Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1389: Relocation of West Coast Headquarters

   Eddie’s bitter smile flickered, "Yes, I have confidence."

   Yang Cheng’s gossip fire ignited instantly. Obviously, Eddie and Marjorie had a story they had to tell.

   Seeing Yang Cheng's ambiguous expression, Eddie exclaimed helplessly, "ohjesus, boss, we did have a period, but we broke up peacefully, OK?"

   What can Yang Cheng say, she can only smile and say, "OK, OK, then leave this to you."

  . . .

After    sent Eddie away, Yang Cheng kept calling Wang Yitong who was far away in the UK, "boss~"

   It seems that Wang Yitong quickly entered the role.

   "I'm sorry, because the RB side is more urgent, so I can't hold the induction ceremony for you for the time being."

  Wang Yitong thought, "I will book a ticket to RB now."

   Yang Cheng still loves the general who just joined, and directly said, "You don't need to book a ticket. We have our own aircraft leasing company. I will arrange a business jet to pick you up. Someone will contact you later."

   "Thank you boss~"

  . . .

   During this busy day, the coffee was cold and there was no time to take a sip, so I had to ask Su Su to come in and pour it out and change it to a hot cup.

   After only two sips, Ryze, who had just left, returned again.

   After knocking on the door and coming in, Yang Cheng pointed to the seat, "What's the matter?"

  Ryze didn't sit down either, but just stood at the table and said, "I forgot to say it just now. The'Greek Eagle' has sent someone to contact us."

   Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "How much did they pay to come in?"

   "50 million~"

   "50 million?" Yang Cheng was surprised. He checked that there were only less than 20 million left in the "Greek Eagle". Where did the extra 30 million come from?

   Zip your own money?

   Yang Cheng's face gradually became solemn, "Which bank account did this money go?"

  Ritz immediately said, "An offshore account in Singapore, a small bank."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Don’t go back to the United States for this money, just move around in Asia. Just find a RB or a goal in Korea, make a small profit, and then go back the same way. Just keep it within 5 months."

   "I know what to do. Besides, about our relocation to the West Coast headquarters of New Times Media?" Ryze tentatively asked.

   "Are you still thinking about that piece of land?" Yang Cheng was speechless.

  Ritz nodded, "I think the relocation of the West Coast headquarters is imperative, and Los Angeles only needs to leave the New Age Film and Newspaper and Media branch."

   "I know that the advantages of the Bay Area are not comparable to those of Los Angeles, but you have to consider it clearly that our employees have just adapted to life in Los Angeles, and now they are suddenly asked to relocate to San Francisco with the company and their families. Will they agree?"

  Ritz hesitated, and then firmly said, "Boss, you always say that long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. I think that in the early days of the company's establishment, it was a period of continuous exploration. During this period, we should bear all losses."

   Yang Cheng sighed. It seems that Ryze is determined. He rarely sees one thing so firm. He is always his CEO and has to hesitate to think about him.

   "Have you discussed with Eddie?"

  Ritz emphasized his head. "Eddie also agrees with this suggestion. The Toutiao app should be born in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, where Internet companies should stay.

  Moreover, through the West Coast headquarters, we can directly radiate across the Pacific Ocean, just like the New York headquarters radiates Europe. "

   "But that piece of land is too big, 18 acres, just to build a headquarters, so much use?"

  Ritz said righteously, "Boss, Apple’s new headquarters is planned to be 2.8 million square feet."

   Yang Cheng has a black line, "You also know that they are Apple, and that is their global headquarters. If you can bring New Times Media to a market value of nearly one trillion dollars, I will allow you to build a headquarters the same size."

  Ritz sneered, "This is just an example. What I want to say is that 18 acres is really not that big. Don't forget that there are green areas."

   Yang Cheng said that. The last reason was killed. What else could he say, he could only agree.

   "Well, you won, but the design of the new headquarters should be given to my fiancee. This is her profession."

  Why don't the fertilizer and water flow to outsiders' fields? Yang Cheng won't make outsiders in vain.

  Ritz shook a fist. As for who the design work was assigned to, he didn't care at all, "No problem, you are the boss~"

   Yang Cheng smiled and cursed, "You still know that I am the boss, go quickly, don't let me see you in a short time."

  Ryze certainly knows that this is the boss joking, and this is also an expression of closeness.

   After sending away this plague who knew to trouble him, Yang Cheng started to have a headache. Why did Yang Cheng tell his dad that a scolding is inevitable. If he had already mentioned the project on that piece of land on the company's schedule, it would be troublesome.

   Thinking of this, he quickly dialed Dad’s cell phone.

   "Hey, tell me if you have something, I'm waiting for the meeting."

   Yang Cheng originally organized the wording, mainly a bunch of bullshit, which was useless at all, and was blocked by his father.

   "Well, that's it. The CEO of our company, Ryze Khan, who used to be your capable man, just suggested that I relocate to the West Coast headquarters."

   Yang Sen said, "So what?"

   Yang Cheng rubbed his hands, "So, I need your help."

   "No money!" Yang Sen replied bluntly.

   Yang Cheng was embarrassed, "I'm not short of money, it's not about money."

   "What's the matter? Hurry up~"

   "It's ~ that ~ the land that I promised you before, the land in Fremont, San Francisco. You haven't approved the project yet?"

   "Oh, not yet, that piece of land do you want to build a headquarters? Is it too big?"

   Yang Cheng said in his heart that he was the father and son, and they thought exactly the same, "I said the same thing, but Ryze took Apple’s new headquarters as an example and left me speechless."

   Yang Sen smiled, "This Indian has broken his studies, okay, you can send someone to take away the formalities of that piece of land."

   "Go, dad, you're interesting~"

   "Don't bleat, do you go home for dinner at night?"

   "Back, of course back~"

   "OK, I'm not talking anymore, I still have a meeting~"

  Pattered on the phone, Yang Cheng was not depressed anymore. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

   Holding the slightly hot mobile phone, Yang Cheng called Luo Yue again, wanting to tell her the good news. After all, the incident made the two of them a little embarrassed last time, so it happened to take this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to offer Buddha.

   "Dear little wife, are you busy?" Yang Cheng said cheaply as soon as the phone was connected.

   Luo Yue sneered, "Heh~ I am a little wife, who is the big wife?"

   Yang Cheng was startled, and couldn't wait to lick his own mouth, and hurried to find a make up, "Oh, I am not a bald mouth, my wife, forgive me, you know I didn't mean that."

   Luo Yue chuckled lightly, "Glib tongue, spare your life, I have something to say, am I busy?"

   Yang Cheng wants to cry without tears, he is the only idler who co-authors? Why do you call anyone with this sentence?

But he did not dare to talk nonsense, and immediately said, "That's right. My CEO suggested that I relocate to the West Coast headquarters. After careful consideration, I agreed to the plan. The land has been found. Now I am waiting for you, Luo Da, the designer to show his talents. , Design a great and beautiful West Coast headquarters for us!

   Set a small goal to exceed Apple’s new headquarters. "

   Luo Yue laughed and scolded, "Go away, it's more than Apple's new headquarters, and the area is not large."

   Yang Cheng said to pieces, "Little Niangpi, I'm so courageous, dare to let the little master get out?"

   is through the phone, there is no way for this girl to see what Optimus One Pillar is, and cover the sky!

   呸 呸 呸, what is this, Yang Cheng shook her head fiercely, and dismissed her distracting thoughts, "Just kidding, you are serious, can you take this matter?"

   "Of course, who would disagree with such a good thing? Let our colleagues in the company sign the contract afterwards."

   "No no, my dear, you have misunderstood, I am entrusting you personally for this design work, not your company."

   Luo Yue quickly pushed back, "I can't do it. How can I complete such a large amount of work by myself? No, no, if you can't trust our company's capabilities, you should just go to the formal process to bid?"

   "I said you can do it, you have to do it, dear, be confident, don't you still trust your professional level?"

   Luo Yue was dissatisfied, "These are two different things. Of course, my professional level is fine, but this is not a simple drawing. No one has ever been busy with such a large project. There must be a team."

   Yang Cheng said indifferently, "Then you can form a team, just take this opportunity to come out and do it alone, just to use this project to practice hands, run the team, it is a good start.

   As for the future, you don’t have to worry about no projects. There are countless projects under Yuanshan Capital waiting to start. Which one does not require a professional designer? "

   Luo Yue is not the first time I heard Yang Cheng say As early as when the two of them had just determined their relationship, Yang Cheng thought of letting her go out alone.

  Recalling the old things, Luo Yue's reaction was similar to that at the time, heartbeat, but he didn't dare to act. After all, being a boss and being an ordinary designer are completely different things.

   Luo Yue said pitifully, "Let me think about it, can you? You have assigned me so many tasks at once, how can I finish it?"

   Yang Cheng laughed, "I'm talking the same as the landlord who exploited you."

   Luo Yue replied fiercely, "It's exploitation, and let me take charge of charity work, and now I am encouraged to go out and do it alone, saying, what do you intend to do?"

  Yang Cheng was happy to make such innocent jokes with his fiancee, "What do you say? Hahaha, you will die, you will be my wife again in this life and have to make money to support my family!"

   "Hehehe~ nonsense, okay, I really have something to do. Let me think about it for a few days before I give you an official answer."

"No problem, there is time, it really doesn’t work. Didn’t I say it before? You can take your good girlfriend out and do it alone. By then, she will become a partner. You two will be partners. Don’t worry about the embarrassment between your girlfriends. ."

   Luo Yue still agreed, but she agreed with Yang Cheng's approach, "I talked to Manman, she did have intentions! I will ask again~"


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