Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 180: Thousand-faced Konjac

Chapter 180 Amorphophallus with a Thousand Faces

Skylark felt a little inappropriate when he saw Cerberus throwing all the clothes aside, so he said, "Aquan, don't you keep one or two pieces?"

"Why do you want to stay? Don't you feel uncomfortable with wet clothes sticking to your body?" Cerberus sat down cross-legged in front of the fire.

"That's right." Skylark looked at the coat on her body and wanted to take it off. She also called to the Bird of Paradise on the other side, "Paradise, A Quan is right. Let's take it off together and dry it out early."

"Are you stupid?" The red-haired girl turned the fork of the tree without raising her head and turned over her socks. "Even if you dry yourself out, you still have to put on wet clothes."

"Ah, is that so? What should we do?" Skylark was very embarrassed. "But if we put all our clothes on the fire, we won't have anywhere to warm ourselves."

“Then let’s bake together in our clothes.” said the Bird of Paradise.

"That makes sense!" Yunque woke up from a dream, stopped taking off his clothes, and took the initiative to act as a clothes rack for human flesh. But the Cerberus was too lazy to move because it was warmed by the campfire.

 Until Malu picked up her clothes, "You should wear them too."

 “No!” Cerberus turned over and lay on the grass in a large shape.

 “You guys, are you never ashamed?”

 “You are being taken advantage of if you are seen like this.”

 “Hahahaha! When I get outside, it’s up to me to make the decision myself.”

"Uh...thank you for the first half of your explanation, Bird of Paradise, there's no need to point out the rest." Malu's voice came from the armor.

“There is no reason, because this is a conventional rule of human society.”

 She became smug at the end and puffed up her chest.

"You may have misunderstood. The reason why the Lord Knight said this is probably because he didn't want to take advantage of you. Although he couldn't help but look at it several times just now out of biological instinct. He also looked at me when I took off my socks, but... obviously in the end His reason still outweighed his impulse."

"I tried my best. As you can see, Cerberus' understanding of men and women is different from ordinary people."

"How can he take advantage of me?" Cerberus was curious. She waved the red short blade in her hand and grinned, "No one can take advantage of me!"

"How come there are such ridiculous regulations?" Cerberus sneered, "Those beautiful animals in nature are born to attract more attention, and they never hesitate to show off their beauty. I would say the more they are seen, the better they are. I should be happy! Doesn’t this prove my excellence?”

Ma Lu ignored her refusal and threw her bomber jacket over.

“Hmph, I admit that he is good at commanding battles, but I will not listen to his arrangements for matters other than battles.”

 “Ah, why?”

However, she was kicked away by Cerberus, and she let out a series of triumphant laughs, as if she had just won a game.

Seeing that Malu seemed a little helpless, Bird of Paradise, the only one among the three who looked like a normal person, spoke up.

The Bird of Paradise seemed not surprised by the purple-haired girl's answer. She turned her head and looked at the millipede aside.

 “It is the Lord Knight who makes the decision.” Skylark corrected in a low voice.

After a pause, she added, "No, it should be said that most witches have different perceptions of men and women than ordinary people, because there are no men in school, and we will not see them until we graduate. man."


"The church hopes that we can focus on honing our martial arts without any distractions, and grow into the best weapons in the hands of knights." Bird of Paradise said lightly, "So it will not teach us any knowledge related to gender. "Then why do you know so much. "

"Because I can read. Although the books that can be found in the school have been screened by the church, after all, we also live in the temple city. The church is not omnipotent. As long as we are willing to use our brains, we can still do something. Bring something from outside.”

"All right."

After listening to Bird of Paradise telling them about their previous lives, Malu also gave up on letting Cerberus get dressed immediately and decided to let her go.

 Everyone rested for about half an hour. Except for the purple-haired girl, everyone's clothes were dried. Malu glanced at the time on the traveler's bracelet.

 In about an hour, they should set off back to the Temple City.

Considering that everyone in the team was in good condition and still had active skills, Ma Lu planned to do something big before leaving.

 He set his sights on a 4-star ingredient on the map.

The 4-star ingredient is called Thousand-faced Konjac.

Ma Lu was startled when he saw its star rating at first, and almost ran away, because even if he upgraded it two more levels and gave Skylark new equipment, it was obviously no match for normal 4-star ingredients.

Furthermore, the HP of Thousand-Faced Konjac exceeds 1,000 points, making it very difficult to deal with at first glance.

However, Malu later looked up the properties of the Thousand-faced Amorphophallus, and unexpectedly discovered that this thing actually had fire and earth weaknesses, which made his mind active again.

In addition, Thousand-Faced Konjac's main attack method is to poison, and Malu's team happens to have Birds of Paradise who are proficient in healing, and he also has a useless attack flag in his hand.

Ma Lu made some calculations and felt that there was still a good chance of winning, so he decided to give it a try.

 If it really doesn't work, you can still run away. According to Malu's observations during this period, the Thousand Faced Amorphophallus was not moving very fast. In fact, after such a long time, it only moved four spaces compared to its original position.

Hearing that there was another fight to be fought, Cerberus finally put on his clothes again, and the four of them rushed towards the brightest red dot on the chessboard map.

Since Malu has cleared the nearby area before, there are no other threats around, and the team can concentrate on dealing with the Thousand-Faced Amorphophallus.

However, after arriving at the target location, it was obvious that the red dots on the grid had not disappeared, but Malu found no trace of the enemy.

 It is shameful to say that konjac is a common dish on the dining table, but Malu has never seen its true form.

Anyway, every time Malu saw konjac, it either turned into konjac powder or was cut into pieces. In short, it was basically in a processed shape. When Malu was a child, he even thought that konjac was some kind of artificial food.

Although he later learned that konjac did exist in nature, he had never seen it with his own eyes. He only guessed that it should look like taro or potatoes.

However, now he did not see similar plants nearby, and the entire grid was occupied by a large banyan tree.

 Is it on a tree?

Ma Lu looked up at the tree crown. At this moment, a small sapling on the ground next to him shook its leaves, and then the ground shook.

  Then a lumpy pink sarcoma emerged from the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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