Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 925: Mouth Cannon Art

"Wow~" A basin of cold water was poured on, and I opened my eyes agitatedly during Christmas. The sniper used to observe the surrounding environment for a while to determine if he is safe. Obviously, he is not only unsafe, but also On the edge of life and death.

The pupils began to focus, and I remembered what happened before fainting, and suddenly looked back. The person is gone, not even the chair is there, only a dark red blood stain on the ground is left, but there is no finger. Left, a bad thought came to mind.

Martin didn't know what his name was, but he knew everything about Martin. Otherwise, with his temper, he would have long been unable to bear this prodigal shot!

Christmas looked at Yang Cheng, who had a pale face, and spoke for the first time after being caught, "What have you done to people?"

Yang Cheng pretended not to know, tilted his head, "Who? Martin?"

Christmas bit her molars, ignoring the swelling and pain on her face, "he said? What did you do to him?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Should I still say something so obvious? He said it, and then there is no use value, so I will kill."

After a pause, seeing Christmas sadly lowered his eyelids and smiled, "What about you, I am different from you cold-blooded animals. Since he has recruited, I will naturally fulfill my promise and leave him a life. Are you here? Should we go through the process or skip you and speak directly, saving us trouble, you know, I don't like the **** smell."

Yang Orange sniffed and shook his head in disgust. These words are not meant to explain, but to not make Christmas desperate. Once this kind of brainwashed person falls into despair, you will completely lose the opportunity to pry his mouth open. Up.

Christmas really don't understand how Yang Cheng said these things cheeky? Don't like blood? Then he is still here for so long? Kindness? It's not even close to the side.

But what the **** is the process? Before Christmas, Hansen had raised his butcher knife and fell fiercely.


Screams suddenly sounded in this closed room, and Yang Cheng felt that his eardrum was about to be ruptured. Look, this is the tough guy. Screams are all lethal, many times stronger than that of Martin.

To be honest, if you are mentally prepared, it may not hurt so much. Who knows that Yang Cheng and Hansen will do it without saying hello. The pain of the ants' pain spread all over the body, and the cold sweat rushed out instantly. Coagulated blood stains.

"You~Bi Chi~" Christmas painfully couldn't say a whole sentence.

Yang Cheng licked the dry skin on her mouth. She lost too much blood just now. After standing for so long now, she really couldn't hold it anymore. She stepped back and leaned against the wall, as if she was hiding. In the shadows, it was terrible.


"Bang~ click~"

This time the sound of bone fracture was particularly harsh, but because of psychological preparations, Christmas just snorted, and did not make the same howling as before, but judging from the frequency of his shaking, one can imagine how much he is now. It hurts.

Pain can distract people. For psychologists, this is a good time to open the window. It is a pity that Yang Cheng is not a professional psychologist, but he, who is smart, will naturally not miss it, "Do you want to continue?"

Christmas eyeballs are about to stick out, looking like a zombie in the last days, a few words are squeezed out of the throat, "Martin~ I didn't say~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, and she was misunderstood. She covered her forehead and took a few steps forward, "Christmas, you have to understand this situation. Martin, is the son of your organization's senior management. I don't know why he was sent. It is to brush up your achievements to facilitate the future. This routine is applicable to any institution and organization in the world. It is not surprising. I just want to know, why are you killing me?

Maybe I offended you accidentally? Even if you say that I **** your mother, this reason is reasonable, on, don’t waste your own blood and my time, they are as precious, give me an answer, those who know the current affairs are handsome, this is the words of our ancestors .

Oh, my God, I forgot, you discriminate against people of color. "

Christmas is really speechless. Are Yang Cheng’s idols Deadpool and Spider-Man? Why can you say that? "You're so long-winded~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, yes, what he said was a bit too much, but it was a pity that he kindly treated Hansen's chin, and the meaning was very simple, "Continue to chop his mother~"


Yang Cheng began to use the art of mouth-cannoning again, "This man, I'm afraid I can't see the situation. The situation is obvious now, isn't it? You still have enough objects on your body for me to cut, even though I was shot by you. I shed a little blood, but there is no life-threatening thing, so I will spend time with you to see if you were chopped into a stick first or if I can't hold back to sleep first? Should we make a bet?"

From the perspective of Christmas, Yang Cheng’s art of mouth-cannoning is more terrifying than finger-chopping, "Damn bastard, shut up!"

Such a roar had no effect on Yang Cheng's calm heart, "I am not, now I am the one who has the right to speak, why should I shut up? By the way, which one is this?

The third root? OHGOD, Hansen, your movements are so slow~"

As soon as the voice fell, Hansen seemed to vent his dissatisfaction. He swung down his butcher knife fiercely, and his index finger drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and finally fell into a pool of blood. This scene is too boring~ !

Yang Cheng curled her lips, "This finger flies beautifully~"

"Fuckyou~~~" Christmas seemed to have forgotten to speak, and kept repeating these two little words.

"You are really strong. If you are making a movie, I think I will become a fan of you. How about it? Or do you refuse to say anything? Even your wife and children? Tell me a little bit, and make me somewhat Psychological comfort, you see that we are busy chopping our fingers, should we get some compensation?"

Yang Cheng's words almost made Christmas break, but just before he blurted out, Yousheng swallowed back, and his eyes on Yang Cheng suddenly became clear. Hansen secretly said that it was not good. They were interrogating. , Christmas is such a ghost, no matter how you play, you don't even shout, let alone speak.

She shook her head vaguely at Yang Cheng, and Yang Cheng said in her heart that it was a pity that she was successful. This Christmas is really great. Yang Cheng is also more and more afraid of this clown organization. What is it that can cultivate such a perverted organization? What is it like?

Leave the interrogation room with Hansen and close the door. As for Christmas and the fingers on the floor, they don't bother to worry about it. Since the other party doesn't care, why bother to prepare ice cubes?

Walking in the long corridor of the basement, Yang Cheng supported the wall and said, "It seems that it is basically impossible to make words out of Christmas."

"Human endurance has a bottom line. There is no iron man in the true sense in this world. Even if his body can bear it, what about emotions? Unless he is an orphan, no relative or friend can be found." Hansen He slammed a punch against the wall and analyzed.

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then you can check it out. It should be easier to check with photos."

Hansen said again, “Boss, it’s better for us to do both, investigating Christmas’s emotional weaknesses while continuing to attack Martin. I think there must be something of higher value in this kid, such as who his father is and who lives in Where is the headquarters of their organization~"

Yang Cheng was overjoyed, "You are right, why did I forget this? I leave it to you. I must hollow out that kid's head. Even if he urinates several times when he was a child, he should be honest. Explain it."

If there is a breakthrough, it is good to be afraid that the clue will be interrupted and the investigation direction will be lost.

Back upstairs, Luo Yue just came back from the back garden after strolling around. He saw Yang Cheng walking a few steps and holding Yang Cheng's arm, with a warm smile on his small face, "Is the garden named Diecui? Really? It's beautiful. I think Beihai Manor is even more beautiful than Downton Manor in that TV series."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Compared with the real aristocracy in ancient Britain, we are still far behind. If nothing else, just the castle territory, even after expansion, the total area of ​​Beihai Manor is only 200 acres. Highclere Castle, the filming location of "Ton Manor", occupies an area of ​​5,000 acres, five times the size of New York Central Luo Yue opened his mouth in surprise, "Really? 5000 acres? My goodness, did they use such a large living space? "

Yang Cheng laughed, "My dear, you underestimate the prodigal abilities of the predecessors, but we can go to Highclere Castle as a guest when we have time. I believe the descendants of Earl Carnarvon will not refuse."

"Earl Carnarvon?" Luo Yue is very unfamiliar with this name. In fact, if Yang Cheng hadn't learned some knowledge about the existing nobles in Britain after purchasing the North Sea Manor, he would not have known that Highclere Castle was still private. All have been inherited by the descendants of the family.

Carson just walked over at this moment. Yang Cheng immediately threw the pot to his old housekeeper. He was a little thirsty when he talked too much. He took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice that Carson handed over and said, "Carson , You tell the story of Highclere Castle, Luo Yue likes to listen."

"That is my honored master and Miss Luo. In fact, "Downton Abbey" was also changed based on a true story. Julian Fellows, the script writer of "Downton Abbey", is an old friend of the Earl of Canavern. His creative inspiration naturally comes from the family history of Highclere Castle and the Earl.

In the play, the combination of Lord Grantham and the wealthy American heiress Cora brought Downton Abbey back to life. In reality, the prototype of Lord Grantham was the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, who had more land and less money. The Earl’s debt piled up and the Highclere industry was in jeopardy, so he decided to marry a wealthy business man and used the huge wealth of the Rothschild family to ensure the standing of Highclere Castle. He married the Rothschild family. The direct line of Princess Amina, this countess has also become the legend of the Count Carnarvon family. "


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