It's just that Li Ruoxi died in a breath.

And a lot of seafood and props were exploded on her corpse.

And not only her.

The bodies of the other six people were all found with a number of items.

"Huh......" Shen Yun took a deep breath and pressed down his churning stomach, collected the supplies on the ground, and left quickly.

On the dim beach, only seven blood-stained corpses ......


On the beach.

Shen Yun in the pit counted all the materials he had obtained before.

In addition to the useless knick-knacks, the biggest catch was a small packet of insect repellent powder and salt, as well as a five-spice spice packet.

The effect of insect repellent powder is not known yet, but salt is the most important thing!

Whether it's seafood or these props, Shen Yun has 10,000 pieces, so don't worry at all!

'Fortunately, the other party didn't get a hot weapon...... Shen Yun secretly rejoiced.

He didn't do it directly, because he was afraid that Li Ruoxi and they had obtained a hot weapon! He

could have a rifle, and the other party might have caught so much seafood.

If you're fighting for some seafood, it's too worrying about your life.

And Shen Yun didn't think about killing people at that time.

After all, he is not an urban killer, nor is he a reborn boss.

Killing people directly is still stressful for him.

Since the other party said that there was still a lot of seafood left, Shen Yun planned to stabilize his hand first, and it would not be too late to take revenge when he had the opportunity.

But these guys talk about it.

As the saying goes, if you are a man, you will see each other in the future.

He didn't want to do anything, but the other party came to make a trick?!

He couldn't bear it

! He hid behind the rocks and suddenly broke them all!

At the thought of the appearance of the seven people before they died, Shen Yun's stomach rolled for a while.

He hurriedly dispelled the image in his mind and took out a piece of chewing gum to suppress the shock.

By this time, the sky was already starting to lighten.

But many people have found out.

The sky in the distance is full of dark clouds, the sea is not as calm as yesterday, and the waves are very large!

"Take advantage of the low tide to find seafood!" The people who got up from the pit scattered in groups of three or five.

Shen Yun walked towards the dense forest, intending to try the effect of insect repellent powder.

However, it didn't take long.

A series of exclamations on the beach attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, what's that?!"

Following the direction pointed by one of them, the survivors on the island all looked out into the distance.

I saw the horizon in the far sky.

A white ripple connects the heavens and the earth, which is very spectacular


"the dragon!

" Shen Yun hurriedly took out the telescope and adjusted the magnification to watch.

I saw dark clouds, lightning and thunder in the sky above the dragon absorbing water.

You can also faintly see tiny branches of trees on the surrounding islands, sucked into the tornado.

'Branches?' Shen Yun, who looked puzzled, observed intently, and suddenly his pupils shrank:

"This...... It's a big tree that has been uprooted?!!

and the people around finally know what it is through the traverser's chat box!"It's

a large seaspout !!

" "The island in front has been destroyed!!! Many people have died

!!" "Run, run"

In an instant, screams broke out all over the beach!

Everyone hesitated for a moment, then rushed into the dense forest with stone axes and tools!

If you can find a hiding place such as a cave in the mountains.

If you stay on the beach, you don't even have a fixed area to hide from the wind, you can only be swept away!

The crowd is rampant, rushing into the mountains and forests to open the way.

Shen Yun fell behind the crowd and wiped the insect repellent powder in his hand from bottom to top.

At the same time, he observed the ground, and if there were insects, he sprinkled them to see ...... effect

In the middle of the jungle.

"Ah!! poisonous snake!!"

"This ...... This is a killer spider!Don't come close!You can kill an elephant in one bite!"

A series of screams frightened the survivors in the forest into becoming more and more panicked.

But the sea breeze had already swept into the mountains and forests, so that everyone did not dare to stop at all!


a dusty young man, holding a stone axe, rushed out of the crowd like a warrior.

Even if there were poisonous insects in the forest, he had no scruples, and ran all

the way! Seeing that the crowd in front of him was a little crowded

, Shen Yun shouted: "Get out of the way for me!" I'll explore the way!! "

Good boy, so fierce

!" "Who is this!!" Everyone hurriedly gave way, their faces full of admiration!

Some girls were even more attracted by Shen Yun's handsome and resolute appearance.

In a world full of dangers.

There is still such a fearless hero?!

"At this time, you dare to run around, maybe you are crazy?!

" "Possibly...... Keep up with him!" Seeing that he was running away, the people ran away.

Shen Yun ran wildly all the way, and his hands were even more grasping the insect repellent powder and flying back and forth, like a third-rate master under the rivers and lakes, and the poisonous insects were avoided and unrivaled everywhere he passed

! After some experiments before, he found that the effect of this insect repellent powder was very strong!

No matter what insects were touched, they would run around.

Even when the colorful poisonous snake smells it, its tongue has to tremble and foam at the mouth.

"If you hide in the cave, the seaspout will cause the mountain to collapse and block the cave...... Shen Yun, who was running wildly, looked at the mountain peak in front of him, worried.

If you suffocate, it's dangerous!

"Let's avoid this catastrophe first!" Suppressing his concerns, Shen Yun rushed into the dense forest and ran towards the mountain peak, while paying attention to the content of the [chat box], hoping that the dragon scroll would turn around.

However, a piece of information made his eyes light up

: [Zhao Ritian: Have you sold the fragments of the house? Exchange one piece for 20 crucian carp!] 5 starfish

!] [Zhang Biao: I am the CEO of Paradise Real Estate! Purchase the fragments of the house and provide food permanently! The businessman focuses on integrity

!] [Zheng Jianguo: I am the mayor of Canglong City, and there are still three pieces left to buy the fragments of the house! Are there any comrades who have extended a helping hand, and I will personally come to the door to thank you after the event!]

"House fragments?"

Shen Yun quickly sent a purchase message: [Shen Yun: Purchase house fragments, 50 slate crabs, 2 octopuses!A

bag of salt, a bottle of 250 ml of mineral water!] The amount of food is not much, but a bag of salt and mineral water is the finishing touch!

Sure enough

! As soon as Shen Yun sent it, more than 20 messages came from the mailbox.

Obviously, not everywhere you will encounter a seaspout.

"With so many people collecting debris, it shouldn't be a cabin, otherwise it won't be able to carry the seaspout...... ' he quickly clicked on it to take a look.

[No. 10086 Island Qin Changqing, a fragment of the attached house. [

House Fragments: Fragments of a tin house with a solid foundation, which can withstand the impact of storms, tornadoes, and beasts. After collecting five pieces, fuse the props: a tin room. Shen

Yun was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly put the transaction items he had sent before on Qin Changqing's email, and clicked to agree!

When a house fragment appeared in his backpack, the system's prompt sound came as promised

: [Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a house fragment, triggering a 10,000-fold critical hit to obtain: 10,000 house fragments!]

Shen Yun hurriedly took five fragments and clicked to synthesize, and there was an extra iron house model in the backpack.

Congratulations to the host for triggering a 10,000-fold critical hit and obtaining a 10,000-seat tin house model.

'Okay guy, that's okay?' Shen Yun grinned.

I didn't expect that if it was synthesized, it would trigger a 10,000-fold critical hit!

Seeing that the mountain road was uneven and could not be placed, he turned around and ran towards the open space not far away.

"Run!The wind is getting stronger

!! "Hurry up! Even the poisonous insects have slipped through their holes, we have to find a cave to hide!!"


strong sea breeze stirred the leaves and hunted.

There was also a lot of rain falling from the sky.

Many of them also fell on the island.

The panicked crowd didn't care about the seafood on the ground, and everyone was blown around.

Now they just want to find a safe area to shelter from the wind.

The wind is getting stronger.

Even the clatter of broken branches

sounded in the forest!"Such a strong wind!" Shen Yun, who was hugging the big tree, squinted, not daring to continue to waste time looking for a vacant space.

He quickly observed the surrounding environment, and after determining that there was an open area, he hurriedly opened the character's backpack and raised his hand:

☞ "[Place the tin house]!

Not daring to hesitate, Shen Yun grabbed the doorknob and opened the door with difficulty, and rushed in directly.


door slammed shut with a strong wind.

"Whew~...... It's finally safe!" Shen Yun, who was lying on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief.

Wiping a cold sweat, he looked around and found that the house was only 10 square meters, with a bed, a bench, and a dining table.


Bang bang!

A series of broken branches smashed on the roof and roared harshly, but fortunately, the tin house was strong enough.

Looking up at Shen Yun on the roof, he suddenly saw a prompt message

: [Warm reminder: The current tin house is level 1, and you can use 100 pieces to upgrade to level 2: Super Tin House (highest level)] [Super Tin House

: Defense, space, weight, and foundation firmness are each increased by ten times! Small functions: solar charging, fingerprint authentication door opening and closing, water heater ......]

"Can it also be upgraded?!" Shen Yun was overjoyed in his heart, and directly took out hundreds of [ House Fragments], one key to use


entire tin house trembled slightly, and the space expanded instantly.

And the sound of branches smashing on the roof became subtle.

"Full of security!" Shen Yun got up with a smile, looked at it and walked to the bathroom.

It's been so tiring to be in a new environment for the past two days.

Just take a hot bath, have a meal, and get a good night's sleep!

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