Inexorably in Love

Chapter 6743:

"What are you communicating with your eyes there? Just say what you have. Isn't it annoying?" Li Zuer gave a few people a blank glance.

Everyone, "..."

"We hope that Brother Xiaobai and Sister Luo will be together soon."

"Yes, I think the two of them are right. They are both talented and beautiful. Standing together is a golden girl."

"You people, superficial! Are men and women together for appearance? I don't think Luo Baige would be so easy to answer Xiaobai. She is a woman with insight and soul, and I am the same kind of person as you. It's different." Li Zuer smiled and continued to call out the shrimp that her husband had peeled.

Several girls, "..."

What does she mean?

Say they are superficial women without souls and opinions?

I'm so angry, I can't bear it!

Several people looked at the baby together, the baby's eyes flashed, looked left and right, and finally hid in the arms of her husband, afraid to face the eyes of the sisters.

Several people,"......"

In the end, no one dared to speak, it was too persuasive, they all despised themselves.

But who makes this a group favorite, who dares to provoke it.

It will be unlucky.

In summer, as if I couldn't see the reflection of a few sisters and sisters, I continued to serve my wife to eat.

When Xiao Bai arrived, he asked, "Aren't you hungry? It's all baked over there, you can go eat first."

Luo Baige didn't even lift his head, "I'm not hungry, I want to learn barbecue techniques here."

We will also get a barbecue in the store.

It should attract a large crowd of guests again.

Although there is no shortage of customers in her store now.


"You are not hungry, Luo Yu is also hungry, let him come and eat."

"You can go and call him, he is playing there, and you are not invisible." Luo Baige looked up at him strangely.


Xiao Bai took a deep breath and said, "There is such a big smoke here, it is not good for women's skin, you should go there."

"I'm not afraid, let's talk about it, I am isolated."

"I'll try it too." Xiaobai really didn't know what to do, so he could only come together to barbecue with him.

Luo Baige didn't have any objection, but she was a little worried that her son would just play, but came to eat. When she saw Luo Yu was called back to eat by Bai Xiaomeng, she continued to bake with confidence.

After Xiaobai put on her apron, she also began to barbecue.

Xiaobai had roasted meat before, and he knew how to roast it well, but in order to have a conversation with Luo Baige, he pretended to be the first time.

"Yeah, what should I do?"

"You can't do this, you have to look it up a bit, so it must be muddy and unfamiliar inside." Luo Baige immediately explained to him what he had just learned.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Xiao Bai pretended to be decent, and asked Luo Baige a lot of questions. Luo Baige roasted his own side while instructing him, completely unaware that he was deliberate. of.

Luo Yu nibbling on the chicken legs, suddenly got up and ran towards his parents. Luo Baige's expression changed when he saw him running over, "Luo Yu, don't run away with food!"

The meat is worn with iron tongs, what if you fall and get stuck.

Xiao Bai was also taken aback, and quickly scolded his son, Luo Yu stopped quickly and walked slowly obediently.

When Luo Yu arrived at the barbecue, Luo Baige glared at him disapprovingly, and Xiao Bai also taught him with a serious face.

Luo Yu nodded repeatedly to indicate that he knew it and would not commit it again in the future.

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