Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1628: Korean head of lung cancer

At the beginning of September, Yang Cheng, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan had just finished their vacation trip to Lake Como. Before returning to Los Angeles, Yang Cheng received a call from Su Su. Hanjin Group and Korean Air The clerk, Zhao Liangho, found lung cancer during a physical examination in the hospital. It has shifted from the early stage to the middle stage. The cancer cells spread very quickly, and it will be incurable in the late stage.

In fact, for now, even if he can control it, he hasn't been alive in a few years.

This is not a big trouble for Yang Cheng, because in exchange for Zhao Lianghao’s nod, he took the initiative to give up the opportunity of absolute control, and only became the largest shareholder of Korean Air with a controlling ratio of 37.5%, but The right to operate is still in the hands of the Zhao family.

No matter how many absurd things Zhao Lianghao has done, at least his contribution to Korean Air operations is indelible. Yang Cheng and Delta Air Lines also recognize his management ability during his tenure.

This is also true. Since Delta Air Lines took a stake in Korean Air, Korean Air’s performance has grown rapidly. At the same time, due to the replacement of a brand-new fleet, it has once again expanded its share of the domestic market with its old rival Asiana. Air distance.

It can be said that without this incident, Korean Air's future is still bright.

But sometimes fate is so helpless, Zhao Lianghao has an incurable disease, and the rest of the time is lying in the hospital bed and waiting to die, and the future of Korean Air is also cast a shadow.

Count on those unfilial children of the Zhao family?

Hehe, Yang Cheng is not crazy yet~

Including the management of Delta Air Lines, it has always believed that Korean Air will either become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delta Air Lines and be directly managed by Delta Air Lines, or hire professional managers from South Korea to clean up the board of directors and shareholders. On the road, in short, you can't let the prodigal sons of the Zhao family and defeat Korean Air's inexhaustible family background!

Now Zhao Lianghao himself is still recuperating in South Korea, but the other party has plans to come to Los Angeles for medical treatment, which gives Delta a chance to operate. As long as Zhao Lianghao is not at home, he will not be able to overcome any trouble with those prodigal sons.

After receiving the news, Yang Cheng made a decisive decision to go to South Korea. One is to completely solve the hidden dangers of Korean Air, and the other is to look at his layout in South Korea. Seeing that the end of the year is coming, the mission issued by the 13 club is also time. Time to conclude~

Flying with him to South Korea is also a Korean-American named Zhao Shangxi. He is the vice president of Delta Air Lines senior management who is specifically responsible for connecting Korean Air and the peninsula business.

Sending him to follow Yang Cheng to South Korea this time was also an opportunity he took the initiative to seize. Instead of hiring an external CEO, he should select from the inside. At least he knows his roots. Moreover, Zhao Sangxi’s American identity is also a big advantage. At least the probability of eating outside is relatively higher. low.

This time, Yang Cheng flew to South Korea on the "Xinyuanshan" at home. It was also because there were a lot of people. In addition to Zhao Shangxi and his assistants, he also had his own team of assistants. Susu and Liu Junyu also went there together, plus On the bodyguard team, his Jason really can't fit so many people~.

At that time, when designing the Xinyuanshan, it took business needs into consideration and specifically requested Boeing to refit a small meeting room. At this time, Zhao Shangxi could not hide his excitement in the luxurious and modern air meeting room.

What does it mean to be able to board a private jet of a big boss? Trust! There is still a chance to soar into the sky! When he first got on the plane, he took the initiative to ask to see the plane, and Yang Cheng would naturally not refuse.

During the visit, he was thinking, how good would such a luxurious plane be his own? At that time, we must hire two beautiful flight attendants to communicate each other's lives in the air.

Well, he thinks too much, but the strong Zhao Shangxi will never allow himself to make a mistake at such a major moment, so he has made sufficient preparations before he sets off.

For example, to ask colleagues who know the boss’s preferences, even the people around the boss, such as Su Su and Liu Junyu, have a detailed understanding of him. Before the boss comes, he is ready to fight with the boss’ chief assistant. relationship.

From the perspective of ordinary people, Zhao Shangxi is an attractive man, the golden age of 30 years or less than 40, and the face that has undergone minor surgery. At first glance, he looks like a typical Korean handsome guy, but compared to the pure stick style. Zhao Shangxi is more wild and American.

He is keen on fitness, and he does not hesitate to show his good figure, regardless of time and place.

Moreover, as the vice president of Delta Air Lines, the annual salary is not low, and there is a generous equity bonus every year, which is completely set by the gold collar in the TV series.

But in Su Su’s eyes, this person is a little hypocritical. Whether it’s a smirk at the meeting or at this moment, Susu feels a little disgusted if she is courteous, but the other party did not do anything excessive, she also It's hard to be treated coldly, she wants to open the window to let her breath out, but the plane doesn't allow it~

"Miss Susu, is the boss busy?" Zhao Shangxi faced Susu and Liu Junyu from the angle he thought was the most handsome. Outsiders looked tired in that posture, but he was content.

Susu did not look up, pretending to be sorting out the information, and said, "Boss is calling~"

"Understand, a character like boss has everything to do, it's normal to be busy~"

This kind of nutritious answer began again, and Susu touched Liu Junyu's leg under the table.

Liu Junyu concealed his mouth and snickered, and touched it back. The result was that the two girls didn't listen to Zhao Shangxi at all, and they played the knockback game on their own.

The most embarrassing thing is Zhao Shangxi’s assistant, she also wants to get involved~

Fortunately, the embarrassment did not last long, Yang Cheng opened the door and said with a smile, "Let you wait a long time, what are you drinking? Relax, this is not a company~"

After the beautiful flight attendant brought a drink, Yang Cheng officially opened the meeting, "Mr. Zhao, you can talk about it first~"

Zhao Shangxi said with trepidation, "It's good for the boss to call me Shangxi, and my friends call me like that~"

Yang Cheng is speechless, doesn't this buddy know how old he is?

Forget it, let him, anyway, it's just a title, "Okay, Shangxi, come and talk about it~"

Zhao Sangxi cleared his throat and prepared to show off his strength. He received a document from the assistant, and after a glance, he said loudly, "Boss, first of all about Chairman Cho Yangho. I personally think that he is very important to the Korean civil aviation industry. The contribution is tangible, but it also affects the development of the Korean civil aviation industry from another level.

Because of the long-term dominance of Korean Air, even within the competent authority, there are a large number of "Korean-related". For example, Korean Air encourages tourists to go to Incheon Airport and then transit again, which prevents other local airports from growing. Opportunity;

People of the ‘Korean family’ have played an important role in this. They have also been affected by Korean Air’s strategy in the distribution of traffic rights and the development of local airports, hindering the development of other Korean airlines.

On the other hand, Zhao Lianghao's bad behaviors by his wife and daughter have also made Zhao Lianghao criticized by the outside world many times in recent years.

The most famous is the'Nuts Return' incident that occurred in 2014. At that time, Zhao Lianghao's eldest daughter, Zhao Xian'e, by the way, Zhao Xian'e was also the vice president of Korean Air. When she took her own flight from the United States back to Seoul, The nuts provided on the plane were unopened and placed on a plate. They were furious. After some insults, they took up the service manual and threw them on the flight attendants. They even forced the plane to return so that the flight attendant could get off the plane.

And the second daughter, Zhao Xianwen, the vice president in charge of Korean Air’s advertising and passenger marketing business, is also in a strong role. At the company meeting, because the advertising company staff failed to give a clear answer to Korean Air’s advertising business in the UK, she bottled The water hit the opponent's face.

Although after the incident, under pressure from all parties, Zhao Lianghao expelled the two sisters from the company's management together. However, the bad impact on Korean Air has been irreparable, and this is a manifestation of Zhao Liangho's failure in internal management.

We take this as the core and re-ignite the incident. First of all, we must make the public opinion form a situation of encirclement that Zhao Liangho must step down before we can proceed to the next step~"

Susu answered, "Boss, according to the news we have received, Zhao Liangho intends to let his son Zhao Yuantai take over his position and take charge of Korean Air."

Zhao Shangxi said at the right time, "Miss Susu is right. This is also something we can use, because Zhao Lianghao's son, Zhao Yuantai, is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

As early as 1999, he was involved in a hit-and-run case when he drove down a policeman. In 2005, he violently attacked a 77-year-old man due to a driving dispute.

It can be said that it is a bad sign. Let such a villain be the chairman or CEO of Korean Air. I am afraid that the Korean people are the first to disagree.

By the way, there is also Zhao Lianghao’s wife, Lee Myung Hee, who once insulted and assaulted private house decorators and other scandals. We will all be exposed one by one. As long as the group's anger arouses, we will take advantage of the trend and have a great chance of success. Increase~"

Yang Cheng tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, as if thinking about something.

Zhao Shangxi is in the mood at the moment, and wants to express himself, naturally he does not want the atmosphere to become silent.

Actively said, "We can unite with other major shareholders to request a general meeting of shareholders after public opinion builds up momentum. According to regulations, as long as the support of more than two-thirds of shareholders is not obtained, Zhao Lianghao must step down.

In fact, in terms of our shareholding ratio, as long as we speak up, even if he doesn't want to, he will have to step down, but it will be unspoken. "

Yang Cheng paused with his fingers, "Um~ talk about the current shareholding structure of Korean Air~"

This was supposed to be Susu’s work, but Zhao Shangxi snatched it by himself, looking at the information in his hand, and said, "Except for our Delta Air Lines holding 37.5%, the Zhao family holds 28% through Hanjin Group, and the Korean National Pension That is, the national pension fund holds 12%, and a private private equity fund holds 7%, Z Guodongfang Aviation holds 4.5%, and the remaining 10% is circulating in the market~"

After finishing speaking, I didn’t forget to add, “Dongfang Airlines is all the way with us. As long as we make a request, they will definitely support it. In addition, the private equity fund is also a target to win~”


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