Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 984: Chinese son-in-law pulls votes

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"Dear gentlemen and ladies, good evening, everyone. It is an honor to participate in such a grand event today. As the son-in-law of the Chinese, I am honored and kind~"

Mickey McConnell’s opening remarks were fairly novel, at least he used the term Chinese son-in-law, regardless of whether it was true or false, which made the Chinese present feel gratified.

"As a half Chinese, I sincerely hope to see an ethnic group united and helping each other to survive better and longer in the United States.

My wife is an excellent Chinese woman. She inherits all the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese. I don’t want to see one day disappearing in the long river of years due to internal strife among the Chinese. Then set up a company that can help myself and unite everyone The organization is very necessary. "

The first half of Mickey McConnell’s speech focused on the necessity of the establishment of the “Chinese Light” organization. If it weren’t for his authentic American English, Yang Cheng thought he had hallucinations. This Nima is a cantaloupe. , Fake foreigners of white-skinned yellow soil.

In his words, he revealed the function of the "Chinese Light" organization. Compared with the Hundred People's Association or the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, there is no doubt that the "Chinese Light" has the largest volume and almost encompasses Chinese elites in all fields. When you go to one place, the burst of energy must not be underestimated.

Similarly, once the'Chinese Light' is established, it will not be confined to a single field such as ZZ and economy, but will be like Jewish forces, exploding in all directions, gathering the power of all Chinese, and forcibly holding out several new stars in the zheng industry. Or business leaders, everyone shares resources, shares benefits, and advances and retreats together!

In this regard, Yang Orange can only wish them good luck. Even if the Yang family joins, they will never contribute all of it. That is impossible. As the saying goes, a national Z is a dragon, but ten? How about a hundred? It's not as simple as a bug! The Zhao family wanted to fool everyone with a few words to take out all the family business and gamble. This is simply unrealistic. I really don’t know what the Zhao family thinks? You dare to get such a naive proposal to the public and say, Was your brain Vata? The most ridiculous thing is that there is another ghost tycoon who helped to endorse the book.

Fortunately, Mickey McConnell didn’t learn the “good habit” that people from country Z make a long talk when they speak. At the end of the speech, he suddenly changed the topic. He naturally substituted himself as a Chinese and said, “Now , We Chinese should try to speak out on ZZ, choose an excellent candidate, support him, encourage him, and if he is finally elected, it will bring immeasurable benefits to the Chinese world!"

Yang Cheng's heart trembled. Is this Nima here to get votes? Isn't it too early? It's not right, it's not just to win votes, but to tie the Chinese world to a chariot.

In the next second, the answer was revealed. The wasp's sharpest sword in the zheng world actually expressed his support for Donrad, hollyshit!

Not only Yang Cheng, but almost all the Chinese were taken aback. Looking at the figure on the stage, they couldn't help but exclaimed. The scene was so chaotic that everyone whispered to each other, expressing their opinions on this amazing news.

"The Zhao family is crazy? Just so blatantly supporting the general tong candidate? Want to kidnap all the Chinese to support together? This tm hasn't started voting yet!" Situ Hun Sen was stunned and exploded directly!

In fact, no one cares what his performance is at this time, because everyone is similar.

Yang Sen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't know if the Zhao family is crazy or not, but I know we are in trouble now."

Indeed, as Yang Sen said, everything that happened here tonight will spread throughout the American continent. Foreigners don’t care what your true thoughts are, they just think that the Chinese world is going to do something! After that, some inexplicable targets will follow.

Situ Hun Sen then questioned, "Well, even if the Zhao family is determined to support a certain candidate, why do they have to support a nouveau riche who is least likely to become a leader?"

Yang Sen took a deep glance at Yang Cheng. Others didn't know, but he knew that his son had expressed his optimism for Donrad's big mouth!

But at this time, he didn't say clearly that there were many people with mixed eyes, and although there was a mess of porridge off the court, people with bad intentions were staring at them.

After the initial shock, Yang Cheng was not surprised at all, because Tangrad was a diehard member of the wasp. Later, he was able to counterattack successfully in the face of frustration, which also proved the ambition of wasp from the side. Therefore, as the vanguard of the forces, Mitch McConnell clearly expressed his support. Such behavior is not unacceptable.

The strange thing is why he used this method to win over the Chinese? We must know that many of the Chinese elites present are the ones who eat soft but not hard. Wanting to buy and sell might be counterproductive.

Yang Cheng doesn't understand, it doesn't matter, continue to listen, and always hear some clues.

Mickey McConnell became a little unhappy, lifted his glasses, tapped the microphone lightly, and raised the volume, "Quiet, please be quiet~"

His words are still very useful, at least before the situation becomes clear, everyone is still willing to give him a little face.

"You may not understand Donald. It is not important. As long as you are willing, I can provide you with a complete information at any time.

The most important thing is timing. Now is a good time. I know the Chinese have a saying-icing on the cake is never as important as sending charcoal in the snow. From the opinion of the polls, Donald is undoubtedly the least favored one, and it is exactly that. It’s even more precious when we send support at this time. Everyone is going to follow Mrs. Zipten. We are not more than we are, and we are not much less. Even if she succeeds in the end, what good will it do for us? At best it is to maintain the status quo! "

Yang Cheng was quite speechless in his heart. He felt that Mickey McConnell was no longer just as simple as National Z. He had thoroughly studied the psychology of the Z people. No, no, just change a skin bag and speak fluent Chinese. , He is a national Z!

What he said came to the heart of some Chinese people. Anyway, it’s du Bo. Whether you bet big or small, you lose or lose. The consequences are the same, you lose all your chips, but if you win, why not choose to win more chips Which side of the bet?

Taking a small blog is always the most exciting way in du blog!

Everyone didn't realize that they had been misled by Mickey McConnell inadvertently!

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