Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1747: Sorry for late

Yang Cheng said meaningfully, "Yeah, we caught Garrett. This guy looked like a soft guy, and he did all the tricks after a few hits~"

Xingde Harry's eyelids flicked, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Oh? What did he hire?"

Yang Cheng sold it off, "It's nothing, anyway, everyone knows about it~"

Apricot Hariri replied, "Congratulations~"

Yang Cheng said, "Tongxi, without the obstacles of Iota, our cooperation is imperative. I think now, Ms. Hariri shouldn't refuse me anymore, right?"

After that, he drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, waiting for the other party's response.

Apricot Derby was bolder than he imagined, and he almost didn't hesitate, "Cooperating with you seems to be the only option, so I agree~"

"It should have been so, since you have decided to cooperate, does Ms. Hariri show your sincerity?"

"such as?"

"For example, where is Gavin Glington now?"

"I don't know, no one knows. In order to avoid the tracking of C~I~A, Gavin has not missed one side for a long time. He is remotely controlled by telephone and the Internet."

Yang Cheng frowned, and he believed this at most 30%, "Ms. Hariri, you know, Gavin will return to the West one day earlier, the sooner our cooperation can become formal~"

After a pause, he decided to throw his assassin, "I heard that Lebanon is planning to buy a batch of fighters. That Garrett came to you to provide options, right?"

Xingde hesitated and nodded, "Yes~"

Yang Cheng poured herself another glass of wine, shook the glass and said, "I can provide all the options they can provide you, and there may be unexpected surprises~"

Xingde hummed, "I know, the list that Garrett brought this time includes 4 A10s and two Scorpions~"

Yang Cheng was stunned. He was also prepared to do sales promotion. Naturally, he had to understand the basic situation of competing products.

The A10 mentioned by Xingde is actually a product that the Super Toucan is going to replace, and it is also the main light attack aircraft A10 Warthog attack aircraft currently in service in the US Air Force.

The A10 is a single-seater twin-engine attack aircraft produced by Fairchild Corporation of the United States. It is mainly responsible for providing close support missions to ground forces, including attacking enemy tanks, armed vehicles, and important ground targets.

The A10 attack aircraft has strong firepower, strong survivability, flexible response, low price, large ammunition capacity, can take off and land on the frontline simple runway, has good reliability and maintainability, and has excellent low-altitude flight performance.

In addition to the 30mm Gatling gun at the bottom of the fuselage, there are as many as 11 hanging points. This is why the super toucan cannot completely replace the A10. This is terrifying. The ammunition carried is enough to start a small war, and it has a natural attraction for a small country like Lebanon.

The most important thing is that the A10's cockpit is composed of 12.7~38mm thick titanium alloy armor plate, lined with bulletproof fiber, the total armor weight is 550kg, the belly titanium alloy armor is 50mm thick, and the total armor weight of the whole aircraft is 1315kg. What does it mean to resist 23mm armor-piercing bullets? It means that the ability to resist damage is quite excellent. With Lebanon’s pilot reserve capability, protecting the pilot as much as possible is their first thing to do, and secondly, they consider attack capability.

In addition, due to the aerodynamic layout design of the flat and straight wings with a large wingspan, although the aircraft cannot fly at supersonic speeds, it has achieved excellent maneuverability at low altitude and low speed, which is suitable for ground attack operations.

All of the above are the advantages of A10, and every point matches the appetite of Lebanon.

But since he wants to promote his products, he must pour dirty water on his competitors, so he sorted out his thoughts and said to Hariri, "It is undeniable that as a light attack aircraft, the A10 can be regarded as a classic. The past performance was very good."

The usual method of raising first and then suppressing, "but the A10 is after all an old antique in the 1970s. The avionics design is quite backward, even without radar. In the modern combat environment, it is a typical well-developed limb and simple mind, and Iota can get it. The airplane must be a second-hand model that cannot be broken anymore. I can guess with my hair that the airplane body delivered to you is seriously aging, and it is an airplane whose service life is continuously extended.

As for the Scorpion, it was also a product born to replace the A10, but the overall capability was not satisfactory. The Air Force did not purchase it in the end. If Iota promises to help you get the Scorpion, then there is only one possibility to help the manufacturer clean up the inventory and use you as a garbage collection station. ~"

Xinde Hariri frowned upon hearing the words, "What you said is true?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can check it yourself~"

Because she only talked to Garrett once, and before the critical moment, she didn’t investigate several alternative models provided by the other party. But now listening to Yang Cheng said that, she instantly felt like a fool and was Play as a fool.

But after all, it is different from ordinary people. Ordinary people may be furious, but she just furrows her brows deeply and then asks, "Then what choice can you offer?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It is also an alternative to the A10. In the past few years, in order to reduce the intensity of the A10, the United States deliberately imported 20 super toucan propeller-type light attack aircraft from Brazil to implement the lower intensity. For air-to-ground strike missions, the Sierra Nevada Company of the United States has also participated in the research and development of this model. In the past two years, it has also started to produce the super toucan independently, and replaced it with an American-style avionics system, which is more advanced than the original.

But this aircraft still can't meet the needs of completely replacing the A10. After all, it is a propeller attack aircraft, which is very different from a jet attack aircraft.

But for the narrow area of ​​Lebanon, the super toucan is enough to use. After all, the maintenance cost of jet aircraft is higher than that of propeller aircraft. Moreover, to put it bluntly, jet aircraft fly to se at the first throttle. Listed, you don’t need it. "

This is a bit of a loss, but it cannot be denied that it is true. Of course, Xinde Hariri will not be so naive to turn her face with Yang Cheng, but it is more difficult for her to easily agree.

"Thank you for your suggestion. I will ask someone to do the most detailed investigation later, and also refer to the military's opinion, before I can give you a reply."

"No hurry, our first cooperation will definitely end with success!"

After talking for a while, Hariri was going to have lunch. Yang Cheng couldn’t shirk. Under the kind invitation of others, he tasted the Lebanese-style seafood feast. Not to mention, Lebanese cuisine with the purpose of'purity' is in the seafood category. The above reflected incisively and vividly, which stimulated the deliciousness of seafood to the greatest extent, especially the lobster. The light lemon fragrance combined with the freshness of lobster, even if the taste is not unfamiliar, it still makes the taste buds open.

The Moussa Château white wine with seafood is golden yellow, with a little oak barrel aroma, rich flavor, accompanied by lime and honey flavors, very similar to Graff dry white.

Yang Cheng is obviously more interested in wine than lobster. "Ms. Hariri, if possible, I would like to bring a batch of red and white wines from Moussa Chateau, and of course the rosé wines you recommend. Go back and give it to the family."

Of course Xingde will not refuse such a request, "No problem, I will send someone to the winery to transport the wine to your plane, as a gift from me, private~"

Sending gifts to each other is definitely the best way to draw your relationship closer, "Thank you very much After coming out of the hotel, Yang Cheng walked down the street in a slightly drunken state, replaying the conversation with Harry just now. After making sure that he hadn't made any omissions, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the bodyguard who followed him, "Is there any news from Hansen? "

The bodyguard replied, "Not yet~"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Go, let's go and take a look~"

The stamina of the red wine is relatively strong, and it is really a little overwhelming to be blown by the sea breeze. In this state, he dare not go back to the room, otherwise the book is really four and four.

Returning to the dilapidated brick house in the slum, Yang Cheng looked at Garrett, who was sitting on the stool with his head hanging motionless, with his hips akimbo, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? I fainted again?"

Andrew sneered, "No, play dead~"

Immediately after kicking the person, Garrett instinctively covered his chest and coughed a few times, raised his head with blood and effort, looked at Yang Cheng and laughed, "I offend you. ?"

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