Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 999: Independent broker

   Yang Cheng didn't sleep for too long. After only about 2 hours of rest, he woke up amidst the sounds of several unknown waterfowls. The orange sun flooded the earth and blended with the desert and buildings.

Open the window, you can see the wide Nile River, palm trees swaying in the wind, little sails, a charming sight. This is Cairo’s wealthy area, and the overall quality of the people is much higher. There is no hustle and bustle of the old city. Quiet, Yang Cheng even has the illusion of being on the banks of the Thames.

   changed their clothes and went to Hansen’s room next to him, and found that they were having lunch. Hansen and the others were not so particular. They had a plate of delicious roasted chicken drumsticks and rice, and they had a great time.

   Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, a group of brawny men stood up and said hello. Yang Cheng had no airs, pressed his hands and smiled, "Don't care about me, sit down and eat slowly, Hansen, do you have rice? Give me a copy?"

   "Of course Boss, this guy Andrew is going to lose weight."

Originally there was no copy of Yang Cheng, but everyone here was a big appetizer. No one was at least two. Andrew was an exception. He ordered 5 copies. He was worried about not eating enough. As a result, Hansen and the boss jointly exploited them. I got a copy, and I almost cried seeing him like that.

   Yang Cheng clicked on Andrew, who was aggrieved and afraid to speak, and said with a laugh, "It looks like nothing, like I didn't feed you before."

   The others laughed mercilessly, and Andrew scratched his head in embarrassment and grinned, "I'm going to perform a task in the afternoon, I'm afraid I won't have food at night."

   Yang Cheng took a plate and ate the juicy chicken thigh rice. I don’t know what spices were added, and a fragrance was wrapped on the rice grains. While chewing, he cared and said, "Are you sure about the search and rescue plan?"

This was to Hansen, "Yes, Boss, Craig took a group of people to search for information first, and by the way, we searched for the road. We followed and followed the most likely route of Eiffel and his party. If there is an accident, whether it is man-made or a natural disaster, we will find out what we will find, and we can proceed to the next step with specific clues."

   Yang Cheng thought about it briefly and felt that the plan was okay, so he nodded and agreed, "You and Andrew will both go, otherwise I don’t worry, leave me a clever brother, and you will take the rest."

   But this time Hansen strongly rejected Yang Cheng’s proposal, “Boss, Egypt is not as messy as other places. I will personally lead a team to stay with you. It’s okay to have Andrew on the search and rescue mission.”

  On professional matters, Yang Cheng is willing to listen to the opinions of experts, "OK~this matter depends on you~"

   After finishing the meal soon, Andrew led the team and set off. It takes a two-hour drive from Cairo to Luxor, but they will not act immediately. They will leave overnight after Craig brings the news together.

   Hansen stayed with Yang Cheng and walked along the bank of the Nile with a team of 4 people. Yang Cheng looked worried, "Will Andrew and the others run through the night in danger?"

Of course there is danger, but Hansen can only choose a good one in order to broaden Yang Cheng’s heart, “Don’t worry, boss, Andrew has rich experience in night operations, and they are equipped with the most advanced night equipment, which are the standard of Delta. With their strength, they are sufficient to deal with any threats from people."

   Yang Cheng nodded slowly. He was not going to sit still and told Hansen, "You go out to find a guide and ask for a detailed understanding of Egypt's black and white. I want to inquire about something."

   Hansen himself does not have such channels, but Craig Harrison does. He immediately called and contacted him. Let alone Craig still has a good candidate to recommend.

   "Boss, the person Craig recommended is in the old town, I'm afraid we have to go there in person."

   Yang Cheng made a decisive decision, "Then go~"

   Andrew set off and took away most of the Hummer, leaving only the luxuriously modified Hummer that Yang Cheng took when he came to travel. Fortunately, the interior space of the Hummer was large enough to accommodate 6 adults.

   The street layout of Cairo is very messy, which is also related to the densely-packed tributaries of the Nile River, which cut the city into countless small pieces. Yang Cheng and the others are not familiar with the roads here and have gone back a lot.

   is slightly different from the scene I saw when I came here. Although the old city of Cairo still cannot get rid of the messy scene, at least the building is relatively complete, and the exposed walls and steel bars are much less.

Cairo is the oldest *city in the world. There are many mosques, *schools, markets and fountains in the old city. With the Khalili market as the center, it expands to the north and south, including the famous Al Azhar Mosque and Saladin Citadel. * Historic sites, which together form the ancient city of Cairo, are also included in the World Heritage List.

In the car, Hansen said that the guide Craig recommended was Abraham. He had previously worked as an intelligence dealer in Ilaq and Afu Khan. Later he offended the local warlord and was caught and tortured for several months. Jin was singled out and turned into a crippled person, unable to survive on the battlefield, but returned to his hometown in Cairo, relied on his past savings to marry his wife and have children. While working as a tour guide, he reselled some worthless information. Life was miserable.

   Craig once bought information from Abraham and saved his life. It is a fateful friendship.

   Through the phone, I learned that Abraham was leading a group in Saladin Castle and couldn't get away temporarily. Yang Cheng and the others had to pretend to be tourists and visit the famous sights in the old Egyptian city.

Saladin Citadel is located on Mugatam Hill in the eastern outskirts of Cairo City. It was built by Saladin in the 11th century to fight the Eastern invasion of the Crusades. After Yang Cheng and the others arrived at the castle, they saw Abra with a small tour group. Rarely, his appearance is too chic. He walks with a limping and wears a white headscarf. He looks like a pirate, but the pirate is a bit embarrassing, with a flattering smile on his face. He is always courteous to the group of tourists, and his mouth is tipped. I almost grinned behind my ears.

   Yang Cheng couldn't imagine that the intelligence traffickers who once wandered the battlefield in the Middle East were such a virtue.

Hansen explained with a smile, "Boss, like this kind of unfounded independent intelligence dealer, is almost the lowest level existence on the battlefield. They can't get decent information and they need to go to the source. Customers treat them like their biological parents. The intelligence is sold for a good price, and it is not a matter of being insulted by some verbal insults. When encountering unreasonable torture and extorting a confession, the intelligence will not be given to him afterwards, and he will not live as an ant."

   Yang Cheng gradually reduced his smile. He had never been to the battlefield, but he knew the cruelty of the battlefield, but he was a little puzzled. In that case, why would anyone do this thankless job?

Hansen was also very helpless about this. "Boss, the battlefield is also very profitable. An organized intelligence group. Customers are also top mercenary teams or ZF troops that can afford high prices. Some small fish are not qualified at all. Buying intelligence from an intelligence group, losing intelligence on the battlefield is tantamount to losing an eye, and the consequences are quite serious.

However, this also gave Abraham a living space for independent intelligence dealers. Of course, the competition between them was also extremely fierce. In order to compete for customers, they often gave away information for free, which led to their own value becoming lower and lower. , It is a vicious circle. "

Yang Cheng nodded to express understanding. Then they approached the tour group, but did not rush forward to interrupt, but silently followed. This tour group has people of all skin colors, and there are many free-guided tourists around. The appearance of Yang Cheng did not arouse people's suspicion.

Abraham at the forefront led the team up the stone stairs. While walking, he explained in a strong Arabic accent, “In order to choose the location of the castle, Saladin stored food in different highlands in Cairo. A few days later, it was only here. The food was preserved the freshest, and this was the birth of Saladin Castle.

The wall of the castle is 2 meters wide. There are an inner city and an outer city. There are 3 museums and the original currency printing house. Because there are still military uses, everyone can only visit part of the area. After a while, we can climb to the highest point of the castle. The terrace, from here you can overlook the entire Cairo, and it is even possible to see the two great pyramids, it depends on everyone's luck. "

   Then, Yang Cheng and the others hung at the back of the line again, followed Abraham to visit the museum and printing and finally came to the highest point of the castle, here is the Mohamed Ali Mosque.

Most of the mosque’s yard has a pool that is clean before entering the temple. This pool is made of top-quality marble and looks very high-end. To enter the mosque’s yard, slippers are needed. In the temple, you can’t put your shoes on the soles of your shoes. The dirt was brought into the temple, and Abraham personally placed the soles of each visitor's shoes relatively carefully.

When they came to Yang Cheng and the others, facing Yang Cheng's playful smile, Abraham couldn't help but wonder, but then his face changed drastically. Hansen and the others made no secret of their evil spirits. Abraham's breath was very familiar and thought he was an enemy. Looking for the door, they wanted to run away. It can be seen that Yang Cheng and the others are smiling and do not look like they are looking for trouble. They have to endure uneasy and continue to be his tour guide. However, his movements of turning around and peeking at Yang Cheng and others reveal his inner tension. .

The Mohammed Ali Mosque is very magnificent. The neat arches and round towers of the Mohammed Ali Mosque are full of magic. Abraham stammered a few words before separating men and women. The men were in certain areas, Praying in directions is not a special case. In Egypt, no matter how large or small, every mosque will mark which direction to pray. Of course, women cannot be with men and pray in different places.

After the prayer, Abraham took the tourists to the terrace and let everyone take pictures freely, and then went to Yang Cheng at the same pace. He was nervous and didn't want to lose his momentum. He tried to open his mouth for questioning several times, but he said something to his lips. Did not say anything.

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