Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1471: Looking for black whistle

In fact, Yang Cheng knows that his father is right. LeBron’s victory is in the league’s current interests. If other teams become victims, Yang Cheng will definitely not fight against them.

But it happened to me, and I couldn't hide it. It was so unlucky, where could I go about it?

Anyway, Yang Cheng couldn't find a place for him to show the facts and reason. Besides, if the reason could be explained, the world would have been peaceful long ago!

Therefore, you must not be soft when it comes to hands!

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that there was a referee who collected black money, who once stood up and broke the shady scene, what was his name?

Shouted in the direction of the theater, "Old John? Old John?"

Old John hurried out, "I'm here~"

"Do you remember an NBA referee who was involved in gambling and was exposed? He later stood up and exposed a lot of inside information?"

Old John remembered for a moment, then slowly nodded, "There is such a person, it seems to be Donaghy~"

As the memories deepened, Old John affirmed, “Yes, it’s Donaghy. He used to serve as a referee in the NBA for 13 years and suffered 15 months in prison for violating the gambling regulations.”

Yang Cheng pressed his fist, "It is him, find a way to find him, let him stand up and guide the league to control the public opinion of the game through the referee."

Yang Sen interrupted, "Wait, what's the situation with Donaghy?"

Old John helped explain, "After he was released from prison, in an interview with the media, he took the initiative to break the news about the Heat's comeback of the Mavericks in the 2006 Finals.

According to him, the Mavericks of that year had the most championship background, and it can even be said that the Mavericks of that year were the strongest Mavericks team in history, but in the first two games of the finals it was 2:0 or even the third game. After being reversed by the Heat while still leading the first three quarters, he lost the championship after losing four games in a row.

Donaghy broke the news that the NBA referee at the time had always disliked Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, personal factors and interference from the league, so the Mavericks suffered a lot of unfair treatment in the finals that year. "

Yang Cheng also recalled the scene at the time. He was deeply impressed in the finals that year. "I still remember that in the third game, Wade God led the Heat to reverse the victory, and then the fifth game. In the Battle of Tianwang Mountain, Wade broke through the penalty area and naturally scored a lot of free throws. In that time, Wade made 25 free throws without 30, which is unimaginable!

And in the most important sixth game, Wade scored 21 free throws again. At that time, many people felt that Wade's treatment was about to catch up with Jordan's. No, maybe better than Jordan's treatment. The opponent players dare to use their own. The mother swears that she was fouled if she didn't even touch Wade's clothes. "

Old John continued, "That's it. According to Donaghy's revelations, this is exactly the result of the NBA's desire to extend the series. If the Mavericks can easily sweep and win the championship, the NBA will lose a lot of income.

Thinking about it now, we do not deny the abilities of Wade and O'Neal, but being able to face the Mavericks in four consecutive games is really incredible. "

Yang Cheng snorted coldly, "If it is true, then it can definitely be called a miracle, but there is no miracle in this world after all, everything is the result of human interference."

I don’t know when, Liu Yun joined the conversation, and was addicted to listening to the story, and suddenly asked, "What else? What other cases?"

Old John hesitated for a moment, "I can't remember, but Donaghy seems to have also revealed the unfair treatment of Yao Ming by the league.

At that time, the NBA officials directly ordered the referee to pay more attention to Yao Ming’s screen fouls and inside moves. "

Although Liu Yun didn't understand basketball, as a Chinese, Yao Ming couldn't possibly not know each other. That's why she was particularly surprised, "There is such a thing? Isn't this a clear target?"

For Yao Ming, Yang Cheng's impression is even deeper. The only time Yao Ming, who has always been good-tempered, smashed a towel on the bench to express his dissatisfaction with the penalty was because of moving cover.

And that game, precisely in the 2005 playoffs against the Mavericks, Yao Ming was frequently whistled for screen fouls, which directly caused the Rockets to be dragged into the tie-break by the Mavericks with a 2-0 lead. Drop the game.

The most annoying was that in a regular season with the Spurs, Yao Ming received four fouls in just 13 minutes after his appearance. It is conceivable that if Yao Ming had not suffered these unfair treatments, coupled with his comprehensive skills and super high free throws. In terms of shooting percentage, Yao Ming's achievements in the NBA will definitely be even greater, at least not at the end of his career, to barely break the curse of the first round of the playoffs.

Yang Cheng again commanded, "Old John, you find a way to find Donaghy and let him accept our interview. Regarding the NBA's use of referees to interfere with the game process, whatever he says, it is best to point the finger at Adam Silver. .

This is an opportunity to make him famous and make money, he will not miss it. "

"I'm going now~"

. . . . . .

Because of Yang Cheng’s intervention, the game did not end, and there was an uproar on the Internet. The fans’ eyes were discerning. A fool could see such obvious signs of human intervention. How could it be concealed by a glaring senior fan?

"Look, what am I talking about? The league is involved in the game again, and the NBA has always been clean!"

"No, this is not the game we want to see, we need a fair and fierce contest~"

"Sure enough, LeBron will only rely on the referee in addition to reporting to the group!" This one looks like Zhanhei!

"LeBron championship, are you blind? He fouled by his strength!" Jamie expressed dissatisfaction~

"Naive, the Nets have just risen this year. It will take a few years to win the championship. How many years have the Cleveland Cavaliers been through. Even if it is seniority, it is the Cavaliers' turn to win the championship~"

"Poor Dwyane, poor Chris, poor Nets~"

"Oh my God, I can't believe it, this is the Eastern Conference Finals. There will be situations where the referee will dominate the game. It's disgusting~"

"This is just the beginning, believe me, the finals will be darker than it is now~"

. . . . . .

The comments of netizens are strange, and some don’t know if it’s to be famous, but they support Xiao Hua because he made $100 in gambling.

Yang Cheng ignored the comments on the Internet for the time being. Anyway, someone was guiding him and he should not be able to overturn the car.

However, Adam Silver is indeed not a vegetarian. Since he dared to risk the world, it means that he is ready to deal with everything.

At the end of the game, Adam Xiao Hua sat in his office and smiled with satisfaction. Manipulating the game is like manipulating life, with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

At this time, his secretary was reporting the situation online nervously.

"Boss, should we contact the media and ask them to help suppress comments?"

Adam Silver touched his big bald head calmly, with a hypocritical smile on his face, "What is the hurry? The Nets are not allowed to vent their dissatisfaction because of injustice?"

The secretary was a little confused, "Is this the Nets action?"

"Yes, didn't you find where these condemning comments on the Internet originally came from? Headline app! The Nets owner's company." Adam Xiao Hua said with a look of Zhizhu in his hand, and said God.

"Then we really do nothing? If we continue to let it go, public opinion will be very detrimental to us."

The secretary and Xiao Hua were on the same boat, and she was killed when the boat capsized, so she had to worry about the future.

Obviously in the secretary's mind, the Nets bosses are not good, they must be cautious.

Who would have thought that Xiao Hua disapproved, "What is the urgency? The more anxious we are now to cover up, the easier it is to be caught by others, which instead confirms our evidence of interference in the game.

On the contrary, we don't do anything, let the waves set off on the Internet, and no one can do anything about us. After a long time, this matter will naturally be forgotten, and the fans will not hold on to a game. "

After a pause, Xiao Hua's pen lightly tapped the tabletop, and said inexplicably, "Moreover, when the results of the next game are released, I believe the Nets will never hold on again, on the contrary, I will be grateful. we."

The secretary remembered Xiao Hua’s arrangements before, and felt quite settled, and could not help but flatter, "The boss is wise~"

Xiao Hua chuckled, "When did your mouth become so sweet?"

Pause for a while, and smile, "But you are right to remind me. I can't be completely inactive. At least I have to calm down the injured heart of the The secretary immediately said, "What do I need to do? "

Xiao Hua thought, "Help me make an appointment with Nets owner Jason Yang, saying that I have a good bottle of red wine, and I want to invite him to help tasting it. It's about tomorrow afternoon."


. . .

Outsiders didn't know about the conversations that took place in Xiao Hua's office. Yang Cheng kept making calls and was full of revenge. This tone must come out.

Conrad called back just now, saying that he has made appointments with several team owners, including the Heat, and will discuss the removal of Xiao Hua!

Yang Cheng said that if the time is right, he will also participate~

Liu Yun cared, "Drinking and saying so much, my throat shouldn't stand it anymore."

Yang Cheng did feel that her throat was about to smoke, nodded, and asked the servant to pour him a glass of ice water and drank it all in one go.

"Hoo~ cool~"

"Don't worry, things have to be done little by little. After all, Adam Silver relies on the entire alliance. It is more difficult to crucify him at once, especially now, he will definitely be more vigilant."

Yang Cheng nodded with a sullen face, "I understand, I know that some bosses are dissatisfied with Xiao Hua, but in the past few years he has been on the stage, he has also attracted a few hard-core allies, and he is not as easy to deal with as he imagined."

"If you can understand this, I'm relieved. Okay, it's not early. I'll go to rest with your mother first." Yang Sen slapped his old waist and stood up, yawning.

Yang Cheng was pretending to have something in her heart, the anger in her chest was still burning, she couldn't sleep at all, and she reluctantly smiled and said, "Good night, don't worry about me~"

Watching his parents go upstairs, Yang Cheng stood there for a long time, and finally changed his clothes and went out. He really couldn't stay at home at ease. He needed to divert his attention and vent!


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