Inexorably in Love

Chapter 5067:

Luo Wuji was choked, and she explained the matter so simply.

So she wanted to tell herself that she didn't cuckold her godfather!

She just put a green hat on his head!

Luo Wuji was very heartbroken. He looked at the wound on her knee and wanted to say that he deserved it, but the two words got stuck in his throat, and he turned around irritably to get the medicine box.

He was about to take it back, put it in front of her, and said, "Handle!"

"No, it's just a minor injury, can I go back now?" Tong Tong looked at the time it was almost evening.

"You are so anxious to go back. Treating the wound will not delay you much time. Besides, godfather knows that you are with me and won't worry about it." Luo Wuji said.


Tong Tong felt that she was not on the same channel with him at all. She said, "It's not like that, I just want to go back now."

"What do you want, you say, I will give you everything I can!" Luo Wuji said suddenly.

Tong Tong looked at him inexplicably, not understanding what he meant.

"what are you saying?"

"Leave my godfather, don't be with him!" Luo Wuji said.

"I'm telling him... I don't want to tell you!" Tong Tong got up and left.

Luo Wuji grabbed her wrist and let her sit down. He said, "Although my godfather is very good, he doesn't like women! He has no interest in women!"


"I didn't see it, he once liked a woman, don't you know?"


"He even told you this!" Luo Wuji couldn't believe it, godfather was even willing to tell her his privacy.

He had only vaguely heard about this from his mother, but no one dared to mention it.

How long did she and godfather have known each other, she actually knew!

It seems that godfather really likes her.

"He didn't tell me, I asked myself."

Tong Tong did ask him, and finally determined to him whether he likes Mommy.

He admitted.

"Hehe, you think he would say when someone asks him, don't ask, just mention it, he will probably be regarded as a test subject, it seems that he is really different to you!" Luo Wuji looked at her with a very strong expression. Complexity.

"You have misunderstood. It's not what you think. I met him very early, earlier than you."


"You mean, you will be with him sooner or later!"

Tong Tong felt that she couldn't tell him clearly. She wanted to go and was pulled by him. He opened the medicine box, took the medicine out of it, and started to give her medicine.

Tong Tong watched him take medicine seriously, and her tears fell.

"Luo Wuji, I saved your life, you admit it or not!" Tong Tong asked.

"What do you want to say!" Luo Wuji raised his head and looked at her. When he saw her tears, his brows frowned slightly.

"You promise me one thing." Tong Tong looked at him and asked.

"It depends on what."

"No matter what, since I saved you, you must promise me! You owe me this!" Tong Tong insisted on looking at him.

Luo Wuji, "..."

"Speak up, do you want me to save you for nothing?" Tongtong was crying more with anger.

Luo Wuji looked at her and couldn't stand it anymore. He lowered his head and put on her lips. Tong Tong felt his temperature, closed his eyes gently, and reached out his arm around his neck.

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