Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1515: Zhongyue Mixed

Conrad smiled triumphantly, "You really have to ask you to get this character."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "What role?"

"You and Disney jointly invested in "Mulan""

The words Hua Mulan seemed to be chewed thousands of times in Conrad's mouth, and it sounded awkward.

"Mulan? You don't want a heroine, do you?" Yang Cheng was unhappy in his heart. What is this Conrad doing? Want to grab a role with yourself?

Conrad opened his hand, "Of course, otherwise why should I speak to you."

Yang Cheng shook his head repeatedly, "No, this role has already been chosen, it is my woman."

Conrad also seemed surprised. Is his news out of date?

"The heroine candidate has been determined?"

"Yes~ I have already said hello to Disney. If nothing else, the audition is just a process."

After a pause, he added, "And you have to understand the particularity of this role. It must be played by Chinese, or at least Asian. It is impossible for a white person to play the role of an ancient chivalrous woman in Z. It will be sprayed. Shit!"

Conrad shook his head helplessly, "Of course I know this. In fact, the man I just met is Asian, but she seems to be of southern descent."

Yang Cheng looked at Conrad with a look of idiot, "That's even more impossible, my God, let a Yuenan man interpret Hua Mulan, and fans of Country Z can blow up Disneyland."

Conrad gave a wry smile, "Well, I admit, I made it simple."

Then he said, "This is not easy, I have promised her~"

Yang Cheng snickered, "It deserves it. You deserve it. If you don't figure out the situation, you just promised indiscriminately."

As soon as the voice fell, Conrad did not expect to play a rogue, "No, jason, you can't die without saving, I and Xana are true love, you have to help me."

Yang Cheng was like seeing a ghost, "What? True love? How much is your true love worth? Don’t be kidding Conrad, she is definitely one of your countless true love exes, by the way, what’s her name? Xana? This name is really awkward."

"I don't care, you have to help me with this, jason, you have to understand, I am not young anymore, maybe Xana is the woman who accompanied me into the marriage hall."

Yang Cheng still didn't get the set, "Don't talk, the last woman, you told me the same."

Conradra is holding Yang Cheng in a posture of not letting you go if you don't agree.

It made Yang Cheng's head full of black lines, and finally reluctantly said, "OK, I can only say to help as much as possible, so let's call someone over and see if it's suitable, I can consider asking her for a role. Heavier supporting role."

Conrad accepts it when he sees it, and immediately said, "No problem, she is nearby. I'll call her to come over, wait a moment."

Yang Cheng was speechless, co-authoring this set up and waiting for herself to jump in.

There is really no way to meet such a bad friend, this guy is still his uncle by seniority.

The two walked back along the footprints. Ten minutes later, they saw an Asian girl in a black leather coat, looking forward to her. The healthy wheat-colored skin highlighted her toned figure.

But after approaching and seeing her looks, Yang Cheng is really hard to say anything. How can I say it is an oriental beauty from a typical Western perspective, with single eyelids, small eyes, a square face, and a mole under the corner of the right eye. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of Orientals.

However, in the eyes of Conrad, I am afraid this is the same beauty as Empress Gong.

"Introduce you, this is xanatang, xana, this is the new era media boss jason Yang that my brother you mentioned."

Conrad gave a quick introduction, and the two knew each other.

Xana is very cautious, but she speaks very cheerfully. She seems to have grown up abroad, and her English has a slightly Australian accent.

"Xana, Conrad told me about your situation just now, but I don't know much. Can you elaborate on it? For example, are you good at Chinese?"

Although Yang Cheng is not a professional casting director, she still knows the actor conditions required for Hua Mulan’s film. For example, there will be a lot of fights during the shooting process. The actors may not be able to, but they must be trained, and You can't use doubles hypocritically. Of course, speaking Chinese is also one of the necessary conditions.

Originally, he wanted to use this condition to force the other party to retreat. Who would have thought that Xana would say, "I am a mixed-race of Zhongyue, and I can speak Cantonese proficiently. Mandarin may not be fluent, but I am learning."

This surprised Yang Cheng, who turned out to be a mixed race of Zhongyue?

Change to Mandarin and say, "Can you really speak Chinese?"

After a little hesitation, Xana replied in jerky but fairly standard Mandarin, "Yes, I can speak a little bit, not as fluent as Cantonese."

Yang Orange nodded and switched back to English, "That's enough, your English is good, and the basic conditions are met, I can give you a chance."

Conrad smiled satisfied, "Look, I said Jason can help."

Yang Cheng gave him a white glance, "The ugly words are ahead, don't expect me to get the role directly, after all, this is a Disney-led I can only guarantee that she will get a fair audition opportunity.

Of course, if you have a way to work on Disney, you will be more certain. "

Conrad understands this truth, "Don't worry, I will also ask someone to say hello over there. The heroine can't be taken down. The role of an important heroine is not a big problem."

Yang Cheng shrugged and didn't speak any more, if it weren't for Conrad to speak, he wouldn't want to waste this effort.

But this was just an episode, and Yang Cheng didn't care too much.

Seeing two dog men and women whose age difference is comparable to women's dog food spreading dog food in front of them, Yang Cheng couldn't bear to look straight, and under repeated urging, finally let Conrad send the people away and return to Koch Manor.

On the way, Conrad was still complaining, "You are too incomprehensible."

Yang Cheng said angrily, "I am a guest, okay? Have you ever seen anyone who left a guest aside and went to fall in love with his girlfriend?"

Conrad was not ashamed but proud, "You see it now, don't you?"

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Charles coming down the stairs, taking a short nap, and feeling much better.

"I'm sorry Jason, I'm old, and I can't keep up with my mental or physical strength."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't mind Charles, I am not an outsider."

This is a pun. After Charles was stunned, he nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, you are not an outsider, so I won't be polite to you.

Go, sit in the garden and have a cup of coffee. "

Just after drinking tea and coffee, Yang Cheng resisted the sneer and didn't complain.

After dinner, Yang Cheng left and took a helicopter back to Manhattan with Conrad. Of course, he was going to hang out with his little girlfriend Yuenan, while Yang Cheng had to go home. He needed to tell his father his decision.


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