Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 921: Satisfied boss

American Indulge in Life 2014 Chapter 921 Satisfied with the boss "This morning, the United Kingdom suffered another terrorist attack. An office building exploded violently, and no one suffered misfortune."

In the afternoon, the major media in the United Kingdom and other countries around the world reported on the bombing in the city of Saudson. Since the bombing of the London Underground 10 years ago, John Bull was extremely sensitive to the word explosion, less than an hour. In the time, the number of clicks on related news has risen to more than 10 million, covering the front pages of major news websites, and TV news columns have also been broadcast video reports in time. The eyes of the entire British Isles have been attracted to this low-key seashore in the past. In the small town.

   The British branch of New Times Media received a call from Carson and began to guide public opinion. The editor-in-chief of the zheng section of the Toutiao app wrote:

   The subway bombings that happened 10 years ago are repeated today. According to security experts, the bombings that occurred again today are similar in many respects to the serial bombings that occurred in London on July 7 of that year. It is likely that the same criminal gang planned and made them.

   After comparing the two explosions, it was found that the only difference was that they were smaller in scale and did not cause major casualties, but were very similar in other respects.

From this analysis, the planner of this bombing case is likely to imitate the case of the year, but if the murderer is not caught in time and allowed to go unpunished, it is likely to inflate the other party’s desire for destruction and lead to a larger explosion. occur.

Immediately afterwards, Shao Desen, the boss of the Jing Bureau, personally held a press conference to give a detailed explanation of the entire bombing. Of course, it was different from the actual situation. The purpose of the press conference was also to extract Yang Cheng from this incident. come out:

It’s a pity that terrorists attacked Britain again this morning, and we have nothing to do about it. In fact, we received suspicious intelligence beforehand. We did not dare to neglect, and sent plainclothes in advance to search. Unfortunately, the criminals are extremely cunning. In the end, the bomb could not be prevented from exploding. Fortunately, the explosion did not result in death. The injured people have been transferred to the hospital for treatment.

This bombing shows that after the serial bombings in London, although the British police and intelligence agencies have been on high alert and the alert level in London has been raised at the same time, terrorists can still move around easily and still have the ability and potential. In launching new attacks, we should not only focus on London. The citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain should be treated equally.

   In addition, the analysis of the composition of the bomb and the method of delivery showed that the explosives had the same source as the bombs used in the serial bombings on the London Underground.

   However, perhaps because of the power of the explosion at the time, the London authorities have not been able to determine the type of bomb used by the criminals in the serial bombing. This made it difficult to find the perpetrator of the case. Today's explosive residues provide an important turning point.

   In addition to the explosion, we also found three other explosion points on the basement floor. If they are detonated at the same time, the office building will most likely become ruins, causing hundreds of casualties!

   This batch of explosives includes 12 manufactured bombs and 4 earthen detonators. The materials used in them can be bought at random in supermarkets or hardware stores.

Similar to the bombs used in the serial bombings that year, these bombs were also transported in backpacks, and even some of them were made of plastic packaging and made of peroxide-based materials, and some bombs. It was put in a glass bottle, and all the signs were exactly the same as the previous year.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Our counter-terrorism experts very much hope to find the bomb’s mark, which is like a painter’s signature on his work, which can help us discover who is The maker of the bomb.

   But it is a pity that the manufacturer was very careful and did not leave a signature mark.

   But we have enough reasons to presume that the bomb was made by the same person or the same bomb factory, but the detonator was different.

   Backstage at the press conference, Carson looked at the boss of the Jing Bureau with a smile on his face, and took advantage of the opportunity of shaking hands to put a folded check into the palm of the opponent's hand.

   Jing Bureau old man smiled intentionally, "After a little guidance, the outside world will never associate things with Mr. Yang."

   Carson faintly raised the corners of his mouth, "After the matter is over, on behalf of my master, I welcome you to Beihai Manor as a guest."

   After Carson left, the boss of the Jing Bureau found a corner with no one to open the check. The 5 zeros behind the 3 made him smile again.

The public knows nothing about the truth of the matter. After all, both the jing party and the media have pointed the finger at the members of the ji local organization, but for the real big people, this kind of news cannot be kept away. For example, William, when things happen After learning the truth for the first time, he hurried to Beihai Manor.

   When he saw Yang Cheng sleeping soundly in the bedroom, his face was gloomy and terrible. On his own territory, he caused a good brother to suffer such harm. This was a slap in the face and a provocation to the royal family Chi Guoguo.

   "Did Jason offend anyone?" William asked without turning his head.

Carson, who had just rushed back from outside, stood respectfully behind him, "His Royal Highness, in fact, the master received threatening emails a week ago. This week, the manor has also carried out the most stringent level of protection. The murderer succeeded."

   When Carson explained, he was still angry.

   William turned around, patted Carson on the shoulder and sighed, "I will send someone to investigate this matter."

   Carson hesitated, in respect of the royal family, and said truthfully, "His Royal Highness, the gunman has been found by Hansen, and he is being interrogated in the basement."

William’s pupils contracted violently visible to the naked eye, but he didn’t say anything. Someone had already reported to him on the way before, but he didn’t expect that Yang Cheng’s people had already started interrogating. It seemed that Yang Cheng’s anger had already burned. After nine days, the fire really made him emit.

   Originally, William wanted to say to take people away, but now he couldn't speak.

   "Take care of your master, I will get a complete interrogation report afterwards." William said in a commanding tone.

   Carson didn't dare not follow him. In any case, he came from the royal family and had a natural awe and obedience to the heir to the throne.

   "Yes, my honorable Highness."

  . . . . . .

Luo Yue came, less than 12 hours after Yang Cheng was shot and she arrived at the London airport, he rushed to London from Los Angeles, and took the business jet of his own aircraft leasing company until Luo Yue got on the plane. It turns out that Yangcheng's industry also has aircraft leasing business.

   Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Yang Cheng just woke up after she arrived, probably because of excessive blood loss, she was extremely hungry, and she was half lying* accepting Anna's intimate service.

When Luo Yue opened the door and came in, what he saw was such a scene. Yang Cheng Chiguo was on his upper body, his arms were bandaged, and his face was "wholesome" Se Mi~Mi's smile, fed by Anna in a servant uniform. Rice cereal.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, Yang Cheng does not admit that his smile is "dirty". It is just a smile from the heart of satisfaction after being injured and eating.

   Luo Yue sneered, "I thought you were going to be shot dead. I didn't expect to enjoy it this way. Did I come at the wrong time?"

   I have to say that Yang Cheng was so scared that her heart beat violently for a long time before she smiled bitterly, "Where do you see that I am enjoying this?"

   seemed to be afraid that Luo Yue would not believe it, and raised his injured arm to show Luo Yue. As a result, he accidentally affected the wound and grinned in pain.

Luo Yue just vented his small dissatisfaction, and was not really angry. After all, when other women saw this scene, they would also be full of discomfort. The old lady will come to see you from all walks of life, and you will be fine and comfortable. Lying*enjoy.

   Yang Cheng chuckled and told Anna to go out first, raised her hand and pulled Luo Yue to sit down next to Chuang, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work, I also flew to London."

   Luo Yue snorted, "It's good to know, but what's the matter with you? How come you were shot for no reason? Is the injury serious?"

   After making some small emotions, Luo Yue finally remembered Yang Cheng's injury and quickly cared.

"It's okay, but a piece of meat was cut off by a Eat more to make up for it. You also know that I have been too popular in the past two years. It is normal to attract people to hate. Too worried."

   He said lightly, but he was careful, he had long wanted to swallow that clown tissue alive.

   Luo Yue gave him a white look, frowned and sternly said, "You take me as an ignorant little girl? Come on, who is the killer?"

Yang Cheng is always comforting. The fiancée's performance is enough. He pressed Luo Yue's little hand and said sternly, "Don't worry about it. I will take care of this kind of thing. Since you are here, stay more. In a few days, when I recover from my injury, I’ll go out and go around. How about going to Italy? I remember you said that I like Lake Como and the Alps. Let’s buy a convertible and take a self-driving tour?"

   Luo Yue knew that Yang Cheng didn't want to involve herself in dangerous things. While feeling touched, she still couldn't help but vomit, "You know that you can't afford to rent a car? You have to buy it?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "That is, why don't we have money? Otherwise, what is the meaning of making money? Not only do I want to buy a car, I am also going to buy a holiday villa on Lake Como, and I will stay with you for a period of time every year. ,how about it?"

   Luo Yue slapped him, "Okay, you are a patient, you have the final say, I will go to the kitchen to see. At this time, I have to drink bone soup. Drinking it alone is not enough for nutrition."

   The fiancee passed, and Yang Cheng was also relieved. I was really afraid that Luo Yue would go into battle in a hurry to find the clown organization to take revenge.

   nodded again and again, "I have worked hard, wife, let Anna take you there."

   Luo Yue felt sweet in his heart, "You have a slippery tongue, you can lie down."

  . m.


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