Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 220: Giant whale lotus root

Chapter 220 Giant Whale Lotus Root

 The bait strategy is quite useful. As soon as Douze was thrown into the water, he immediately attracted a swarm of nearby puppet Lotus Roots.

Ma Lu saw that on the chessboard map, the densely packed small red dots were all flocking to the grid where Duo Zhe was, and the number of puppet lotus roots in the nearby area was greatly reduced.


Although there were many puppet lotuses attacking Duozhe, which looked very scary, Duozhe was wearing the power armor provided by the church and had a defense power of 11 points. Those puppet lotuses actually had nothing to do against him for a while.

This also bought Malu more time. The purple-haired girl drove the aircraft to the salvage point 20 blocks away. As before, Malu tied the rope around his waist, then jumped and jumped.

He dived about twelve or thirteen meters and reached the bottom of the lake. Then Malu turned on the armor's lighting system and quickly found the meteorite fragment.

He did not rush back to the aircraft, but walked two blocks away. There was another meteorite fragment there. Since the two meteorite fragments were relatively close, Malu planned to pick them up together.

This time it took him a little longer, because the meteorite fragment had been buried in the mud. If it hadn't been for the accurate location marked on the chessboard map, no one would have been able to find it.

And while Malu was concentrating on digging through the mud, he felt the light behind him dim...

On the other side of the aircraft, Skylark was looking at the lake with his eyes wide open.

It had been seven minutes since Malu entered the water, and no news had been sent back. Just when the girl was worried that Malu had encountered some trouble, the rope was suddenly pulled three times.

 This is the signal that Malu agreed before to come out of the water.

Upon seeing this, the purple-haired girl activated the mechanical arm and began to retrieve the rope. However, this time she felt that the weight below was much heavier, and it was much harder to pull than before.

Cerberus couldn't help complaining, "Ah, are the meteorite fragments so heavy?"

Hearing this, Skylark and others also came to help and worked together to pull Malu out of the water.

 Then the skylark let out a scream.

She saw a black shadow covered in mud lying on Malu's armor, and there were two other black figures, one hugging Malu's waist, and the other pulling one of his thighs.

Cerberus looked down and said, "It's the puppet lotus root."

“It is estimated that there are some scattered ones nearby that were not attracted by the bait, and they happened to be met by the Lord Knight.” Bird of Paradise said.

“Oh, this is also the first time I have seen a real thing. It looks very similar to a human being, but it has no facial features.” The Ouroboros was also looking at the three activated plants wrapped around the millipede with interest.

Only Skylark looked at his three companions with an incredulous expression, "Why can you be so calm? The Lord Knight is being violated by the enemy!"

 “He has armor, isn’t he? He wasn’t harmed either.” Ouroboros said.

"But, but...those enemies will be brought up together." Skylark said anxiously, "Don't we need to prepare for battle in advance?"

“It’s just a doll with lotus roots, is there any need to be so nervous?” Cerberus said disapprovingly.

 “Aquan, you speak very lightly every time.”

“No, as long as the puppet lotus root is out of the water, it is indeed no threat.”

It was Bird of Paradise who spoke this time, "These basic knowledge teachers have all taught in class. Skylark, you were dozing off again at that time, so you didn't pay attention to the lecture."

 “Ah, is that so?” Skylark scratched his head.

Soon, Malu and the three puppet Lotus Roots were pulled onto the aircraft.

The result was just like what Bird of Paradise said, the purple-haired girl gave away a puppet lotus root with only 4 swords, even with the reverse attribute debuff.

Then the Bird of Paradise and Ouroboros worked together to kill the other one, and the remaining one was pinned down by the weight of the millipede's armor.

Ouroboros walked over and was about to kill the last enemy, but was stopped by Malu. "etc."


“Keep this one alive, I’m going to take it away.” Malu said as he took out the collection bag again.

 After upgrading to level 6, the desktop farm can now grow activated plants.

Ma Lu plans to try planting a batch of lotus roots this time when he goes back, starting with this puppet lotus root.

Just when he asked Skylark to hold the bag and stuff the puppet lotus root inside, the originally quiet lake below suddenly became turbulent.

Malu then seemed to think of something and said to the purple-haired girl, "Quickly, raise the height of the aircraft and leave this lake."

"Well, didn't you say that there is still a piece of meteorite fragment that you haven't gotten?" Cerberus said as he was already sitting in the driver's seat again, pulled up the joystick, and let the war horse start to rise.

“Forget it, I don’t want that piece anymore,” Ma Lu said, “Something big has woken up under the lake.”

That was the largest and deepest red dot that Malu had seen in all his time in this plane. The red dot occupied a full 30 squares, and the color was so deep that it almost turned black.

Its name is the King of the Lake, Giant Whale Lotus. When the millipede was at the bottom of the lake, it just passed by the millipede and blocked all the light.

 Fortunately, the thing was headed towards Duo Ze. It was probably because those dolls, Lotus Roots, had been unable to do anything to hold Duo Ze, so their king was alerted.

 When Malu stuffed the puppet lotus root on the spaceship into the collection bag, and then looked at the chessboard map, Duo Zhe's name could no longer be found.

Furthermore, everyone also saw circles of ripples appearing in Yuanjing Lake, and a huge black shadow flashed across the lake.

This time not only the lark, but also the Ouroboros and the Bird of Paradise looked unhappy. The only one who could still laugh was probably the heartless Cerberus.

“It’s true or not, there is such a big activated plant. I hope I can have a chance to fight with it in the future.”

 “Let’s forget it,” Ma Lu said.

Although the traveler's bracelet could not scan the star rating of the giant whale lotus because of the distance, its attribute panel was already outrageous. Its HP was as high as 10,000 and its attack power exceeded 120. Even if it was specially made by the church, Even the knight's armor can't bear it.

No wonder Duozhe disappeared quietly.

But this result is not bad. In this way, Duozhe would have died in the mouth of the giant whale Lotus Root instead of his hands.

Ma Lu then led a batch of activated plants to the place where the two sides fought before. In this way, even if the church sent people to investigate later, they would only think that they were the hands of activated plants and animals.

Ouroboros watched the millipede running around, faking the scene, its eyes full of admiration, and couldn't help but ask again, "Who are you?"

"Me, of course I am a knight." Ma Lu said without blushing.

"How is it possible? Knights are not as sinister as you."

 “Well, I’m actually a hunter.”

 “Hunter? What is that.”

“Two hundred years ago, when there were still animals outside, people made a living by hunting those animals.” Bird of Paradise explained.

Ouroboros curled his lips and said, "Oh, that's another lie."

 (End of this chapter)

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