Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 173: pull hook

Chapter 173: Pulling the hook

After finishing the barbecue, He Xiaoqian didn't spend a penny and made an extra 500 yuan. She couldn't help but look a little confused.

Mainly because after Lao Wang referred to sheep as ducks, the young clerk became emotional and shouted that Lao Wang was slandering and extorting, and wanted to call the police. As a result, the boss was alarmed.

After the boss came over to learn about the situation, he immediately apologized on behalf of the store staff, saying that the chef in the kitchen accidentally brought the wrong meat today. Not only did he take the initiative to waive the order for their table and replace it with real lamb, but he also secretly stuffed 500 yuan into it. come over.

Ma Lu asked He Xiaoqian, who was a little overwhelmed, to collect the money.

The five of them ate from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock. He Xiaoqian got drunk the fastest because she kept thanking others and toasting, while Shen Yue looked very heroic and opened 8 bottles of beer in one go.

As a result, she only drank half a bottle and then lay there motionless. On the contrary, Han Feifei looked quiet, typical white, rich and beautiful, but when she drank beer, she blew into the bottle.

Moreover, her expression did not change after two bottles. In the end, she and Ma Lu were the only two people left, plus Lao Wang, who had not touched his chopsticks from beginning to end, still conscious.

However, Malu began to feel something now. His cheeks were slightly hot, his throat was dry, and he also felt an inexplicable pressure on his bladder.

He was about to go to the toilet to put out water when Han Feifei across from him suddenly spoke.

“Senior, do you still remember?”


“We volunteered together during the Winter Olympics.”

 “Oh oh oh...are you there?”

“Yes, at that time I met a foreign tourist who was very difficult to deal with, and you and Senior Sister Yu helped me out, even though according to the regulations, you shouldn’t have been there at that time.”

"Oh, I remembered, it was the Italian guy who lost his wallet, right? He insisted on taking you to the parking lot to find his bag for him." Ma Lu suddenly realized.

"Well," Han Feifei took another sip of beer and said calmly, "but it seems that senior, you were all eyes on Senior Yu at that time, and you have no impression of me anymore."

“Well…this person will inevitably be young and naive sometimes.”

"I heard from Shen Yue that Senior Sister Yu has also returned to China. She even went back to school last week, and you seem to have reconciled."

Han Feifei paused, "Senior, don't you have any ideas?"

"Are you kidding? We broke up long ago." Ma Lu shook his head.

“I should say it’s fortunate that we broke up. Looking back now, that woman was full of shortcomings and had a terrible personality. I don’t know why I fell in love with her in the first place.

“She and I only have business contacts now. She is currently on that...Mei, which seems to be quite popular among young people recently.

“She came over and insisted on interviewing me. In exchange, I asked her to help me advertise my new store at the end of the article.”

“I’ve read that interview,” Han Feifei said, “and it didn’t mention your new store, senior.”


Han Feifei took out her mobile phone, opened, and clicked on the community. The recommendation on the homepage was a special column called B City Treasure Snack Excavation.

There are seven or eight articles in there, all of which have a high number of clicks. It has only been posted for a day and has already received tens of thousands of views. The top article about the number one food stall in the universe has already received more than 100,000 views.

Han Feifei leaned forward slightly and pushed the phone in front of Ma Lu.

Ma Lu had a strong urge to pee now, but he still resisted reading the article.

 The previous parts are similar to the draft that Yu Yizhuo sent him before, which is to introduce the situation of the number one food stall in the universe.

Including regular content such as how popular the food stall is, how delicious the food is, and the boss’s alumni background.

But at the end, the topic suddenly changed. It was mentioned that the popularity of the number one food stall in the universe has gradually faded away, and the number of customers is no longer what it was before.

 Hinting that Malu’s food stalls are just the product of internet celebrities chasing gimmicks, real food takes time to develop.

And there was no mention of the upcoming opening of the Universe Infinite Canteen until the last sentence. After reading this, Ma Lu showed a sneer on his face and returned the phone to Han Feifei.

“Blame it on me. I have been too smooth lately and have lost my basic alertness, especially when facing some people with vicious hearts. As expected, I can’t believe the crocodile tears at all.”

Han Feifei said, "Senior Sister Yu may also have her own difficulties. After all, in the workplace, people often have no control over their own actions, but...

“Some things are indeed difficult to change. I heard that Senior Yu’s family had average conditions since childhood and she was raised by her mother. It’s not surprising that she would put work and career before personal feelings.

“However, it will most likely be very hard for someone to fall in love with her like this, and if there is no external pressure, it’s okay. Once there is pressure to give up something, she will probably make the same choice.”

“So if you still plan to find a girlfriend, it’s best to find someone who doesn’t value material things so much, so that if your career encounters problems one day, she won’t leave you, and maybe she can support you financially.”

“It doesn’t matter, just leave this kind of thing to her boyfriend to have a headache.”

  Ma Lu burped, "I've been busy opening a store recently, and I don't have time to deal with her. Let her be arrogant for a while."

"By the way, when are you planning to open your Universe Infinite Canteen?" Han Feifei also took the initiative to change the topic.

“Well, next week, I plan to clean up the restaurant and get all the licenses in the next two days.”

“It just so happens that I don’t have any classes tomorrow, so I’ll go and help you, senior.”

 “You, hahahaha.”

"What's wrong? What's so funny?" Han Feifei said in surprise.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just remembered that Shen Yue said that your family seems to run a logistics company, and you have a lot of pocket money every month. Are you sure you want to work for me as a worker cleaning windows and mopping floors? Land reclamation and cleaning can be very hard."

"Want to make a bet?" Han Feifei took another sip of beer and pointed to He Xiaoqian who was already lying on the table.

"She is your official employee. I can guarantee to do better than her tomorrow."

“Really or not? Then, if you can surpass Xiaoqian in work tomorrow, and come to my restaurant to eat from now on, I will give you a 20% discount!”

 “Then it’s settled.”

Han Feifei stretched out her little finger as she spoke.



 “Ha, you are a child, and you still want to pull the hook.”

“I think you’re a little drunk, senior. Who knows if you’re talking drunkenly, or it’s safer to make a hook.”

"Okay." Ma Lu was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so he also stretched out his little finger and hooked it with Han Feifei's.

After that, Han Feifei said the childish password seriously, "Hang yourself with a hook, and it won't change for a hundred years."

After speaking, she touched the seal with her thumb and Malu's thumb.

At this moment, Shen Yue, who was sleeping at the table and drooling, suddenly got excited and opened his eyes.

 “I still want to…”

She didn't say the last word "drink", and her whole body suddenly froze, and her mouth turned into an O shape.

Then he closed his eyes and slumped on the table again, still muttering.

 “I saw nothing. I saw nothing.”

 (End of this chapter)

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