Infernal Artist

Chapter 339 Join forces!

The three vertical pupils of the phantom were all fixed on Liu Ping.

Liu Pingan stood unharmed.

"You can hear the secrets about me. Obviously the strange power you possess is not at that low level..."

Xuying fell into deep thought and continued: "What do you want to say to me? While there is still some time, I will listen."

"Why do you want to kill the humans in this fishing village?" Liu Ping asked.

"This is a habit." Xuying said.

"Habit?" Liu Ping asked.

The shadow grinned, revealing two rows of staggered sharp teeth, and chuckled: "Yes, in the endless weirdness, if you encounter a variable, how will you deal with it?"

"Make it reliable." Liu Ping said.

"That's right, eradicate all variables and make your surroundings safe - this is the habit of every strange being among us - especially since the souls of these variables can be eaten, there is nothing to hesitate about. .”

As the shadow spoke, it circled around Liu Ping in mid-air, looking back and forth at Liu Ping, as if it had encountered an extremely weird existence.

"You want to eat me?" Liu Ping asked.

"One look at you and you've completely forgotten your past life, otherwise you wouldn't ask me such a superficial question." Xuying said.

It fell down, stared at Liu Ping and said: "Beings in the strange world cannot talk to each other easily, but if the conversation starts, it means that each other's destiny begins to change -"

"Anyway, you just killed everyone in the fishing village. I need you to revive them all, and then we can continue talking." Liu Ping said.

"I'm about to die. I don't even have the strength to fight anymore. I'm preparing to enter the eternal sleep of death, so I don't want to fight you anymore, let alone resurrect those souls." Xuying said.

Liu Ping thought for a few breaths.

"Give me a token." He said.

"What?" Xuying didn't understand what he meant.

"Give me a token, and I will meet you in the past. As soon as you see me at that time, you will know what happened, stop attacking the fishing village, and start communicating with me again." Liu Ping said.

Xuying's expression changed slightly and he whispered: "Are you sure you can do what you said?"

Liu Ping said impatiently: "Of course, you are going to die. Trust me once before you die. Maybe I can save your life - or you can just die?"

Xuying raised his hand and shook it hard.

A colorful scale was held by it and thrown to Liu Ping.

"It records everything that just happened. It is my only token. If you can go back to the past, then I will wait for you." Xuying said.


Liu Ping took a step back, stretched out his hand and gently took back the "Day and Night Parade".

A line of burning small words quickly appeared:

"You're aborting this tour."

"You are about to return to the time stream from which you came."


The water surged up from Liu Ping's feet silently, covering his knees, waist, chest and head.

The turbulent water wrapped around him and rushed away, passing through the door marked "Real World Year 1023", instantly transcending the endless deep sea and the sands of time, and reappeared in darkness.


The goblins are still playing and playing.

Time seemed to have not passed at all, everything was exactly the same as when Liu Ping left.

The King of Goblins suddenly jumped onto Liu Ping's shoulders and shouted with a red face:

"Come and have a drink, Liu Ping, the wine made by our goblins is really good, I'm sure you'll want to drink it again!"

Liu Ping looked at it and suddenly remembered that they were one of the oldest races in the entire land of soul origin.

"Thank you, I just have something to talk to you about." Liu Ping said.

"What's the matter?" asked the King of Goblins.

Liu Ping opened his mouth and said: "It's about——"

The drunkenness on the Goblin King's face suddenly disappeared completely, and he screamed miserably: "No! Spare me! That matter of yours is a secret that I cannot touch!"

Liu Ping immediately shut up.

The King of Goblins took out a sock and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, threw it to the ground and said loudly:

"Liu Ping! My uncle, brother, sister, mother, and father, please be kind. There are some things you must not talk nonsense about, or you will die!"

"I thought you goblins could listen..." Liu Ping spread his hands and said.

"What do you think the secret is? It's a collection of the most horrific things!"

The King of Goblins hated iron and said: "Even if you know some secrets, you can't tell them easily, otherwise the secrets will secretly change a lot of things, and even change your destiny!"

"I know, then you go and play, I won't discuss it with you." Liu Ping said angrily.

The Goblin King walked back and forth on Liu Ping's shoulder a few times, then suddenly jumped up and said:

"No! I know you are working hard to defeat the monster climbing the pillar. No matter what, since you and I are allies, then we fairies should also give us some help."

"How can you help me if you can't even listen?" Liu Ping asked in confusion.

The King of Goblins looked around with stern eyebrows.

I saw that the goblins were setting up the stage as if they were going to hold a grand concert, and they didn't notice it at all.

"this is for you."

The Goblin King quickly bent down, reached into his pointed boots, and stuffed a smelly black seal into Liu Ping's ear.

"It stinks, what is this!"

Lilith poked her head out of her hair and covered her mouth in protest.

The King of Goblins quickly waved his hand and said: "Shh - bear with it, this is the most precious treasure of our goblin clan. It can help Liu Ping handle anything other than battle for me."

Liu Ping reached out to touch the seal, but found that the seal had completely disappeared.

"When it's going to work, it's going to be there."

The King of Goblins warned cautiously.

Seeing how cautious it was, Liu Ping couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

"The treasure of our goblin family, it embodies the power of the law of cause and effect and strange rules. It always saves our destiny - I guess you often need it when you are not fighting."

After the King of Goblins finished speaking, he suddenly heard bursts of singing coming from the tombs.

It turned around and looked——

The concert has started!

"Come on, Liu Ping, my seal is with you!"

The King of Goblins said a few random words and hurriedly flew in the direction of the concert.

"..." Liu Ping.

"..." Lilith.

"Forget it," Liu Ping sighed, "Although they are unreliable, they do help in many cases."

He crossed his knees and sat in the void to rest for an hour.


"Day and Night Parade" is available again.

Liu Ping took out the card and gently threw it into the void.


A soft sound.

The sand and sea of ​​time reappeared, occupying every part of the world.

Liu Ping sank into the deep sea again, swimming towards the abyss of time, and finally came to the door again.

"Real World Year 1023."

He opened the door and was immediately enveloped by the water and rushed in.

The salty sea breeze blows.

Liu Ping opened his eyes and found that he was wearing a tattered white shirt and was sitting with several people eating together.

"Ah Hong is crazy."

Said a boy as thin as a monkey.

Liu Ping stood up and walked towards the door.

Someone shouted:

"Brother Liu, where are you going?"

"Eat your fish, I'll go do some errands, see you later," Liu Ping said.

He walked out of the door, and in a flash, he crossed the sky and flew over the sea.

"Hey! Look at this!"

Liu Ping shouted towards the huge "mermaid" corpse.

The body of the "mermaid" floats and sinks, sometimes turning into a shadow, sometimes completely appearing again.

Half of its body was bitten by something unknown, making it dripping with blood, exposing the bones inside.

Hearing Liu Ping's voice, the "mermaid" opened its three vertical pupils with difficulty.

Liu Ping held the colorful scales in his hand and said, "This is the token you gave me, allowing me to see you again."

The colorful scales flew up and quickly landed in front of the "mermaid".

It stared at the scales for a few breaths and hummed:

"I see. You traveled through time and came to me again. Did you not want me to kill the people in that fishing village?"

"Yes, starting from Ah Hong, don't kill anyone. Let's talk about your affairs." Liu Ping said.

"What do you want to do?" asked the monster.

"I have an enemy. I don't know what it is, what its abilities are, and I don't know where it comes from. I need your power." Liu Ping said.

"So, what benefit do I get?" asked the monster.

"Maybe I can help you escape death temporarily?" Liu Ping said in an uncertain tone.

"Only you?" The monster laughed.

It smiled, suddenly suppressed all expressions, and looked at Liu Ping seriously with its three vertical pupils.

"I see... you seem to have the ability to seal the strange power in others." The monster said.

Liu Ping said: "What hurt you must be some strange force. Come on, tell me what it is, and I will seal it."

"But before that-"

"We need a deal."

The monster cheered up, raised its hand and released a fish scale in the air, causing it to fall on Liu Ping's hand.

It spoke quickly: "After signing this contract, we will reach an alliance. You must hurry up, otherwise I may slip from your world at any time and sleep in the eternal land of death."

Liu Ping looked at the fish scales and saw that the fish scales were filled with various strict contract conditions and restrictions, which were enough to bind both parties.

In the void, lines of burning small characters appeared, and corresponding explanations were given to the contract.

Everything seems to be fine.

——At the last moment of its life, the "mermaid" did not dare to do anything suspicious, otherwise its chance of survival would be completely gone.

Liu Ping read it quickly and pressed his fingerprints on the fish scales.

The fish scales suddenly emitted bursts of majestic and solemn light, showing signs of completion of the contract.

The next moment——

A black seal suddenly popped out from Liu Ping's fingers. The moment the contract was established, it was firmly imprinted on the fish scales.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat and he looked up at the "mermaid", only to see that it seemed completely unaware of it.

"The contract is made, try your power quickly and see if you can save me."

The "mermaid" said hurriedly.

"Hold on."

Liu Ping withdrew his gaze and looked at the fish scales.

I saw a line of small, crooked words printed on the corners of the scales:

"——The final interpretation of this contract belongs to the handsome human male Liu Ping."

This line of small characters flashed towards Liu Ping, then disappeared quietly into the fish scales.

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