Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1555: Quentin

(Are you surprised? Not surprised? This month is too busy, and I am ashamed of the 4000 daily change guarantee, taking advantage of the New Year holiday, try to change as much as possible, it is a small New Year gift, ╰(*°▽°*)╯ )

"Yeah, you know that I have a good relationship with his uncle. I used to go to Richard's private island for vacation."

Yang Cheng probably told the story again, and William's old face was full of absurdity.

"So, Leonardo sleeps with Kate, or is it still within the marriage period? Ned wants revenge, and honestly said that he would cause trouble for Leon, and you want me to come forward to reconcile?"

"You understand it completely correct, how? You and Leon also know each other."

William smiled and touched his bald head. "Man, Ned may not sell my face, it is mainly the hatred between the two parties, which can not be resolved by words."

Yang Cheng sighed. Of course he knew that as long as it was a man, he couldn't bear his wife being asleep.

"I can only pray for Leon."

. . .

After leaving William, he walked around the island for a short time before he found Xiao Li. This guy was still chatting with a certain face model unconsciously.

Yang Cheng looked so angry that he didn't rush to the eunuch. It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry. Bah, baah, your family is all eunuchs.

"Leon~" exclaimed angrily.

Xiao Lizi turned his head and saw that it was Yang Cheng. He immediately left the beauty and walked over and hugged him, "Man, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would be in big trouble."

It looks like this guy thought the matter was resolved.

Yang Cheng sighed, and finally decided to tell Xiao Lizi what Ned had said, no matter whether things would happen or not, at least let him be mentally prepared.

Xiao Lizi was dumbfounded, clutching his head as if he encountered Lao Lai's grievances, "Is he honest!"

"Are you crazy, sleeping with someone else's wife, and talking about honesty with them?" Yang Cheng said in an angry voice.

Little Lizi was crying, "Kate and I don't live in a day or two, you know she is my love~"

Yang Cheng felt cold, "Don't say it nicely, why didn't you marry her, my love?"

Xiao Lizi sneered, "We are the love that transcends friendship, but not love."

I’m too lazy to listen to this guy’s defense, "I don’t care what you like. I’ve done what I can do. As for Ned’s subsequent revenge, I can only say to help you stop it, but I can’t always Staring at you every moment, so pay attention to yourself."

"Anyway, thank you brother~ It's my greatest honor to know you." Xiao Lizi was rare and serious.

Therefore, Yang Cheng happily accepted his thanks.

"By the way, buddy, at Quentin’s party some time ago, he found me and hopes to cooperate with me again!" Little Lizi didn’t know if it was to thank Yang Cheng for his help, and suddenly mentioned Quentin Tarantino, the ruffian. director.

Yang Cheng frowned subconsciously when she heard this name. The talent of this scoundrel director is beyond doubt, but his style of behavior is really unpleasant. In the United States, what he loves about Quentin is true love, and what he hates is really annoying.

And many of his works that are considered to be amazing and talented are also considered to be grandstanding, but they just put the farce on the big screen.

Appraise this person by using a sentence from "Some Zhihu": he is the spokesperson of violent aesthetics, and the director of the B-level film with plasma flying indiscriminately. He is a soundtrack master with a unique taste and a morally corrupted'foot fetish' He is a movie genius with amazing creativity and a shameless **** who is plagiarism.

The genius director claimed that he would retire after making ten films. After careful calculation, once the project to find Xiao Lizi again is released, it will be his ninth film, and this is also the GC of film art in his mouth!

To tell the truth, aside from Quentin's personality, Yang Cheng still admires his talents.

He has a considerable number of iron fans all over the world. They are real iron fans. The kind of iron fans that idols are fragrant when they fart!

It stands to reason that this peculiar-looking big urchin should not become an idol-level figure, but because of his personality and talent, countless fans are overwhelmed by it.

The world is so unpredictable. As for his film talent, it is not entirely due to talent. It is also related to his early experience of working in a video store. Quentin watched a large number of movies at that time, and it is said that there are totally 20,000. Many of them, Xiangjiang movies, Western movies, and B-rated movies occupy a lot of his time. Therefore, in his works, he can clearly find out how much the film reading experience had had on his later film creation.

Even since then, there may have been such a seed that has grown wildly in Quentin’s heart. The huge amount of film reading has become Quentin’s energy reserve, which eventually burst out, forming his unique film aesthetics. It also created the "usage doctrine" that Quentin had always believed in, and also created his unique attributes. In this era, it seems that there is no genius director as cheeky as him.

Moreover, Quentin has a profound western film plot. He was greatly influenced by the Italian master director Sergio Leone. Many classic elements were transplanted into his own movies by Quentin. Leon’s western film is called " “Macaroni Westerns”, while Quentin’s Westerns are “tuberculosis Westerns”, or “destructive Westerns.” In most cases, Quentin’s Westerns do not have the ability to treat the western world, characters and Any deconstruction of historical background is just pure destruction.

In fact, this theory also applies to Quentin’s gangster movies, and even all of his movies.

Quentin likes to molest the audience in movies. He is passionate about subverting people's inherent thinking about movies, breaking the conventional pattern, making the audience unexpected, and directly leading to the devastating collapse of the audience's three views!

Those seemingly well-thought-out designs are often artificially out of control under the game of balance of power and capacity of several parties.

In Xiao Lizi’s first cooperation with Quentin in "The Rescued Jiang Ge", it is not Quentin’s law that the usual slave tradesmen and slaves’ grievances with virtue are not Quentin’s law. In his eyes, only violence can eliminate all grievances. When the character Bloom Hilda plugged his ears with two index fingers, all the grievances disappeared with a loud bang.

The excitement brought to the audience by that scene is unprecedented. Isn't watching a movie just for fun?

Also because of this film, Quentin won the Best Original Screenplay at the 85th Academy Awards. Among them, Christopher Waltz won the best supporting actor for this film. As for other awards, nominations are unnecessary. For Quentin, failing to win the prize means failure.

This style has been continued by him, especially in his eighth film "The Hateful Eight", Quentin will show the "All Die" style more thoroughly. Among them are the group scenes in the tavern and the audience familiar with Hong Kong movies. , A keen insight that Quentin borrowed the dramatic elements of "The Dragon Inn" to a large extent in this film.

And in Quentin’s only World War II movie, Quentin not only made the hero and heroine kill each other, shot each other with guns, and even changed history, he invited Uncle Xi into the cinema, together with his staff. , This extremely capricious director has constructed a world of his own in his movie, instead of letting the attitude of following historical facts disturb his own Yaxing, all the good things are dead, let alone Uncle Xi, God is no exception!

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