Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 805: Leisure life in F~B~I

Of course, the above malicious speculation has not been brought to the table. Judging from the current evidence chain, Yang Cheng has a high probability of being framed by others. Therefore, F~B~I has clearly stated that Yang Cheng You can go through bail procedures, but you cannot leave the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles until the case is fully understood. As long as you are guaranteed to accept the summons of F~B~I at any time, Yang Cheng can leave at any time. As for the bail of several million dollars , No one would think Yang Cheng couldn't get it out.

   It’s just that Yang Cheng suddenly repented one second before making the decision. He was not going to go out. Now that the noise outside is so fierce, it is especially nervous. Isn't he going out as a target? He doesn’t want to be cheap, so he should live in the safe house of F~B~I. It is absolutely safe, and the safe house has bathroom, TV, big chuang, although there is no wireless network, But no one restricts him from using his mobile phone. The 4G internet speed is enough to ensure that he can understand the news from the outside world through his mobile phone.

   And the crime investigation department agents on the 10th floor have fallen in love with the days when Yang Cheng was there. There is no way. In order to satisfy his appetite, this guy changed the law to let the major hotels or Michelin restaurants in Los Angeles deliver takeaways.

It’s easy to hate eating alone on other people’s sites. Therefore, he will generously invite all the F~B~I employees on the tenth floor to eat a big meal every meal. Even the aunt who sweeps the floor has a share, and he didn’t do it. Special, everyone eats whatever he eats, and he has three meals a day. From time to time, the coffee shop in Beverly Hills delivers top coffee and various supper desserts.

So everyone’s enthusiasm for working on the tenth floor has been unprecedentedly high recently, and there are even colleagues from other departments who heard the wind coming to fight the autumn wind. Yang Cheng doesn’t mind. Anyway, every time I am afraid that there is not enough, I will deliberately order more. It's better to buy people's hearts.

   Every time I see everyone scrambling downstairs to pick up a meal, and greet Yang Cheng to have a meal, the lively scene makes Yang Cheng feel that money is not in vain.

   Anyway, Yang Cheng is very confident. Now if anyone dares to trouble Yang Cheng for no reason, the colleagues in the Crime Investigation Division on the 10th floor will definitely be the first to rush to the other party. Grandma’s, do you have eyes? Dare to mess with our long-term meal ticket? tm didn't live enough, right? just wait? I will lead a team to investigate you tomorrow.

   It's another sumptuous dinner. Everyone is contented to hiccup. It is time to get off work and work overtime, but they have not forgotten to thank Yang Cheng. No matter how elite, why can't you say thank you after eating other people's food?

Yang Cheng waved his hand indifferently, in the eyes that everyone was accustomed to, dangling with toothpicks, touching the bulging belly, swaying all the way up the stairs to the office in the card on the second floor, slamming the door. Started the daily after-dinner discussion.

Kari also ate so much. Today’s meal is sushi and a variety of fresh sashimi from Beverly’s top Japanese restaurant, as well as iron plate dishes that meet the tastes of foreigners. Kari hasn’t remembered how long he has not returned home to eat his wife. It's cooked, he doesn't miss it anyway.

  Compared with the recent meals, think about his previous self again. I really don’t know how he has tolerated that tasteless, raw or cooked food in the past two decades?

He didn’t know the old saying in Z State: It’s hard to change from frugal to extravagant, and from extravagant to frugal. In less than half a month, he has begun to dislike his wife of chaos. If the time is longer, he can't guarantee his own. xing oriented.

   Thinking of this, Kari couldn't help but shudder. This idea was too evil to stay.

   Looking at Yang Cheng's gaze became normal again, wiped the grease on the corner of his mouth, smiled and asked, "Jason, have you watched the news? The Busch family's counterattack is coming."

   Judging from the appellation, it is obvious that the two have become close together, and they are no longer like Mr. and Mr.

Yang Cheng shrugged with a toothpick in his mouth, crossed his fingers on the back of his head, and hiccuped with Erlang's legs. It didn't matter that he said, "I'm watching the news, unfortunately MacDonald, governor. I went to jail after sitting for less than two years. Is there anything worse than him? I think it is necessary to let my TV station write an American drama with him as the main character.

   He said casually and lightly, but Cary couldn't listen to it like that. "You also know the importance of Virginia to the Donkey Party. I heard that the top leaders of the Donkey Party are eager. The Party Whip has already flown to Virginia to sit down."

After finishing speaking, she peeked at Yang Cheng from the corner of her eye, trying to see something from Yang Cheng’s expression, but unfortunately he failed. Yang Cheng said blankly, “It’s normal, this is Richard. German work."

In fact, he knew what Cary was worried about, but there were some things he couldn't say clearly, so he could only comfort him, "Cary, at present, the Donkey Party still has a great advantage in the two houses of Congress, and most importantly, Bai Gong is still sitting. As for the boss of others, believe me, at the critical moment, Comrade Guanhai will make a move. He will soon be due to change his term. Naturally, he has to seek more welfare for his family. In the short term, the charity family will not gain much advantage."

After a pause, when Kari's expression slowed down, she continued, "The reason why she was caught off guard this time with the donkey party, and shot to the point, is actually that Mrs. Zipton was negligent. She was thinking about offense but not defense. This is her mistake.

Of course, according to the experience of competitive sports, the best defense is offense. From this point of view, Mrs. Zipperton did not do anything wrong, but since she wants to attack, she shouldn’t give the opponent time to breathe and launch a blitz in a short time. A storm that can destroy the confidence of the other party to counterattack is the best strategy, but she didn't make a thorough It is more to vent her dissatisfaction, and she rushed to save face.

   Of course, somehow others are venting their anger for me, so I still have to give the compensation. "

   In the last sentence, Yang Cheng was obviously talking to himself. Fortunately, he shut up in time and didn't say what was behind. Otherwise, he would take the initiative to send the handle to F~B~I Gaoguan's hands, which is really an idiot.

  Kari didn’t know what he was thinking about, but Yang Cheng didn’t give him much time to think about it, and knocked on the table, “How about it? Do you have the courage to submit a letter to your party whip?”

   Yang Cheng's words were like a thunderbolt in a clear sky. Kari didn't react for a while, but at any rate it was also an elite of the key department. His mind turned fast, and he immediately understood what Yang Cheng's words meant.

   lowered his head, quickly contemplating the pros and cons in his mind, a few seconds passed but as long as a few hours passed.

  Okay, Yang Cheng knew that this matter was of great importance, and did not press too much, so she chuckled, "Think slowly, you still have one night to think about it, and tell me the answer before breakfast tomorrow.

   Finally, in view of how much you take care of me, I remind you that icing on the cake is never as important as giving charcoal in snow. "

   put down these words, took the toothpick again, put his hands in his pockets, opened the door and walked away, facing a bald man, how can you have fun with the beautiful police flower?


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