it is best to hire another formal waiter. He Xiaoqian alone is still a bit busy, and the most important thing is that when there are many guests, Malu has to do it himself.

I didn’t think it was anything before, but as soon as there is more money on the bank card, people will become lazy, and once they start to enjoy themselves, they will only become more and more obsessed with enjoyment, and will fall endlessly.

Ma Lu hopes that from now on he can just sit in the store and play with his mobile phone, supervise and guide the work of other employees, and deal with occasional emergencies.

 After all, going out to purchase ingredients is already very tiring. From now on, you should just be the boss in the main plane and leave the service to professionals.

Ma Lu was thinking happily when another group of people suddenly poured in outside the door.

Those people came later, but they didn’t queue up, but just opened the door and came in.

 They were not here to eat. The two people walking in front were still wearing police uniforms, followed by reporters with long guns and short guns.

The sudden appearance of such a large group of people is quite eye-catching.

The diners in the restaurant stopped using their chopsticks and looked at this group of uninvited guests curiously.

One of them, Ma Lu, also knew him. He was the first policeman to arrive at the scene on the night he reported the crime. He was also a squadron leader, and his surname seemed to be Zheng.

Captain Zheng walked towards Ma Lu as soon as he entered the door. He first introduced Ma Lu to the other police officer beside him, and then said to Ma Lu.

“This is Bureau Hu, the leader of our city’s public security department. Bureau Hu is here to issue you a certificate of bravery for justice.”

Hu shook hands with Ma Lu enthusiastically after the game, "Boss Ma, you have made a great contribution this time. Without your help, we would not have been able to catch the murderer so quickly, and there will probably be other victims in the future."

"Oh oh oh. It's nothing, I just did what an ordinary citizen should do." Ma Lu said.

“You don’t need to be modest, because your deeds are particularly outstanding, the city government has decided to award you the title of a model of courage and bravery. This is your certificate!”

Hu Ju then solemnly handed a red book into Ma Lu's hands, and the reporters on the side also clicked their shutters to record the scene.

 The other guests in the restaurant were all dumbfounded at this time.

Especially since he had whispered that Malu was a profiteer before, and also said that he would support the brave boss, the people at the table who had been eating in his shop for half a year all looked at each other in shock.

 Some people even wanted to say, "No, sir, did you get the wrong person?"

 The main reason is that it is difficult for everyone to connect Mr. Ma, who just picked up a new car and was having fun there, with the hero who acted bravely.

 But no matter what, from this moment on, Malu's image in everyone's hearts suddenly became majestic.

 (End of this chapter)

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