Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 236: Newcomer assessment

Chapter 236 Newcomer Assessment

Ma Lu did not expect that he would run into trouble on his first step back and got stuck in front of the elevator.

 Because you need to buy a ticket to take the elevator, it is not much, only 0.2 kilowatt hours of electricity, but the problem is that there is no electricity in Malu.

 The good news is that he soon met an acquaintance. The bad news is that he met an acquaintance whom Malu did not want to meet.

 It's a pity that the other party's eyes are very sharp and he even spotted him one step ahead of him.


As soon as He Yueji got out of the elevator, her eyes lit up. Regardless of the blood on her body, she immediately pushed away the people around her and ran over, shouting as she ran.

"Hey, where are you going? I haven't seen you for a month! Pochi said you left the giant screen and went somewhere else. You are indeed the man I like. You are so brave. You dare to cross the desert alone. Have you arrived in other cities? How is it there? Take me with you next time, I can serve you on the road..."

Ma Lu had to interrupt her, "You buy me an elevator ticket first, and I'll come back to you later. Well... we can meet at the Little Bear Bar."

 “Forget the Little Bear Bar, come directly to my place.”

He Yueji took out her electricity card and bought a ticket for Ma Lu, then looked around for it, but couldn't find the paper. She simply reached out and took off her bra, and quickly wrote a series of addresses on it.

 Pushing it into Malu's hand, he winked at Malu and said, "I've washed it and will wait for you."

No matter what, Malu finally got on the elevator and reached the first floor.

Seeing how lively the place was, Malu stopped looking for Pochi in a hurry and just stood there, waiting to see what would happen next.

 Safety has been restored to the city now.

Before Ma Lu opened her mouth, she took the lead and said, "Hello, please come this way."

Ma Lu casually inquired with a passerby and learned that the wild beasts entrenched in the city had been killed by hunters or driven back to the desert.

Ma Lu then walked towards the station of Shuangyanghua Hunting Group.

Finding that the hall was actually full of people, the female receptionist led Ma Lu to the end of the line. When she saw another person coming to the door, she didn't care to say anything and welcomed him out again.


 Ma Lu had been here before and there was nothing inside except the house itself.

This small building is one of the rewards given by the Hunter Guild in recognition of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group's solution to the beast crisis.

The roads have also been repaired to some extent, and traffic has been restored.

Soon, he came to the small red building.

And the blue-haired boy was also a talker. After a while, he couldn't stand idle any longer and took the initiative to chat with Ma Lu, "This friend, are you also here to take the assessment?"

It was a young boy carrying a mechanical bow on his back. The waitress took him behind Ma Lu.

Ma Lu followed her into the station of Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group.

 When he left last time, the city was still full of ruins. A month later, it has been almost cleared. Construction has started again in many places, and some buildings have even been completed.

But now the emblem of the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group has been added to the roof of the building, and a carpet has been laid outside the door. When Ma Lu walked to the door, a receptionist came to greet him from inside.

 “No, I’m looking for someone.”

"Looking for someone? It's useless to look for someone." The blue-haired boy shook his head, "It is said that Captain Boqi will personally invigilate the exam today. If you find anyone, you don't dare to play tricks under her nose."

"Really?"  "How can I still lie to you?" The blue-haired boy looked around and lowered his voice, "But I have inside information. This time the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group will release about 4 places in one go. , the hope of passing the assessment is quite high.”

Ma Lu looked around and found that there were already forty or fifty people queuing in the hall, and there were people coming from behind, so he couldn't help but said.

 “With so many people vying for 4 spots, how much hope is there?”

The blue-haired boy rolled his eyes, "No, big brother, what are you thinking? This is a diamond hunting group. There are only 6 diamond-level hunting groups in the entire giant screen, and Shuangyanghua is the only hunting group that has its own air transport plane.

“They have recruited several waves of people before, and now they have released 4 more places, which is already a lot. As long as you pass the assessment and become a member, you can immediately enjoy the benefits of the Diamond Hunting Group.”

 “Then are you sure?”

"Of course... there are none." The blue-haired boy said, "But the opportunity is rare, and I will always give it a try when I encounter it. What about your weapons and equipment? Are you planning to take the test empty-handed?"

"I said I'm not here to take part in the assessment, I'm just here to find someone." Ma Lu reiterated.

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" The blue-haired boy looked at Malu suspiciously, and then said, "Why do you look familiar to me? Have we met somewhere?"

 “I don’t know, maybe it was in the newspaper.”

 “Newspaper?” The blue-haired boy was startled.

At this time, someone came down from upstairs and said, "Is this the person who came to take the assessment this time? Very good, they look very energetic!"

The person who spoke was Seta. After not seeing him for a month, he seemed to have grown taller and stronger. He also used the bonus to buy himself a few new pieces of equipment.

As the veteran of the hunting group, he was looking at the newcomers in the hall with a smile. Until his eyes fell on Ma Lu, he couldn't help but rub his eyes.

“Deputy Captain?! It’s really you, you, you’re back!” Seta said in surprise.

"Who's back?" Mai Mai's voice sounded from behind. He curiously poked his head over, and then he exclaimed. Then he turned around and ran upstairs, shouting as he ran, "Captain Boqi, deputy commander." Commander, it’s Deputy Commander Ma Lu who’s back!”

Hearing this name, the blue-haired boy finally remembered who the person next to him was.

—The deputy leader of the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group. He is the most mysterious person in the hunting group. It is said that he does not stay in the Giant Screen City most of the time.

Almost no newcomers to the hunting group have ever met him, and there is very little information about him. So far, we only know that he and Captain Boqi founded the Shuangyanghua Hunting Group, and in a short period of time they were promoted from bronze to diamond. .

  It has created the legend of the fastest upgrade in Giant Screen City. It is unprecedented, and it is estimated that it will be difficult for anyone to do it again in the future.

And what he uses is a special telekinesis ability called meat pigeon.

He Chengyu, the leader of the Saber Hunting Group, is one of the few people who has fought side by side with Malu and has publicly stated that Meat Pigeon is the strongest telepathic ability he has ever seen, and it is stronger than any human imagination!

 Wei Cha, the leader of another newly promoted diamond hunting group, Yanya, also made similar comments.

In addition, Qin Zhao, the vice president of the Hunter Guild, has repeatedly praised Malu in public, saying that he is the most critical figure in solving the beast crisis.

There are even vague rumors in the city that Ma Lu has surpassed Huo Gang, the leader of the Golden Sword, to become the number one hunter of the giant screen.

But after that, Malu hadn't appeared on the giant screen for almost a month. Unexpectedly, he would appear again at the Shuangyang Flower Hunting Group's station today.

Soon the blue-haired boy found himself surrounded by an excited crowd. To be more precise, Ma Lu was surrounded by an excited crowd, while the blue-haired boy stood too close and got himself into trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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